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    “He was only afraid of the adults around him and avoided them, but he never showed any aggressive tendencies. Since society was filled with prejudice and hatred toward transcendents, most of the center’s staff had a high-handed attitude toward both Haejoo and the other detainees. The center’s staff would probably claim that all detainees were aggressive by nature. But Haejoo was a kind and innocent child. He couldn’t even kill a single ant.”


    Yeo-jin recalled how Haejoo used to sigh, saying his heart would race and his breath would catch whenever he thought about his teacher. But he forced the thought out of his mind.

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    The officer asked Yeo-jin another question.

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    “What do you mean by ‘misconceptions about transcendents’?”


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    Deputy Director Im shot him a sharp glare, silently threatening him. On the way here, she had repeatedly begged Yeo-jin to watch his words.


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    “It means the one-dimensional mindset that assumes all transcendents are aggressive and destructive villains. But not all transcendents are like that. They’re people just like us, and in a way, they’re victims too. It’s not like they became transcendents by choice.”


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    The generals listening erupted in anger.


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    “Hey! What the hell is this? How can someone with such rotten ideas be working in a national facility?”


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    “Isn’t he a dangerous individual? Get him out of here immediately!”


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    “Who put this bastard in the center?”


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    The high-ranking officers pointed fingers at Yeo-jin, raising their voices. It seemed like they were ready to throw a water bottle at him, but Yeojin stood calmly, unfazed. He was used to being criticized like this.


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    Deputy Director Im clenched her teeth tightly and trembled as she squeezed her eyes shut. That idiot. That lunatic. She was probably cursing him out in her head.


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    “I apologize. May we continue the meeting?”


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    The officer calmed the atmosphere in the room. Once the commotion died down, the moderator turned back to Yeo-jin and spoke again.


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    “According to testimonies from the soldiers on site, Seo Haejoo suddenly became agitated and manifested his abilities.”


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    “Did they not mention that their excessive use of force was the cause?”


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    The officer’s thick eyebrows twitched.


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    “That day was Haejoo’s birthday. We were throwing him a birthday party when suddenly, heavily armed soldiers barged in, pointing their guns at us. Haejoo flinched in fear, and they mercilessly beat him for simply moving. They even aimed their guns at me and assaulted me when I tried to protest. Haejoo used his powers to save me. If the soldiers hadn’t resorted to such excessive force in the first place, none of this would have happened.”


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    If they hadn’t laid their hands on Yeo-jin, things might have been different. Haejoo had remained still when he was being beaten, but the moment Yeo-jin was attacked, he activated his abilities.


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    He used his strength to save Yeo-jin—not for his own safety, but for someone else’s.


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    “The guns provided to soldiers to protect the nation were instead pointed at civilians. Isn’t that the real issue here? Since when did this country’s laws allow for such actions? Blaming Haejoo entirely for this incident doesn’t make sense when it was the soldiers who provoked it in the first place!”


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    “Mr. Min Yeo-jin, please calm down.”


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    Startled by Yeo-jin’s emotional outburst, the officer attempted to pacify him. Deputy Minister Hwang, however, jabbed a finger in Yeo-jin’s direction and shouted furiously.


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    “Hey, Min Yeo-jin! Are you colluding with the rebels?”


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    Now they were accusing him of siding with the rebels? It was so absurd that he couldn’t even laugh. Yeo-jin didn’t hold back and fired back at the minister.


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    “On what grounds are you making such accusations? I’m an ordinary citizen, not a transcendent—why would I conspire with the rebels?”


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    “I checked your personnel records. Apparently, you’ve always taken their side. You even gathered with other lunatics like yourself online to spout nonsense about how ‘transcendents are people too,’ how ‘they deserve human rights,’ and how ‘all people are equal.’ You were even at that protest at Seoul Station recently, weren’t you?”


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    Yeo-jin pressed his temples as his still-healing head throbbed with pain. He had hoped that not everyone in the upper ranks of the National Security Bureau was a hard-headed fool, but the deputy minister himself was already proving otherwise.


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    “Hey! Where is Seo Haejoo right now?”


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    Deputy Minister Hwang suddenly shot up from his seat, his face flushed red. Actually, his face had been bright red from the moment he walked into the conference room. He was rumored to be a heavy drinker—had he not sobered up from last night’s drinking?


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    Even so, this was going too far. The others around him tried to calm him down, but he was beyond reasoning.


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    “Take him away for interrogation immediately! Doesn’t it seem like he’s the one who helped Seo Haejoo escape?”


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    Just as Yeo-jin was about to throw everything to the wind, ready to be dragged off to an interrogation room or even a detention center, a soldier suddenly burst through the conference room door.


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    “Deputy Minister!”


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    “Who the hell do you think you are? No one is allowed to enter during a meeting!”


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    Hwang’s secretary stepped in, trying to stop the soldier who had rushed in.


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    “This is urgent news. Since all meeting attendees had to surrender their phones upon entry, there was no other way to reach you. I apologize!”


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    Hearing this, Deputy Minister Hwang turned directly to the soldier and asked,


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    “What is it?”


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    The soldier quickly moved closer and whispered something into Hwang’s ear. His eyes widened as if they were about to pop out of his skull. It was clearly serious news.


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    With a grim expression, Hwang scanned the room before speaking.


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    “There’s nothing more to report, right? Then this meeting is over. Deploy all our units immediately—find Seo Haejoo and bring him in. If capturing him alive isn’t possible, kill him on sight.”


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    Yeo-jin shouted.


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    “Deputy Minister!”


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    “Min Yeojin!”


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    At the same time, Deputy Director Im also called out Yeo-jin’s name. Her face had gone rigid with tension as she looked at him.


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    Deputy Minister Hwang blinked in disbelief, glancing between Yeo-jin and Im as if trying to make sense of their reactions.


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    “What the hell is wrong with both of you? Fine, take that one too and interrogate him.”


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    “Deputy Minister, I’ve observed Mr. Min for a long time, and I know him well. He may have unorthodox views, but he is an incredibly diligent and upright person. When no doctors were willing to volunteer at our center, he stepped in, and we were so grateful for his help.”


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    Deputy Director Im pleaded earnestly, but Deputy Minister Hwang simply gestured with his chin to the military police.


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    “What are you waiting for? Take him away.”


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    As Hwang and his staff exited the conference room, the military police grabbed Yeo-jin by both arms.


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    Yeo-jin was dragged away and interrogated for about two hours. They didn’t even let him have a sip of water and bombarded him with aggressive questioning. But they didn’t get the answers they wanted.

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    How could he answer when he didn’t know anything? Yeo-jin really had no clue. He hadn’t helped Haejoo escape, and he wasn’t part of the rebels.

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    During the entire interrogation, Yeojin’s mind kept drifting back to one thing—what was the urgent news that soldier had brought? Since Hwang had ordered a search for Seo Haejoo, it clearly wasn’t news that they had already found him.

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    In the end, after repeatedly insisting, I don’t know anything. I’m just a doctor. Haejoo is just my patient, they even subjected him to a lie detector test. Only after passing it was Yeo-jin finally released.

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    Exhausted, he bought a bottle of water from a vending machine in the hallway and was just about to take a sip when someone smacked him hard on the back. It was Deputy Director Im.

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    “You idiot! You’re going to be the death of me! You crazy bastard!”

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    “Agh! That hurts!”

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    “Oh, it hurts? HURTS? I nearly collapsed from the stress waiting for you! How many times did I beg you—huh?—to keep your mouth shut? Huh? I practically got on my knees! You fool! Do you think if you run your mouth recklessly, you’ll be the only one who dies? I’ll die too, we’ll all die! Do you get it?”

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    Deputy Director Im smacked Yeo-jin’s back repeatedly, adding sharp interjections between his words. Water spilled from the bottle in Yeo-jin’s hand, soaking his hands and clothes.

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    “What do you mean, ‘I die, you die too’? What, is this some kind of dictatorship? So if they label you an enemy, they just execute you on the spot? Well… actually, I guess they could kill me. Ah, whatever. If they’re going to kill me, let them! But damn it, I’m not dying alone!”

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    “Are you even listening to yourself? With that mouth of yours, you’re never going to die a natural death!”

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    “I mean, seriously—Are you in league with the rebels? That’s the first thing out of his mouth? Is that even a real question? Was he still drunk?”

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    “Why don’t you get it? Your entire way of thinking is completely rotten!”

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    “I didn’t say anything wrong. The Transcendents aren’t our enemies. They’re people, just like us. Instead of rejecting and hunting them down, we should be learning how to coexist!”

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    People passing by glanced at them, some openly staring before continuing on their way. Im, panicking, quickly clamped a hand over Yeojin’s mouth. Annoyed, Yeo-jin swatted her hand away.

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    “Dr. Min Yeo-jin. What the hell are you trying to do? If you keep going like this, you’re really going to get yourself killed!”

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    Clicking his tongue, Yeo-jin tilted back his water bottle, draining it completely before crushing it in his hand and tossing it into a nearby trash can.

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    “I’m quitting. I’ll send my resignation by email.”

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    “What the hell are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?”

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    “I’m perfectly sane. I’m not a center employee anymore, so you don’t have to stress over me. Thanks for everything. Take care.”

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    “Hey, Min Yeo-jin!”

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    Ignoring Im’s shouts, Yeo-jin strode forward without looking back.

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