244 Results with the "Romance" genre
TMWCL Prologue
When it rains, the smells become worse, and our senses become more sensitive. The world soaked in rain took on a darker color than usual. The inside of the building was filled with sounds of pounding, tearing, shouting, and groaning. The noises roamed throughout the building, unable to travel far due to the rain. The cold smell of concrete in the unfinished building was strong. It wasn’t just the concrete. The smell of blood, cigarette smoke, and even the smell of urine released due to fear…-
38.8 K • Completed
- Author: The Love A loyal subordinate died. The guy had a daughter who just turned twenty, and he had been excited to finally meet her in a week. He said that she didn’t know what he looked like because he hadn’t seen her since she was very young and she hadn’t been given a photo of him. “Who are you, Ahjussi?”…
- 3.8 K • Mar 9, '25
- 4.7 K • Mar 13, '25
- 3.7 K • New
- Story
The More You Run Away
“Trying to run away is useless, so don’t waste your energy.” A mother who tries to sell her daughter. A stepbrother, Ihan, who is obsessed with her. Soo-ah attempts to escape from them, but she ends up getting caught by Seo Mun-hwon, the executive director of the Kangju Corporation, acting under Ihan’s orders. “Shall we make a bet? If you, Miss…- 1.7 K • Mar 13, '25
- 1.7 K • New
- 1.6 K • New
Stolen Ch 2 part 1
“What kind of medicine is this?” Yi-ryung looked at the man as she brought the bowl of medicine up to her lips. He had been preparing the medicine since this morning. Yi-ryung now knew that this man woke up at dawn to start brewing this medicine. At first, she took the medicine without knowing what it was or where it came from. But now, she knew that the man made the medicine himself. She was curious as to why the man got up so early in the morning and went out, so she quietly opened the…-
26.7 K • Completed
DWWWB Ch 6 part 2
He must have just washed up because the room smelled of fragrant body products. “What is it that you want to say?” “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked directly. “Who was the one who made the mistake first?” We didn’t answer each other’s questions and merely asked our own questions in response. “Why are you asking me about my relationship with PD Han?” “I believe I already told you.” My chest was taut with something that might have been anger or tension.…-
126.0 K • Completed
MS Ch 11 part 1
“What are you doing?” A day had passed. Euncho had taken a shower and was just coming out. After taking the day off yesterday, she managed to shake off the lingering fatigue. Ki Taeju, who had finished getting ready for work before her, was sitting in a chair as he looked down at a cell phone. At first, Euncho thought he was looking at his own phone. But when she got a closer look, she realized that it was hers. With a towel still wrapped around her head, Euncho’s eyes…-
144.3 K • Completed
DWWWB Ch 6 part 1
It was a day that felt like it was drenched in tangerine lemonade. The bright, orange sunlight was shining down from the sky, and the blue sea was refreshing. And because we were near the sea, it was extremely humid. If it was this hot in April, how much hotter would it be in the summer? I frowned and fanned myself with the script. The production team was busy setting up the Sokcho Eye filming. “Hey, PD Oh Milhee.” PD Han blurted out my name in a somewhat mischievous…-
126.0 K • Completed
MS Ch 10 part 4
“Ah, I’m full.” Euncho had been so absorbed in eating her meal that she forgot she was in an uncomfortable position. She finally put down her chopsticks. “That’s all you’re going to eat?” Ki Taeju scoffed. While Euncho ate, Ki Taeju had played with her hair and rubbed his forehead against the back her her head like an affectionate beast. His hand that had been busy mischievously roaming around Euncho’s body lifted her tray. She hadn’t even eaten…-
144.3 K • Completed
There were days when I hated waking up in the morning. My cell phone, which was sitting on the nightstand next to my bed, kept ringing. I thought it was an alarm and tried to ignore it, but when it rang again right after it stopped, I realized someone might be calling. I reached out and picked up my phone. Should I just throw it against the wall? I hesitated for a moment before checking the caller ID. My mother’s feeble presence seemed to wake me up and warn me to come to my…-
126.0 K • Completed
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