248 Results with the "Romance" genre
MS Epilogue part 1
“Wow, daebak. It’s really Euncho-ssi.”Euncho had just closed her locker in the employee locker room. The staff members all gathered around her when they recognized her. Euncho straightened her name tag on the uniform she hadn’t worn for several months and smiled at them.“Hello.”“I heard you’d be returning to work! Are you feeling better now?”“Of course.”“I heard you got into an accident. Was it a car accident?”“Yes, well, something like that.”The memory of the blinding…-
144.3 K • Completed
DWWWB Ch 9 part 2
To protect PD Han’s privacy, he appeared wearing a mask from a horror movie. “We’ll start with a light warm-up.” The beginning was smooth. Gong Mujin said that warm-up exercises are the most important when it comes to preventing injuries during exercise. He proceeded to show us the warm-up exercises he usually did. Gong Mujin’s body, wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt and black shorts, stood out. He looked as strong as a graceful jaguar that was getting ready to run. In comparison,…-
129.7 K • Completed
MS Ch 13 part 4
“......” Ki Taeju emerged from the mountain of memories and gently stroked the back of Euncho’s limp hand as she breathed steadily. As soon as he found out that Ki Cheonju had returned to Korea, he had put someone on his tail. But Ki Cheonju had done the same to him. Who would have thought that the man Ki Cheonju had planted in Ki Taeju’s circle was the man who was tasked with following Euncho? He was fooled by the report that claimed she was having a good time without…-
144.3 K • Completed
- Story
My Wicked Masquerader
Every year, on the birthday of Chairman Seo of Seomyeong Group, the family hunting event takes place. As Seol-ah, forced to become prey, wandered through the deep mountains, she encountered a man radiating a dangerous aura. “Are you alone?” The man was sitting lazily beside a hunted animal, smoking a cigarette. Eyes devoid of compassion or sympathy. His irises, a peculiar…- 1.4 K • Mar 11, '25
- 1.4 K • Mar 14, '25
- 1.6 K • New
TMWCL Ch 2 part 2
Yeoreum thought that he would eat as if it was the world’s most tasteless food. But contrary to her expectations, Haegun ate quite well. He used his spoon and chopsticks neatly and precisely. She understood why the owner called Haegun ‘handsome boss’. It was as if he were the only one in a fancy traditional Korean restaurant. It was fun to watch him. Of course, Yeoreum tried not to look at him as much as possible, and she even searched for something to do to keep herself busy. But the restaurant was…-
38.8 K • Completed
Stolen Ch 3
When Dochi returned home after loading his carrier with firewood that would be used throughout winter, Yi-ryung was drying grass on the wooden bench in the yard. Yi-ryung diligently picked large quantities of grass from the place Dochi had shown her and laid them out on a flat surface to dry. When she saw that Dochi had returned, she got up and approached him. Then she helped him take off the carrier from his back. Yi-ryung was constantly worried about Dochi’s wound and began to interfere in…-
26.7 K • Completed
DWWWB Ch 9 part 1
My steps as we made our way to the filming set had never been lighter. When I arrived in front of the broadcasting station, the staff was already loading the equipment onto the cargo truck and boarding the 45-seater bus. “Huh? You’re here, PD-nim? Take this.” The AD handed me a milky paper bag. The golden logo of a luxury brand was engraved on the bag and sparkled in the light. “What is this? Why are you giving this to me?” I wondered if the AB was trying to ask a favor and was using…-
129.7 K • Completed
MS Ch 13 part 3
Choosing a woman for his plan happened by coincidence. Ki Cheonju and Ki Taeju were the only full brothers among the old man’s many children. They were also the only children born from his wife rather than from a mistress. The reason why Ki Cheonju swung his sword and his guns at the offspring of these mistresses was for this exact reason. He would not let a bastard child become the next chairman of the company and succeed their father. In other words, it was to eliminate his…-
144.3 K • Completed
- Story
“Looks like we have another corpse to clean up.”“W-Who are you?” A man wearing a flashy shirt unbuttoned to his chest, reeking of cigarette smoke. Kwak Chi-gyeom suddenly appears at Han Seul-ah’s mother’s funeral, mentioning a deal he had with her deceased mother and bringing up a suspicious vault called “Ephphatha.” And the condition to open that vault is… “Why… Why do I have…- 1.8 K • Mar 10, '25
- 2.0 K • Mar 13, '25
- 1.9 K • Mar 16, '25
- Story
Dirty Approach
To avoid an unwanted arranged marriage, Cha Su-jeong sets out to find herself a husband. Her criteria: He must be from a chaebol family so her family can’t object, he shouldn’t be directly involved in the inheritance of management rights, and he should be someone who wouldn’t mind the stigma of divorce later on.- 1.4 K • Feb 20, '25
- 1.3 K • Mar 7, '25
- 1.3 K • Mar 14, '25
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