- A noble serves the kingdom, they don’t work for money. This was the absolute, unspoken rule of the aristocratic world. However, Jeanne de Toulouse, the eldest daughter of the venerable Toulouse count family, was different. She’d worked as a tutor for Young Master Mael, the son of His Majesty’s mistress, for two years. One day, books written by Enlightenment thinkers, known for disrupting the…
- 1.4 K • Mar 12, '25
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TMWCL Prologue
When it rains, the smells become worse, and our senses become more sensitive. The world soaked in rain took on a darker color than usual. The inside of the building was filled with sounds of pounding, tearing, shouting, and groaning. The noises roamed throughout the building, unable to travel far due to the rain. The cold smell of concrete in the unfinished building was strong. It wasn’t just the concrete. The smell of blood, cigarette smoke, and even the smell of urine released due to fear…-
35.1 K • Ongoing
TMPW Ch 9 part 2
Time crawled forward. A useless night passed, and it was another helpless day. She felt as if she was being bled dry. Suppressing her anxiety, Yuan tucked her hair inside her cap. 4 days had already passed. What was the probability that TaeKyung-oppa was still alive? "If something goes wrong and I get caught, you must head straight for Luxembourg." Prepare for the worst. That's what TaeKyung had told her. "No matter what, you must not come looking for me, Yuan. I'll never…-
81.2 K • Completed
TMC Vol 1 Act 1.2
That evening, a grand banquet was held to celebrate the execution of the traitor. The palace was filled with the clinking of glasses and bursts of laughter. The nobles who had despised Catherine were in a festive mood. No sooner had they drained their glasses than they were refilled, and they laughed to the point of blushing at the slightest thing. It wasn’t just imagination that they appeared even more indulgent than usual. Beyond the hollow laughter, an underlying emotion…-
23.5 K • Ongoing
TLP (LoY Prequel) Ch 3
"I knew this would happen." Teryu's expression looked unfamiliar as he said these words. This was the first time any sign of laughter had disappeared from his face. Alarmed, I asked back. "What?" "What? Do you even know what they just said?" I gave Teryu a bewildered look. Actually, I didn't understand anything they said. It just sounded like I hadn't been able to do something, so I wouldn't be able to do some kind of ritual with the Nine Families. When Teryu saw my confused look, he…-
107.4 K • Completed
Stolen Ch 2 part 1
“What kind of medicine is this?” Yi-ryung looked at the man as she brought the bowl of medicine up to her lips. He had been preparing the medicine since this morning. Yi-ryung now knew that this man woke up at dawn to start brewing this medicine. At first, she took the medicine without knowing what it was or where it came from. But now, she knew that the man made the medicine himself. She was curious as to why the man got up so early in the morning and went out, so she quietly opened the…-
23.8 K • Completed
Stigma Ch 5 part 2
When he had almost reached the brothel, SeoYoon felt that something was off. A crowd had gathered in front of the brothel He didn't know what had happened, but he had an ominous feeling. "SeoYoon-nim, are you happy?" He recalled her voice and her expression as she called out to him just as he was about to exit through the door this morning. The ominous feeling worsened. "Excuse me, please let me through." SeoYoon walked through the crowd and entered the…-
29.1 K • Completed
- Story
Author: MaNyong A woman’s pale shoulder and back appeared in the dark. Soon, a scalding iron brand approached her skin. The iron branded her skin with ‘娼’ to indicate her stigma as a prostitute. With this stamped on her body, she was now branded as a prostitute and could no longer escape this status for the rest of her life.…- 2.2 K • Feb 27, '25
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