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    Baldr valued the iron mines that produced weapons above all else, but suddenly, the amethyst mines, which he had never paid much attention to, came to mind and wouldn’t leave.

    How beautiful would she look adorned with amethysts in her hair, on her ears and neck, and around her wrists? 

    Baldr hadn’t cared for jewels before. They were just colorful stones, so what use were they? That was the extent of his appreciation.

    But the moment he fell in love, he realized that some things held value simply for their beauty and brilliance. Like her shining eyes.

    Jeanne couldn’t handle strong alcohol. He found that endearing. And she liked horses and dogs, just like him. She preferred meat to fish, just like him. As their conversations continued, he discovered more and more similarities between them.

    ‘When is your birthday?’

    ‘Oh, my birthday? That’s…’

    Most importantly, Jeanne was born in the heart of spring. Baldr was born around the same time. He thought it was fate. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Even though he had never attached any significance to his own birthday before.

    He had always considered birthdays trivial. There was nothing to celebrate about being born. But why did he attach so much meaning to the fact that Jeanne was born in spring?

    The only regret he had about their successful dinner was that it ended too soon. Even though he had instructed the cook and the servants to slow down the meal, it was over too quickly.

    As he lay in bed, he felt a lingering sense of longing and emptiness. He wished he could dine with her again tomorrow. But wouldn’t that make her suspicious? 

    Suspicious of his true intentions.

    ‘I’ll ask her what she dislikes at the next dinner.’

    The meal had just ended, but he was already looking forward to their next dinner.

    * * *

    The last two weeks of the year were the most extravagant at the royal palace. The nightly balls became even grander, and people were drunk and merry, day and night. The New Year’s Eve celebrations culminated in a grand fireworks display at midnight.

    Hundreds of fireworks were launched into the sky, illuminating the palace. The air filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the sound of explosions reverberated through the palace. The night sky was ablaze with colorful lights, like an intricate embroidery.

    The crowds gathered outside the palace walls every year to watch the fireworks. The commoners would arrive the previous morning to secure a good spot, while the wealthy, who owned mansions near the palace, would comfortably watch from their courtyards. 

    People were trampled to death every year in the massive crowds, but even that was considered part of the spectacle.

    Before becoming a royal tutor, I hadn’t bothered to watch the fireworks, but after taking charge of Young Master Mael’s education and living in the palace, I could see them from the balcony of my room. The sight was indeed beautiful enough to warrant fighting for a spot from morning, perhaps even risking one’s life.

    ‘It’s beautiful, Teacher.’

    And Young Master Mael was beside me.

    ‘I want to watch this with you again next year, Teacher. Will that be possible?’

    ‘Of course.’

    As we exchanged these words, the new year began. I spent New Year’s Eve with Young Master Mael.

    ‘I wonder how he’s doing?’

    Unlike the boisterous celebrations in Franc, New Year’s Eve here was an ordinary day, without any special events. Like any other day, I woke up early, rode Brulee, taught Lady Ana in the morning, and spent the afternoon reading.

    It happened to be a Friday, so I had dinner with the Duke. He asked me about my relationship with my sister.

    I talked about my sister. As I reminisced about our shared memories, a wave of longing washed over me, and I had to struggle to maintain my composure.

    “I also had a brother, Ana’s father. His name was Will.”

    After listening to me, Duke Skadi shared a story I had been curious about but hadn’t dared to ask.

    “There’s a significant age gap between my brother and me. So, when I was young, he seemed incredibly big and impressive. He found me a bit annoying, but when I was very young, he doted on me, just like you do with your sister. We were close when we were younger. I don’t remember anything but following him around constantly. But things changed gradually as we grew up. Everything in life is like the weather, isn’t it? Sunny one moment, then cloudy and stormy the next.”

    He was talking about his brother, Lady Ana’s father.

    “We drifted apart when he reached adolescence. Thinking back now… I think he was like my mother. A bit… too emotional. Unfortunately, there was no one in this mansion who understood him. Would it have been different if my mother had been alive? Well, who knows. I was hurt by our growing distance, but what could I do about it?”


    “Besides studying and practicing martial arts, I buried myself in my father’s library. Books helped me cope with the loneliness. Reading made time pass, whether I understood the content or not. And as I let time slip by, my brother grew up. And shortly after his coming-of-age ceremony, he… left this place. Abandoning everything, including his title.”

    His words were laden with unspoken emotions, but they didn’t seem like lies. I had suspected that Lady Ana might be his own daughter, not his brother’s. But the Duke did have a brother, and Lady Ana was indeed his brother’s daughter.

    “And then, suddenly, everyone started paying attention to me. The responsibilities and duties my brother had carried were suddenly thrust upon me. I was so busy carrying that burden that I forgot about him for a long time. By the time I found him, by pure chance, it was too late. I found his body, and his daughter, the only survivor.”


    “Perhaps if we had been as close and affectionate as you and your sister, he wouldn’t have left, or I would have found him sooner. Who knows.”

    What could I possibly say to the Duke after hearing his story? That it wasn’t his fault? Should I have dared to say such a thing?


    But I couldn’t say anything, just looked at the man in front of me. He was a powerful man, capable of anything, yet I, a mere criminal, felt pity for him.

    I saw a boy, around Lady Ana’s age, overlapping his image. A boy ignored by everyone, deprived of affection and attention, hiding in the corner of a library, reading books, whether he understood them or not, just waiting for time to pass. 

    If that boy had been my student, I would have hugged him tightly the moment I heard his story. But he…


    He started to say something, then hesitated.

    “Perhaps I’m drunk. I’ve been rambling. It’s good to see such a strong bond between you and your sister. I think… you’re a kind person.”

    “Me? Not at all.”

    “I don’t give empty compliments. I can tell by the way you treat Ana. I consider it a blessing that you became her tutor. Although it might not have been a fortunate event for you.”


    “But everything is like the weather, isn’t it? Even after cloudy and stormy days, if you persevere, the sun will eventually shine again.”

    Even after dinner, lying in bed, I replayed the Duke’s words in my mind. His words made me understand his behavior and actions. I felt like I had gained a deeper understanding of him, presumptuous as it might be.

    ‘He must have been very lonely. For him, spring, summer, and autumn might have felt like winter, with nothing to alleviate the boredom but reading.’

    And perhaps even now.

    ‘What does he live for?’

    I suddenly wondered. 

    With his vast territory and wealth, he didn’t seem to enjoy any of it. He didn’t host balls and mingle with elegant ladies and graceful young women. He didn’t enjoy fireworks or other forms of entertainment. 

    What brought him joy, fulfillment, and happiness?

    ‘He must be very lonely. In this mansion, all alone…’


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