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TWKH Ch 29
by mimi“It’s a bug.”
Habaek→ This seems like a bug.
Jehyun and Baekyung spoke simultaneously. A brief silence followed, and Matgom laughed incredulously.
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Matgom→ So it’s not your mistake, no matter what?
Habaek→ I definitely selected over-saturation. Would I make such a mistake?
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Matgom→ You could. Just admit you clicked the wrong one.
Habaek→ I didn’t. If I did, I’ll give you 1 billion.
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Matgom→ Then give it to me.
Habaek→ I can’t, because I didn’t click wrong.
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Matgom→ Look at this sly guy.
As Habaek and Matgom bickered, Jehyun remained silent. Frowning, he quietly watched the world chat scroll up.
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[World] PpurakChwiEk: Huh?
[World] Heksa: Wow
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[World] F1: Congratulations to ElkaRose, the pride of Gwangjang-dong!
[World] F2: Congratulations to Kim Namgi’s second son, Lee Gyuwon, for first clear of Engel’s Fleet!
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[World] ElkaRose: Are you kidding me?
[World] Heksa: Congrats, Elka. LOL, first clear!
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[World] IpssaJiwonSeo: ? Is this even possible?
[World] KimJooHeok: If he’s Kim Namgi’s second son, why is he Lee Gyuwon? Was he picked up?
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[World] ElkaRose: Namgi is the mom.
[World] KimJooHeok: Ah, your mom’s name is cool. The trend these days is gender-neutral, right?
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[World] KimchiRiceAndEgg: Knew they would do it!!!
[World] DuChil: First clear of over-saturation in 15 minutes after server opened?
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[World] DuChil: Looks like a bug. LOL
[World] KimchiRiceAndEgg: Huh?
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Amidst the noise, the chat froze at DuChil’s words. Jehyun nodded in agreement and asked Baekyung, who was still bickering with Matgom.
“Quiet down. Baekyung, you’re sure you selected over-saturation, right?”
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Habaek→ Yes, I’m sure.
Baekyung’s voice had no hint of hesitation. Confident in the over-saturation dungeon selection, Jehyun nodded and reset the dungeon.
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“It’s a bug. There’s no way Elka’s party cleared over-saturation in 15 minutes.”
Matgom→ Really?
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Contempt→ Well, over-saturation might have come out really easy?
“No matter how easy, we just saw. Over-saturation wouldn’t be cleared as easily as our relaxed saturation ranking run. And they cleared it faster than us.”
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Even if there was a slight difference in start time, ElkaRose’s party couldn’t have cleared the true over-saturation this quickly.
It would have taken 20 minutes to regroup after even one wipe, and if they succeeded at a similar time, they likely cleared the saturation dungeon too. The first clear achievement probably popped because they also entered on ‘over-saturation’ difficulty.
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Boss→ Ah! Did they mess up the dungeon connections again?
“This has happened before, remember?”
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A few years ago, when the previous max-level dungeon, the Ghost Shop, was updated, the normal difficulty connected to saturation, and saturation to normal. Light users who entered the normal dungeon were shredded without knowing what happened.
So there haven’t been bugs for a while. Jehyun sighed and clicked the dungeon entrance.
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[Select the dungeon to enter.]
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Over-saturation (Re-entry wait time 47:32)
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Saturation and over-saturation dungeons, accessible twice a week, restrict re-entry for one hour after the first boss clear. After that, a second entry is allowed until the weekly maintenance on Monday. The wait time on over-saturation proved they had entered the fake one. Jehyun clicked the saturation dungeon entry button.
“I just opened saturation. Let’s go in and check.”
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The loading screen appeared, and soon the screen brightened, showing Healer in front of Engel’s escort ship. Seeing Habaek enter beside him, Jehyun waited for his move before running towards Iron Fist Hix.
‘Fierce Iron Fist Hix’
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As expected, Hix, who should have been in over-saturation, was there. The party members who entered later gathered around Jehyun, making incredulous gestures.
Boss→ Ah, this is ridiculous.
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Contempt→ So what happens to the first clear?
Matgom→ We should clear this first, right?
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“Yeah, let’s clear this. They might revoke their titles.”
When the difficulties were swapped at the Ghost Shop, maintenance was conducted about seven hours after the server opened. Users who cleared the saturation dungeon on normal received first clear titles, which were later revoked along with the achievements.
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However, he couldn’t quite remember who ended up with the first clear title. Was it the party that first cleared the saturation dungeon? Jehyun tilted his head and activated the buffs.
Using Shield of Salvation.
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The Holy Shield protects the Party.
Using Call of the Battlefield.
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The Party is marked by the God of Destruction.
Attack power and attack speed are increased.
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[Whisper] BungHealerShin: LOL, can’t even get first clear anymore, loser.
[Whisper] BungHealerShin: What will you do now that your only life achievement is gone? LOL
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You have blocked BungHealerShin.
While activating the buffs, someone who was obviously Kangrimdoryeong whispered again. He was like a cockroach, appearing whenever you thought you’d forgotten about him.
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And his delusions were deep. Only life achievement? Jehyun couldn’t even understand what he was talking about. He just clicked his tongue and blocked him.
[Guild] Sangjae: I’m at the starting point, what’s BungHealerShin’s ID?
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[Guild] Sangjae: Feels really suspicious.
It seemed Sangjae, who had gone to bus the guild members’ alternate characters, had spotted that character at the starting point.
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As expected, it was a level 1 throwaway character. Jehyun scoffed and replied.
[Guild] Healer: LOL, it’s probably Kangrim. I blocked him for mocking us about not getting first clear.
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[Guild] NimaDeal: Wow, that person seems genuinely mentally ill.
[Guild] EvenIfYouDieIt’sYourHeal: Such intense jealousy, seriously~ㅎ
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[Guild] Sangjae: Even Yeomrado blocked him, LOL.
After telling the guild members that he also didn’t understand Kangrim, Jehyun excused himself and switched the chat tab. He didn’t want to waste energy on unnecessary things. But the perfect clear members were also angry at Kangrim’s behavior.
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[Party] Contempt: ㅡㅅㅡ Is Kangrim still bothering you, Hyung?
[Party] Contempt: Seriously, Kangrim’s manhood must have disappeared.
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[Party] Contempt: Picking on a Priest… What a coward, not even a man ㅡㅅ”ㅡ
[Party] SpellChecker: Seriously.
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[Party] SpellChecker: I’m so honorable.
[Party] Contempt: ..? So what?
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[Party] Boss12MoreHours: LOL, are you trying to appeal? LOL
[Party] Contempt: Appeal what??
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…Is Matgom interested in SpellChecker? Jehyun stared at the screen with a suspicious look. Was it because he had become gay, or was it really that the two… No, Matgom seemed suspicious. Since the guild meeting, SpellChecker seemed to show interest in Contempt.
Saying he was honorable compared to someone whose manhood had disappeared, it sounded like bragging about size. Jehyun frowned, staring at the chat uneasily, then shook his head.
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The world might revolve around oneself, but just because he was gay didn’t mean everyone around him was. He thought it was just typical male banter and was about to tell them to quiet down and start when a speech bubble appeared above Habaek’s head, and everyone except him burst into laughter.
What’s this? Jehyun switched the chat tab. There, he saw the message Habaek had left in the world chat.
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[World] Habaek: Did Kangrimdoryeong lose his mind? He got utterly beaten by me, so why does he keep whispering to our guild master?
[World] Habaek: He got kicked out by Elka and is happy about getting first clear there? Pathetic.
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[World] IpssaJiwonSeo: LOL
[World] Kangrimdoryeong: LOL?? Why the sudden outburst?
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[World] Habaek: Sudden? You know exactly why I’m doing this.
[World] Kangrimdoryeong: What did I do? LOL. Do you have proof I whispered with an alt?
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[World] Habaek: ? I never mentioned an alt, but bringing it up is proof.
[World] Habaek: If you’re dumb, you can’t even lie properly.
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[World] Kangrimdoryeong: I love you!
[World] Sangjae: Stop bothering our guild master.
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[World] Boss12MoreHours: Soon he’ll challenge the Priest to a character deletion duel? So scary, LOL.
[World] Kangrimdoryeong: LOL, as expected from a guild that sucks up to the Healer.
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[World] KimchiRiceAndEgg: How long has it been since a flame war? Anyone want to bet on who burrows first? Minimum bet 10 million.
[World] Kangrimdoryeong: Not enough to shield in Caplet board, huh? LOL.
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[World] Marajungwo: That gambler doesn’t know when to butt in or out.
[World] Contempt: ㅇㅅ”ㅇ..
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[World] Contempt: Kangrim’s manhood = 1 real manhood.
[World] SpellChecker: A dealer who gets beaten by a thief and picks on a Priest?!??!?
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As the argument began, Jehyun rubbed his forehead.
“Everyone… let’s stop.”
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Kangrimdoryeong wasn’t worth paying attention to. He wasn’t worth wasting energy on in a flame war, but seeing the guild members drop everything to join in was both amusing and exasperating. Jehyun sighed and whispered to Baekyung.
[Whisper] To Habaek: Baekyung, stop.
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[Whisper] To Habaek: I don’t care about that.
[Whisper] Habaek: Sorry, but I’m so pissed offㅠㅠ
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[Whisper] Habaek: Why does he keep bothering you? I’ll draw the aggro instead.
[Whisper] Habaek: Then won’t he leave you alone?
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Baekyung’s spirit of sacrifice almost brought tears to Jehyun’s eyes. He squinted in disbelief at the emotions welling up in this situation, then chuckled and spoke.
“Everyone, let’s stop?”
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Boss → Ah, that guy is ridiculous. Look at him filtering in the world chat. Is he crazy?
“No, let’s stop fighting, Noona.”
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Boss → That bastard keeps insulting you. What’s wrong with being a game addict?
“I’m really fine.”
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Contempt → I’m not fine, though? No matter how immersed Hyung is, isn’t that too much? I’ll make sure to mute him. How dare he bother our guild master?
“Are you taking my side?”
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Matgom → Of course, we’re doing this to protect our guild master.
They all claimed to be on his side, but to Jehyun, it seemed like they were just having fun. No, I’m really fine… Jehyun watched the situation with a dissatisfied expression, and as the conversation dragged on, he finally couldn’t hold back and spoke up.
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“Everyone, stop! While you guys are chit-chatting, ElkaRose’s party is dealing 5 million DPS per second!”
Whether Elka’s party was actually dealing 5 million DPS per second was uncertain, but that baseless exaggeration finally made the party members stop chatting. After confirming no more speech bubbles were appearing, Jehyun sighed and continued.
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“From now on, no world chat. No chatting until we get the first clear.”
Habaek → Yes…
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Baekyung responded in a gloomy voice to his stern words. The adorable voice made the frowning Jehyun feel his heart soften, and he laughed.
“I don’t care about that at all, so Noona and everyone else, don’t worry. What’s our goal?”
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Contempt → Perfect clear, all clears!
“That’s right. Let’s go. We have three left.”
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With those words, Jehyun activated the buffs and started the countdown. If they secured the perfect clear of Engel, only Mallorca’s Tomb and Hellkaras’s Sanctuary would remain.
He trusted his party members, but more importantly, with Habaek, Baekyung, in the same party, Jehyun wasn’t worried. He knew everything would go as desired.
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* * *
Raptor Army Commander Mallorca I will take you to my mother planet.
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Raptor Army Commander Mallorca Witness it there.
Raptor Army Commander Mallorca Witness the death that awaits us.
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You feel the effect of Mallorca’s Gate (Death).
“The gate.”
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As the Raptor, Mallorca, clad in black armor, swung his spear, a black gate opened to the north of the map, sucking in characters like a black hole.
In a hurry, Jehyun used his mobility skills to get out of the gate’s range and ran to the energy feedback device located at the map’s edge.
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The energy feedback device is activated.
Feeling threatened, Mallorca goes berserk.
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Raptor Army Commander Mallorca I won’t let things go as you wish.
With a guttural growl, the voice of the voice actor playing Mallorca resonated. Then, with a clang, the spear in Mallorca’s hand began to glow black as the boss started swinging his spear.
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“Right side first.”
Jehyun deftly dodged Mallorca’s attacks and turned the camera. Thud, thud, thud, Mallorca’s spear struck the ground on the right three times, then once on the left, and as it struck the right again, black smoke emerged from the gate to the north, forming Raptor’s arms.
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Hundreds of arms grotesquely elongated and swept across Mallorca’s right field. It was the unavoidable, unresurrectable instant-kill move ‘Mother’s Call.’
Before ‘Mother’s Call’ was activated, even the ground-stomping attacks were unavoidable, unresurrectable instant kills, requiring players to quickly move out of the range. However, the timing to avoid Mallorca’s ground-stomping was so precise and short that many found it difficult.
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Contempt→ Ah…! I got caught…
Contempt, the only weak link in Jehyun’s party, struggled with this pattern due to his class being a chain swordsman without mobility skills and slow movement speed.
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Seeing Contempt caught by ‘Mother’s Call’ and being dragged into the gate by black hands, Jehyun bit his lip.
“Hold on. What should we do? Restart?”
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They were close to the final phase. However, there was something Jehyun had to do immediately before going in to resurrect.
Matgom→ Let’s just reset quickly.
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Habaek→ No, I’ll handle the feedback device.
“Can you do it?”
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When caught by ‘Mother’s Call,’ the corpse is dragged to the Raptors’ home planet. To save them, someone must operate the feedback device outside while another enters the gate to resurrect. Alternatively, operate the feedback device first to pull the corpse out before resurrecting.
The crucial part was the next pattern in about ten seconds, which would cause a wipe if all five weren’t alive.
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Habaek→ I can do it. Go in.
“Alright, I’m going in.”
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Baekyung’s firm voice reassured him. Trusting the words of the most reliable person, he used his mobility skill. Using ‘God’s Footsteps,’ he approached the gate and jumped in without hesitation. The screen changed, revealing a dark map.
The trees were melting, the ground was boiling with poison. The sky was covered in black clouds, and no living creatures were in sight. This was the Raptors’ home planet, Laptiris, filled only with death.
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The Raptors had barely opened a gate to Caplet before Laptiris’s destruction. They released subspecies Raptors to terraform Caplet into Laptiris and planned to settle there, enduring the time of death.
The ghosts of Raptors remaining in Laptiris were the ones who dragged Contempt away. They were ghosts under the command of the legion commander Mallorca, leading the last of the Raptors.
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Boss → Found him? 10 seconds left.
“Not yet.”
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Counting down the remaining time, Jehyun searched for Contempt. Fortunately, Contempt’s corpse was not far from the gate. He reached it with 7 seconds remaining. The resurrection casting time was 3 seconds. Jehyun hit the resurrection button and instructed Baekyung.
“Activate the feedback device now.”
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Habaek → Yes.
The obedient response was so cute it drove him crazy. Obedient Habaek, Baekyung, was just too lovable. A satisfied smile spread across Jehyun’s face.
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Activating the energy feedback device set up by Gaetron reversed the gate, taking 4 seconds to bring them back to Mallorca’s location. Watching Healer kneel and resurrect Contempt, Jehyun gave instructions.
“Contempt and I will come out at the gate. I’ll take number 4, Contempt takes 5. Matgom takes 1, Habaek 2, Noona 3.”
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Contempt → I’m not confident about number 5?!
“Not being confident doesn’t mean you won’t do it. We don’t have time to go to number 1. Do it.”
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Boss → Failure means 1 billion.
Matgom → 2 billion.
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Contempt → You materialists…
As they bantered, the feedback device activated, automatically moving the characters back through the gate. Returning to the map, Jehyun positioned himself 40 meters from Mallorca, who was standing in the center with his spear held high.
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Normally, Contempt would handle 2 or 3, but his recent death meant he didn’t have time to move that far. Seeing Contempt take his place behind him, Jehyun turned to face Mallorca.
Raptor Army Commander Mallorca Prepare to meet your death….
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After saying this, Mallorca’s spear began swirling around like a vortex. Gothic-style numbers appeared above Matgom’s head, indicating 1, followed by 2 and 3 for Habaek and Boss, and 4 and 5 for Jehyun and Contempt.
You feel the effect of Reappearance of Laptiris (4).
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Reappearance of Laptiris, added in over-saturation, was a pattern that would devastate the surroundings as many times as the debuff number every 10 seconds. Healer, with (4), would trigger the skill 4 times over 40 seconds.
Characters affected by Reappearance of Laptiris would see their HP drop to 0 after 10 seconds, turning the ground around them into dead Laptiris terrain. Entering this terrain lowered all stats, making it impossible to continue.
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The key was that if a player died to Mallorca’s sweep attack after the curse of Reappearance of Laptiris, they could clear the debuff stack without turning the area into wasteland.
So party members had to take hits to clear their stacks and then survive subsequent attacks. Being a healer, Jehyun couldn’t afford to die, so he gave number 5 to Contempt, but whether Contempt could handle all 5 stacks was uncertain. Jehyun briefed with a worried expression.
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“Don’t waste mobility skills. Just take the hits.”
Contempt → I’ll give it a try…
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Boss → Mel, Elka’s at phase 3?
Contempt → Don’t add pressure?
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It had been over 8 hours since they entered Mallorca’s Tomb over-saturation. Jehyun’s party had swiftly broken through Ansius, but getting used to Mallorca’s pattern took a lot of time, making it a matter of which party made fewer mistakes.
One factor narrowing the gap between the parties was the presence of a chain swordsman in Jehyun’s party, while ElkaRose’s party lacked one.
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Their party not only had a spirit summoner providing speed buffs but also members with abundant mobility and evasion skills, giving them an advantage in the fast-paced Mallorca fight with similar proficiency.
Raptor Army Commander Mallorca Do you find our struggle to survive amusing?
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Raptor Army Commander Mallorca Then I shall make you struggle too.
Casting Reappearance of Laptiris, Mallorca held his spear horizontally, gathering power. Blue energy gathered on Mallorca’s spear, expanding massively and rising into the sky. It mixed with black energy and then plunged to the ground.
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Number 4, Jehyun had to take exactly four hits while avoiding countless instant-kill attacks.
He needed to strategize because taking all 4 hits at once would leave him vulnerable to unavoidable attacks later.
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Estimating 8-10 hits on Mallorca’s left, Jehyun decided to dodge only half and carefully moved Healer.
You feel the effect of Reappearance of Laptiris (4).
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Using God’s Footsteps.
Using Retreat.
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You took 1,000,000 damage from Magic Condensation.
You feel the effect of Reappearance of Laptiris (3).
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With ample mobility and evasion skills, Matgom took the first bombardment to clear his single stack and then dodged all subsequent instant-kills. Boss and Habaek did the same, while Jehyun and Contempt skillfully managed their stacks and dodged attacks.
You feel the effect of Reappearance of Laptiris (1).
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The effect of Reappearance of Laptiris has disappeared.
“Focus, let’s focus a bit more! We’re almost there!”
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This was the final pattern. Once overcome, a shield would appear, and breaking the shield would exhaust Mallorca. The problem was the high DPS required to break the shield, but as long as all five were alive, it was manageable.
As they neared the perfect clear of Mallorca, the excitement they had been trying to keep in check began to rise. After this, achieving perfect clears would leave only the Hellkaras raid.
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Boss → Damn, let’s get the perfect clear!
Matgom → Let’s clear the raid too!
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As the excited Boss and Matgom shouted this,
Contempt → I think I’m going to die?!
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The party’s only weak link yelled.
* * *
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At Contempt’s shrill scream, Jehyun quickly turned the screen to see what was happening. There, standing within the massive bombardment range, was Contempt. It seemed both his mobility and evasion skills were on cooldown, and around him stretched a blackened ground that reduced all stats.
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The nervous Contempt had spent over 10 seconds dodging the instant-kill attacks, causing the final debuff to explode and devastate the surroundings. If Contempt was left alone, he would die from the instant-kill, and there would be no way to break the ensuing shield.
Boss’s voice came out in dismay.
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Boss → Hey, you sinkhole!
“Are you kidding me?”
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Jehyun shouted in frustration and quickly checked the party members’ buff statuses.
It was too soon to give up. Before starting this try, Jehyun had a gut feeling and placed the Qualification of Salvation on Habaek. Seeing that the buff was still active, he turned the screen to the whimpering Contempt, locked onto him, and used Comrade’s Rescue.
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“Don’t use anything!”
Contempt → What?!
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Using Comrade’s Rescue.
You have died.
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Jehyun shouted, and Healer and Contempt switched places. Moved to safety, Contempt survived, while Jehyun took the instant-kill and died on the spot.
Immediately, Mallorca withdrew his spear and began to form a shield.
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Habaek → I’m coming now!
As Matgom, Boss, and Contempt attacked Mallorca, Habaek quickly approached Jehyun. With the Qualification of Salvation providing instant resurrection, there was no need for a resurrection scroll.
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Raptor Army Commander Mallorca It’s time to end this.
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[Party] Contempt: Yes yes yes yes.
[Party] SpellChecker: Go go go go!
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Seeing Jehyun rise like a scam artist as Habaek approached, Habaek turned back to charge at Mallorca.
The devastated ground lowered stats, increasing skill cooldown times, but Charging was used solely for mobility, so the low damage didn’t matter.
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Boss → Damn, let’s crush it!
Contempt → Crush it!
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Matgom → We’re definitely clearing this!
Without time to refresh buffs, Jehyun quickly moved out of the blackened ground. Applying the defense reduction debuff ‘Borrowed Curse’ would be interrupted by extended cooldowns, so he placed it on Mallorca after moving out.
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“Damage, damage! Use all your skills!”
Shouting, Jehyun joined the attack, striking Mallorca with his +15 Mallorca Wand.
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You dealt 3217 damage to Mallorca.
Critical hit!
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You dealt 11241 damage to Mallorca.
The damage was modest, but it felt satisfying to break the shield. Jehyun joined the other dealers, fervently attacking Mallorca.
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5, 4, 3, 2, as the shield timer neared its end,
Clang, with a sound like shattering glass, Mallorca’s translucent shield broke into pieces. The armor encasing Mallorca cracked, and he fell to his knees.
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It was an exhausted state signaling victory.
Raptor Army Commander Mallorca Is survival a crime…
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Raptor Army Commander Mallorca We just wanted to live…
Raptor Army Commander Mallorca What divides life and death for humans and Raptors…
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Raptor Army Commander Mallorca If only we had a ‘god’…
As Mallorca mumbled, his HP continued to drop: 5%, 4%. And finally, thud…
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As the giant Raptor commander fell, the achievement window popped up on the screen.
You have defeated Raptor Army Commander Mallorca.
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Achieved ‘First clear of over-saturation Mallorca’s Tomb’ on the server.
[System] Boss12MoreHours successfully completed the over-saturation Mallorca’s Tomb.
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[System] Healer successfully completed the over-saturation Mallorca’s Tomb.
[System] Habaek successfully completed the over-saturation Mallorca’s Tomb.
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[System] SpellChecker successfully completed the over-saturation Mallorca’s Tomb.
[System] Contempt successfully completed the over-saturation Mallorca’s Tomb.
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You have earned the title ‘Annihilator.’
The evil energy dissipates.
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Boss → Great job!!
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Matgom → Well done, everyone.
Contempt → Sigh… Great job, everyone…
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Habaek → Good work.
Jehyun wiped his face with both hands. With a small sigh, a slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
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“Everyone, you did a fantastic job… We have just one left, you know?”
Boss → Not giving us a moment’s rest, huh.
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“There’s no time to rest! We still need more people.”
Sangjae → What? Already thinking about the raid?
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Seeing the clear message, Sangjae realized the run was over and joined the voice chat. He was there to congratulate them, but Jehyun was already setting the rules, leaving Sangjae feeling exasperated. Jehyun laughed incredulously and replied.
“Already, Hyung? We only have two weeks left.”
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Habaek → We need to prepare in advance. Perfect clears aren’t a joke.
“Exactly. Perfect clears aren’t a joke, everyone.”
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Baekyung added in a firm voice. My Baekyung, always on the same page. Jehyun smiled, thinking of Baekyung, and chided the guild members. Nitath, who had sneaked in, whispered softly.
Nitath → Wow… I’m just going to leave again!
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“Nitath’s here? Where are you going? Listen to the announcement since you’re here. Everyone, gather in front of Hellkaras in an hour. We need to practice whenever we can.”
Sangjae → Ugh, shouldn’t have joined.
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Contempt → Ah, the guild master’s word is law, why so many complaints?
Matgom → Who’s the one who listens the least? Contempt seems touched right now.
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Contempt → When did I not listen? Matgom’s lying, Hyung.
Although everything from Comrade’s Rescue to the clear happened so fast, Contempt was deeply moved by Jehyun’s sacrifice to save him.
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Of course, it was more about not missing a perfect opportunity than specifically saving Contempt, but regardless, Contempt spoke like someone who had been profoundly moved by his lord’s grace.
Contempt → I’ll do my best, Hyung.
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“Alright, alright.”
Boss → Look at that half-hearted response.
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His phone suddenly rang, so Jehyun’s reply was brief, making Boss laugh and tease Contempt. But Jehyun didn’t have time to bother with that and turned off his mic, taking off his headset.
The caller was Baekyung. As soon as he hit the call button, he heard Baekyung’s voice, which he had just heard through the headset.
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- Sunbae.
- You’ll have dinner, right? Can we eat at my place and do the raid together here?
Understanding Baekyung’s desire to play together, Jehyun found the question endearing. Smiling, he quickly thought it over.
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Perfect clears weren’t possible at Baekyung’s place, but raid practice was fine. Or perhaps practicing at Baekyung’s place for the next two weeks? That should be enough time to get comfortable. Deciding, Jehyun grinned and answered.
“Alright. I’ll come down soon. What should we eat?”
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- I’ll handle it!
“You’ll cook?”
- Yes. …Don’t you like that?
Unlike Jehyun, who could barely manage instant noodles, Baekyung could actually cook. Baekyung’s hesitant question made Jehyun laugh briefly, finding him cute.
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“No, I like it. I’ll be right down. Wait a bit.”
- Sure, take your time.
Since they started dating, Baekyung had become a bit softer with Jehyun. Being 10cm taller and so big that Shin Jehyun seemed to disappear when standing in front of him, Baekyung, with his gentle responses and lowered eyes, looked like a puppy to Jehyun.
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So cute… so adorable… really cute… Jehyun laughed, snapping back to reality after a while, and went to the bathroom. There, he washed his face, debated for a moment, then sprayed cologne lightly and changed into fresh clothes before heading down to the 14th floor.
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After knocking on the door of 1402, it opened shortly, revealing Baekyung in an apron.
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Wearing a black t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and a black cotton apron, Baekyung looked quite sexy. Jehyun met his eyes, greeted him, and stepped inside.
“No way…”
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But the smell lingering in the air was unusual. Jehyun squinted as he followed the smiling Baekyung into the kitchen. There, on the table, a mini induction stove was bubbling with rose cream tteokbokki. Jehyun looked up at Baekyung, laughing incredulously.
“Are you eating tteokbokki all the time because of me?”
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“No. I like tteokbokki. I like making tteokbokki for you, Sunbae.”
Baekyung had known for months that Shin Jehyun liked tteokbokki. He discovered it when he visited Jehyun’s house and saw that the delivery app’s favorites list had dozens of tteokbokki places saved. Many people at school also tried to lure Shin Jehyun to drinking parties by offering to buy him tteokbokki.
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So, they often ate tteokbokki together. Once, curious about how often they could eat it, Baekyung chose tteokbokki for every meal for a week, but Jehyun never showed any sign of getting tired of it. For Jehyun, tteokbokki was truly soul food. Baekyung didn’t particularly like tteokbokki, but if Jehyun loved it, he was fine eating it every day.
“You like making tteokbokki for me?”
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Jehyun burst into laughter at Baekyung’s almost fanatical statement. He gripped Baekyung’s shoulders, laughing, then playfully raised his eyebrows.
“When will you stop using honorifics with me? You can speak casually.”
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“…I can’t do that.”
But Baekyung shook his head firmly. Despite Jehyun saying it was okay multiple times, Baekyung stubbornly refused. The reason was simple. He didn’t want to speak casually because he feared his tone might become rough.
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Being comfortable with Jehyun, he worried that his tone might unconsciously change to how he spoke in the game.
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Jehyun mimicked Baekyung’s tone, laughing.
“If you speak casually, I’ll give you a kiss.”
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With a playful smile, Jehyun’s words made Baekyung bite his lip, looking caught off guard. But despite his surprise, Baekyung didn’t fall for it.
Instead, he grabbed Jehyun’s shoulders and, in a sudden move, leaned in to kiss Jehyun’s cheek. With a light smack, their skin touched and parted, leaving Jehyun blinking in surprise.
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“If you don’t do it, I’ll do it.”
The subtly sweet voice made his face flush. Conscious of his heating cheeks, Jehyun looked at Baekyung, then awkwardly turned away.
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* * *
While the flustered novice Shin Jehyun was processing his emotions, Baekyung, now composed, guided him to a chair. Serving tteokbokki onto Jehyun’s plate and watching him eat, Baekyung began,
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“What will you do about the empty raid slots?”
“Hmm… I’m still thinking.”
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With the update of Mallorca over-saturation dungeon, Capital Studio made an unprecedented announcement, recommending a 30-player raid for Hellkaras’s Sanctuary, set to take place in two weeks.
Unlike other raid groups that ran with 30 players, Jehyun’s Hellkaras runs were done with 20. This fixed 20-player party had been maintained for nearly a year before the server merge, formed almost entirely by Jehyun from the Countess server.
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Alongside Animal Farm, it was the only other sustained raid group, but the server merge created vacancies, leaving it unattended recently. There was no need to run the saturation raids before over-saturation came out.
The notice from Cast was practically directed at Jehyun’s raid group, giving them a heads-up to fill ten more spots before the patch day to avoid last-minute scrambles.
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Have they lost their minds? That was his first thought. He couldn’t believe their generosity and kept pondering while attempting the Mallorca perfect clear. It seemed new patterns requiring 30 players had been added to Hellkaras.
“Do you think we can just fill the entry slots and run with 20?”
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“If they issued a notice, it might be difficult.”
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Jephyun chewed on the savory tteokbokki, lost in thought.
Currently, the fixed raid group didn’t even have 15 members. Assuming three unresponsive members in the group chat would leave, there’d be a bit over 10. Adding raid-capable guild members from Jangji and new recruits, they’d have around 20.
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That meant finding nearly ten more for the perfect clear challenge. Running a raid group filled with almost a third new people seemed daunting.
Hellkaras took two weeks for the first clear after its debut. The pattern wasn’t particularly difficult. Although they didn’t get the perfect clear, Jehyun’s first run with 30 people showed it took time for 30 to flawlessly execute patterns.
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In Hellkaras’s final phase, all players carried a debuff, inflicting significant damage on the entire raid when a debuffed player died. One death would cascade, wiping out weakened players repeatedly.
Requiring high proficiency and coordination, integrating ten new faces into a raid for Hellkaras was a thunderbolt for Jehyun. But with Cast hinting so strongly, insisting on 20 was untenable. Jehyun sighed.
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“There’s no choice, we have to recruit.”
“People will be found.”
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“Yeah, but I’m worried about getting someone like Kangrimdoryeong.”
Today, Kangrimdoryeong hadn’t whispered during the Mallorca raid. Whether he was worn out, decided to stop, or just didn’t log in was unclear, but his absence after yesterday’s antics felt unsettling.
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No, it’s none of my concern. I don’t want to think about him while with Baekyung. Jehyun shifted topics and chatted. After a leisurely meal, they stood side by side in Baekyung’s bathroom, brushing their teeth, and then entered his study with the computer.
“Wait… did you change your chair?”
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Baekyung’s chair had been swapped for the same model Jehyun used at home. Surprised, Jehyun asked, and Baekyung shyly nodded.
“You seemed uncomfortable…”
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“You changed it to this model just for me? It’s expensive.”
“That’s okay, I was planning to change the chair anyway.”
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Unlike Habaek, who used to grumble, Baekyung now only responded with positive words like “That’s fine” and “Yes” to Jehyun.
Always saying it’s okay. That attitude was endearing, cute, and funny, so Jehyun reached out to pat Baekyung’s head before sitting down.
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But when he looked at the computer Baekyung had turned on, he noticed that the keyboard and the desk pad underneath it were the same models Jehyun used. It seemed Baekyung had been paying close attention when he visited Jehyun’s house, and now it was clear why.
“You want to be with me, huh?”
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Realizing this, Jehyun playfully asked Baekyung, who was sitting next to him. Baekyung shyly averted his gaze, then looked back at him and answered.
“I wanted you to come over often and stay longer.”
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It was an honest and adorable confession. The heartfelt confession made Jehyun smile, biting his lips to avoid grinning like an idiot, but he couldn’t help it and ended up smiling broadly. Baekyung returned the rare beaming smile with a smile of his own.
Reaching out with his left hand, Jehyun grasped Baekyung’s hand tightly and said with a voice tinged with laughter,
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“Then I guess I’ll have to stay over tonight.”
“…I’m fine with that.”
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A month into their relationship, they hadn’t progressed beyond holding hands and kissing. Unlike casually touching cheeks and patting heads, Shin Jehyun was quite clueless about physical intimacy.
When Baekyung responded positively to his joke about staying over, Jehyun couldn’t take it back as a joke. Smiling at Baekyung, he turned to the Caplet login screen, swallowing nervously.
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Today… will there be some progress…? Though it wasn’t planned, since Baekyung wasn’t pushing for it either, they had stayed at the same level. But if he stayed over, something might happen. Jehyun logged into Caplet, thinking about what was needed for spending the night with a guy.
* * *
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Looking for participants to challenge the first clear of Hellkaras’s Sanctuary over-saturation.
Hello, I’m Healer, the guild master of Countess.
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We are looking for players to challenge the Hellkaras’s Sanctuary raid over-saturation opening on July 20th.
Currently, we have 21 members, and we are recruiting the following classes:
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1 Priest
1 Shaman
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1 Tank
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A total of 9 members.
Minimum gear requirement is Mallorca +12 enhancement (Healer +10), and armor must be +10 with completed options.
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Priority will be given to DPS with Mallorca DPS over 2 million.
To ensure smooth raid progress, we are only accepting players with over 20 raid clears, and the minimum requirements may change if we don’t meet the quota.
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Healer will lead the raid, and only tanks and party leaders will have their mics open.
Gathering time is 11:30 AM on July 20th, and we will wait in voice chat until the server opens.
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Since this is a renewal, not a new dungeon, we aim to clear it within two days, so only apply if you can be online for at least 24 hours.
Whisper inquiries to > Healer, Habaek, Sangjae, Boss12MoreHours, SpellChecker, Contempt <
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If offline, you can send mail.
Please choose the most convenient option.
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Thank you^^
Comments (59)
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Anonymous 1: Oh, as expected, recruiting. Good luck with the first clearㅎㅎ
└ Thank you.
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Anonymous 2: How will the loot be distributed??
└ Bound items will be distributed by class, unbound items will be rolled.
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Anonymous 3: My main is in another raid party, but can I join with an alt? My main has over 50 raid clears.
└ What class are you?
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└ Priest^^
└ Whisper me. I’m Healer. I’m online now.
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Anonymous 4: Are you taking necromancers? I have 50 clears…
└ If you can do over 2 million DPS on Mallorca, yes.
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Anonymous 5: 2 million on Mallorcaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just say you don’t want necromancers.
└ Seems like a condition to avoid Kangrimdoryeong, LOL.
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└ ? Necromancers can do 2 million on Mallorca.
└ Stop talking nonsense.
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└ Necromancer 2 million;; Even a necromancer grandmaster can’t do thatㅋㅋ If you can, show proof;
└ Don’t fight in my post, it triggers notifications.
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Anonymous 6: Do you think you can get the first clear this time too?
└ Yes.
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Anonymous 7: Some people say Countess should stop taking all the first clears and give others a chance. What do you think?
└ Over-saturation is a dungeon anyone can enter at level 80.
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Anonymous 8: Did you find the person who bet on Jicheonwang during the siege?
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└ Found and dealt with.
└ ??? Who keeps commenting? After the “I’m online” comment, it’s not me. Stop impersonating -Healer
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Not a single sane person here. Jehyun frowned as he clicked back after leaving the last comment. He thought it was a good idea to turn off his phone. But then, a newly posted top article caught his eye.
Who owns the anchovy?
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The intriguing title brought to mind a particular nickname. Everyone called him “MyeolchiPilsu,” a user causing inflation by buying up enhancement stones.