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    “Why do these bastards keep talking about bootlicking?”

    If he had actually received any bootlicking in the guild, it wouldn’t be so frustrating. The way Jehyun was treated in the guild was more like a game-addicted vagabond or someone who says they don’t like it but sticks with Habaek, a two-faced person.

    What even is bootlicking? He had never experienced such a thing in the guild.

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    Of course, Jehyun was famous. Thanks to Caplet’s accumulated ranking system, he had never lost his rank 1 position even while serving in the military, and he was the only priest to record first clears in several dungeons, including Mallorca’s Tomb.

    Moreover, after a major battle in front of the tomb, Jehyun became known through the stream of a famous streamer, Jackson, and became a role model for new healer players.

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    However, the players who liked Jehyun mostly stayed in the forums. He had met a few people in the game who greeted him warmly, but he had never received the kind of affectionate attention those crude descriptions implied.

    Annoyed, Jehyun immediately opened the raid info window and initiated a vote to kick Yeomra and MonthlyReaper.

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    The vote to kick Yeomra has failed. 19 votes for, 5 against, 5 abstentions.

    The vote to kick MonthlyReaper has failed. 19 votes for, 4 against, 6 abstentions.

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    In a 30-member raid, a vote to kick would fail if more than 3 members (rounded from 2.9) voted against or abstained. At least 27 members needed to vote in favor for the kick to pass, but many hesitated since each member was a valuable asset in extermination.

    [Raid] 5CPRAgga: Can’t you just go?ㅠ I have to catch a flight for a business trip this evening, we need to finish now..

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    [Raid] Yeomra: lol a kick vote?

    [Raid] Yeomra: I’ll stay as if I’ve been kicked out, just as you want.

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    [Raid] MonthlyReaper: Try doing well without us lol.

    [Raid] Hexxa: Fucking just leave, idiots.

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    [Raid] EvaTuna: Who voted against? This is annoying.

    Extermination will start in 30 seconds!

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    You can vote again in 1 minute.

    The kick votes failed, and to make matters worse, Yeomra and MonthlyReaper brazenly declared they would go AFK. Quickly kicking them might allow someone else to join through additional matchmaking, but due to the vote delay, they couldn’t be kicked again before the extermination started.

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    “Fucking bastards.”

    Nothing about them was likable. Jehyun swore in frustration as he distributed buffs. Since nothing could be done, it was better to just ignore them. As he mentioned earlier, Jehyun reminded the raid members where to go using the raid notifications.

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    30 seconds later, the extermination started, and everyone except Yeomra, MonthlyReaper, and Jehyun rushed towards the left outer gate. Jehyun was waiting to launch the airship when, suddenly, it took off on its own.

    [Raid Leader Notice] Healer: ? Who pressed it?

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    Any raid member could launch the airship, but in extermination, it was tacitly considered the raid leader’s prerogative. The raid leader would determine the timing to launch the airship, typically after the defense team saw the parties at the outer gate and dropped their guard, which was almost a rule in extermination.

    This was also mentioned in the ‘Extermination Guide for Beginners ver.3.01’ pinned at the top of the forum. Since there were no newbies in the raid, it was unlikely that veterans made such a rookie mistake. Jehyun frowned and glared at Yeomra and MonthlyReaper standing next to him.

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    [Raid Leader Notice] Healer: The world is truly warm and fuzzy.

    [Raid Leader Notice] Healer: Can’t believe there are still idiots launching the airship instead of the raid leader.

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    [Raid Leader Notice] Healer: How can you be so brainless and still be alive? Lol.

    [Raid] Hexxa: Lol, truly a warm world^^!

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    [Raid] EvaTuna: Sulking just because they were assigned to left middleㅋㅋㅋㅋ So petty, Hell level ㅉㅉ.

    The raid channel was filled with scathing comments. Jehyun opened the minimap and watched the raid members on the airship approach the inner fortress.

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    It seemed there were still people manning the anti-air cannons on the left outer gate. The cannon fire started depleting the health of the 5th party members on the airship.

    If they had launched just 10 seconds later, they would have landed safely. Sighing in frustration, Jehyun directed the raid.

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    A crack is forming on the left outer gate!

    [Raid Leader Notice] Healer: It looks like they’re just a weak raid team. Let’s head straight to the inner fortress.

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    Fortunately, the opposing raid members didn’t seem very enthusiastic about winning. Perhaps they had given up after seeing the party composition on this side. With the core members of the two most famous guilds in the merged server, and Hexxa being notorious for being an extermination veteran, they might have decided it wasn’t worth the effort.

    Jehyun’s raid team easily broke through the outer gate. There was a brief commotion in front of the left outer gate, but once the defenders were quickly dealt with, the enemies didn’t even bother to respawn and just lay there.

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    Soon after, the inner gate was destroyed without any interference, and it took less than 5 minutes to break the extermination stone. Victory. As Jehyun watched the word appear on the screen, he quickly initiated another vote to kick Yeomra and MonthlyReaper as soon as his character respawned in the castle after loading.

    The vote to kick Yeomra has passed. 28 votes for, 1 against.

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    Yeomra has been kicked from the raid.

    [Raid] Contempt: Bye ㅇㅅㅇ.

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    The vote to kick MonthlyReaper has passed. 29 votes for.

    MonthlyReaper has been kicked from the raid.

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    [Raid] Hexxa: ? MonthlyReaper got 29 votes for kick? Lol.

    [Raid] Hexxa: Even Yeomra must agree MonthlyReaper is hopeless. Lol.

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    [Raid] EvaTuna: When will we get a public vote system?

    Seeing the two of them do nothing, no one opposed this time. The raid size dropped from 30 to 28 members, but no one questioned their ability to win. Moreover, this time Jehyun’s raid was on defense, and before extermination started, the opposing raid leader reached out for cooperation in the battle chat.

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    [Battle] BarberYoungHyung: How about we break the extermination stone this round, and you guys do it next round?

    [Battle] BarberYoungHyung: My raid is in a bad mood. Everyone went to eat, it seems.

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    [Battle] LipServiceJiwon: Yeah, defense can’t break the gate anyway, 15 minutes is a waste of time.

    [Battle] LipServiceJiwon: Let’s help each other, Hyung.

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    [Battle] Hexxa: Just surrender. What if we get defense again next round?

    [Battle] LipServiceJiwon: We’ll surrender instantly then. Just tried to surrender but someone pressed the wrong button and rejected it, lol.

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    [Battle] IAmSquid: Sorryㅠㅠ I pressed the wrong button;;

    The opposing raid members seemed to have given up on winning entirely. With penalties in mind, some even left, reducing their numbers to 23. In this state, they couldn’t break into the castle and destroy the extermination stone, and waiting 15 minutes for a loss was a waste of time. They suggested finishing with 2 wins and 1 loss, which was reasonable to accept.

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    [Battle] Healer: Come on in.

    Once Jehyun agreed, all 23 enemy raid members rushed towards the outer fortress. They broke the outer gate, inner gate, and extermination stone without any resistance. After the defeat message appeared and the screen reloaded, the opposing side upheld their end of the bargain and declared surrender in the next round, as promised.

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    With the weekly quest completion alert and the final victory message, Jehyun received the quest rewards and immediately left the party.

    Four Heavenly Kings of Hell has declared war on Countess Guild!

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    Returning to town, Jehyun saw this message in the system window. It must have been Yeomra who declared it. Really transparent of them. Jehyun snickered and informed his guild members.

    [Guild] Healer: We’ve got a guild war declared. Move before your shield drops when going to dungeons, and let us know if anything happens.

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    [Guild] Healer: If you’re creating new alts, enable guild hiding. It won’t completely prevent targeting, but it might buy some time.

    [Guild] EvenIfYouDieIt’sYourHeal: Okay!

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    Guild member Boss12MoreHours has logged in.

    [Guild] Contempt: He’s here ㅇㅅㅇ Let’s quickly do rank runs ㄱㄱ. I’ll do the PPT later tonight.

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    [Guild] Contempt: I can’t calm down after the extermination… Huff… Huff…

    [Guild] Boss12MoreHours: Hi

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    [Guild] NamAneedHeal: Welcome

    While talking, Boss, who had been away for a moment, logged in. Contempt, who was waiting for the rank run, started urging to start. Jehyun greeted her and opened the storage to change items while forming the rank run party.

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    However, when forming the party, Habaek and Matgom were missing.

    15:59 Me: [Matgom, come for rank run, log in]

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    Jehyun called Matgom in the guild group chat and opened the guild info. Habaek was still leveling up his alt with purespear. If he had seen the rank run mention, he should have logged in immediately. Why is he still leveling the alt? Jehyun frowned and called him.

    [Guild] Healer: Habaek, log in

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    There was no answer. Jehyun waited for a moment and called him again.

    [Guild] Healer: Habaek, log in now

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    The response came from purespear instead.

    [Guild] purespear: ㅠㅠ I don’t think Habaek can go for the rank run today..

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    Jehyun’s eyebrow arched. Am I interrupting a date? he wondered. But no matter how he thought about it, nothing should take precedence over a rank run with only two days left before the deadline. Deciding not to respond, he whispered to Chingdao.

    [Whisper] to Chingdao407: Hey

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    [Whisper] to Chingdao407: Come for the rank run.

    [Guild] purespear: You two must be really close to be whispering to each other ><ㅋㅋㅋ

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    And the suggestive reply made Jehyun raise his eyebrows sharply.

    What the heck? What is this?

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    He was irritated.

    Whispering was a private territory. Even if it wasn’t an important matter, anyone would feel uncomfortable if someone else responded to a personal conversation. As Jehyun glared fiercely at the chat window:

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    [Whisper] Chingdao407: Can’t go to rank-up farming now.

    [Whisper] To Chingdao407: ? You have to go ㄱ

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    [Whisper] Chingdao407: No, need to level up my secondary character.

    [Whisper] To Chingdao407: ? Is there a secondary character before rank-up farming?

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    [Whisper] To Chingdao407: Check your priorities again.

    [Whisper] Chingdao407: No, can’t go. I want to do rank-up farming too, but I was told I can’t.

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    [Whisper] To Chingdao407: What nonsense.

    Habaek was spouting nonsense. Jehyun was about to ask why, feeling exasperated, when his phone buzzed.

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    Matgom [I’m not available todayㅠㅠ Let’s go tomorrow.]

    16:02 Matgom had just declared his absence from rank-up farming. Feeling deflated, Jehyun typed a reply, ‘Okay, see you tomorrow,’ and sighed.

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    Since they couldn’t proceed because of Matgom anyway, there was no point in arguing with Habaek anymore. With a disgruntled expression, Jehyun informed the guild chat.

    [Guild] Healer: Matgom says he can’t come, disbanding.

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    [Guild] Contempt: Always messes up at critical moments ㅡㅅㅡ

    [Guild] Contempt: Ha. How am I supposed to calm this destructive urge without rank-up farming?

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    [Guild] purespear: Do you calm destructive urges by dying? >ㅅ<?

    [Guild] Contempt: ㅣㅅㅇ….?

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    [Guild] Contempt: How did you know I die a lot… that’s suspicious.

    After glancing at the guild window, he stood up. An unusually unpleasant feeling lingered in his body. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly why he felt off, but something in Caplet was subtly irritating him.

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    With no rank-up farming and no desire to level up his secondary character, Jehyun had nothing else to do. He thought about studying but suddenly remembered someone and picked up his phone.

    Me [Baekyung, what are you doing?]

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    16:17 Me [I’m boredㅠㅠ Want to have dinner together?]

    Being with Baekyung always made him feel good. It was nearly dinner time, so having dinner together seemed like a good idea. The reply came quickly.

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    Ha Baekyung [Sure]

    [What time should we meet?ㅎㅎ]

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    16:17 It was a fast reply as if waiting for it. After dealing with the person dodging rank-up farming for no reason, talking to Baekyung brought peace to his mind. Jehyun smirked unconsciously and typed a reply.

    16:18 Me [How about 5?]

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    Ha Baekyung [Sure, let’s meet at the elevator at 5!]

    16:18 16:19 Me [Okayㅋㅋ See you then. I’ll treat you to something delicious.]

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    Putting down his phone, he placed his hand on the mouse to exit Caplet. Just then, purespear’s complaint erupted in the guild chat, directed at Habaek.

    [Guild] purespear: Habaek is really untrustworthy.

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    [Guild] purespear: He’s a rotten person.

    [Guild] purespear: Ditches friends for a girl.

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    [Guild] Sangjae: ??? You know him better than I do.

    [Guild] Sangjae: But does he have a girl? Really?

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    [Guild] Contempt: Self-introduction..?ㅇㅅㅇ

    But purespear’s tone, which was criticizing Habaek, was completely different from earlier. Where had he seen that tone before? As Jehyun tilted his head, purespear continued.

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    [Guild] purespear: No, haha

    [Guild] purespear: I came to this guy’s house after a long time.

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    [Guild] purespear: I planned to stay over tonight.

    [Guild] purespear: But suddenly, he said he had an appointment and left. Is this human?

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    There was only one person in the guild who treated Habaek like that. Thinking of him, Jehyun quickly typed and asked.

    [Guild] Contempt: ㅡㅅㅡ…. Are you Matgom?

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    [Guild] Healer: Matgom?

    [Guild] Sangjae: Oh, I thought it was someone elseㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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    Simultaneously, Contempt and Sangjae realized Matgom’s identity and spoke. Purespear was Matgom? Then why did he treat me like an obstacle? Feeling stunned, Jehyun blinked and furrowed his brows in confusion.

    [Guild] Healer: Are you two dating?

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    [Guild] purespear: Huh? That’s a novel way to insult;;

    [Guild] Contempt: But why pretend to be a newbie?ㅡㅅㅡ?

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    [Guild] Contempt: And why act cute like a girl >ㅅ<?

    Contempt had said what Jehyun wanted to ask. And the answer was utterly bewildering.

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    [Guild] purespear: It was a concept.

    [Guild] purespear: I was just trying to mess around, but I failed.

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    [Guild] Chingdao407: Because he’s a crazy bastard.

    “Is he really crazy?”

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    He didn’t seem sane. No matter how much of a joke it was, pretending to be a girlfriend of a guy with the same parts was too much. Even if Seo Eunjae paid him, he wouldn’t want to do it. This guy was clearly not in his right mind. Jehyun frowned deeply and sighed.

    [Guild] EvenIfYouDieIt’sYourHeal: Ah, a hardcore concept chaserㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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    [Guild] Boss12MoreHours: What kind of concept is that?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    [Guild] purespear: A concept filled with ambition to replace Contempt and become the most loved in the guild?

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    [Guild] Contempt: ㅡㅠㅡEw..

    [Guild] Chingdao407: If you’re done chatting, get out quickly.

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    [Guild] Boss12MoreHours: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋWas Meri ever loved?

    [Guild] Contempt: More like scolded;

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    [Guild] purespear: Wow; look at how that guy talks. Is that something you say to a friend?

    [Guild] purespear: Caplet ranks first in human decency too.

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    While thinking Matgom was crazy, his criticism caught Jehyun’s attention. Jehyun also agreed with what Matgom said about Habaek’s personality.

    Moreover, having agreed to level up secondary characters with Matgom, only to now say he was meeting a friend, was deeply unsatisfactory to Jehyun. If you can’t do rank-up farming, you should at least level up your secondary characters. Does he think guild competition is a joke? Seeing him ditch his friends immediately for a girl, he clearly had no loyalty.

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    Of course, Jehyun also made plans with Baekyung. But since it was hard for him to level up a secondary character alone, and today was a good day for rank-up farming, he decided to go out instead. Shin Jehyun’s attitude towards rank-up farming was always excellent. Jehyun rationalized and asked Matgom.

    [Guild] Healer: Then why did you say you couldn’t do rank-up farming?

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    [Guild] Healer: Do you think rank-up farming is a joke?

    [Guild] purespear: Haha, no way.

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    [Guild] purespear: I can’t do rank-up farming if I’m not home. I’m sensitive to environmental changes.

    Knowing the whole story, it was ridiculous. On one hand, the inexplicable discomfort had faded. Jehyun suddenly recalled his earlier feelings and blamed Matgom for his silly joke that had made him feel off, clicking his tongue. If he had been beside him, he might have hit him on the back.

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    [Guild] purespear: Anyway, I have to leave now since I got kicked out. Aren’t you in Korean University, Guild Master? Want to have a drink with me?

    As if sensing Jehyun’s feelings, Matgom offered to buy him a drink. But Jehyun already had plans with Baekyung. He lightly declined the offer.

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    [Guild] Healer: No

    [Guild] Healer: I also have plans. See you all.

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    [Guild] Contempt: Wow.. Showing off being an insider.. Making plans in 20 minutes..

    [Guild] purespear: As expected, Korean University students lack humanityㅠ

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    [Guild] Contempt: That’s obvious..

    [Guild] Contempt: How can you expect humanity from people who score all 1s in the college entrance exam?

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    [Guild] Contempt: They’re not human.

    [Guild] Healer: I’m not out yet.

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    [Guild] Contempt: ㅎㅅㅎ…………… Be careful Hyung….. Love you..

    Contempt’s cute act made Jehyun laugh lightly. Feeling a bit better, Jehyun exited Caplet. It was time to meet Baekyung.

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    * * *

    5 PM. The elevator descended from the 17th floor and stopped at the 14th. Jehyun smiled as Baekyung entered.

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    “Hello, Sunbae.”

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    Baekyung also smiled, making eye contact. Seeing Baekyung’s pretty smile, Jehyun felt better, reached out, and gently touched Baekyung’s nape, squeezing it once before letting go. Baekyung then leaned in closer, seemingly pleased. Really like a big puppy.

    “What do you want to eat? Is there something you want?”

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    While asking, he gently stroked Baekyung’s soft nape. Baekyung furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed Jehyun’s arm.

    “I’ll really treat you today. So, let’s eat what you want.”

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    Baekyung had wanted to treat Jehyun to something delicious for a long time. Every time they ate together, Jehyun was quick to pay, and attempts to invite him home always had bad timing. Baekyung looked determined not to let Jehyun treat him today.

    Finding Baekyung adorable, Jehyun laughed softly and gently pushed his back as the elevator door opened. He let Baekyung out first but noticed he suddenly stopped. Huh? Curiously, Jehyun looked up to see a man wearing a cap standing in the lobby.

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    The thug-like guy with a scowl was alternating his gaze between Jehyun and Baekyung. Who is this guy? Jehyun squinted his eyes at him.

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    The man had a similar but more laid-back impression compared to Jehyun. In short, if Jehyun had a sharp thug-like appearance, the other guy looked like a playful thug.

    Moreover, his eyes, with deep double eyelids, looked somewhat sinister. Seeing the man’s gaze directed at Baekyung, Jehyun instinctively stepped in front of him.

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    “Let’s go, Sunbae.”

    Baekyung naturally placed his hand on Jehyun’s shoulder. Without even glancing at the unknown man, he led Jehyun out of the officetel. Only after the door closed did Jehyun look up at Baekyung.

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    “He’s not someone you know, right?”

    “No, I don’t know him.”

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    “He doesn’t seem like a resident. How did he get in? There are a lot of crazy people out there, so avoid those with strange looks, Baekyung. Got it?”

    Hearing Baekyung’s answer, Jehyun warned in a low voice. The man standing in front of the elevator gave off a bad vibe. He had a fundamentally different atmosphere from someone gentle and kind like Ha Baekyung.

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    Baekyung blinked and lowered his gaze at the warning. Meeting Jehyun’s serious eyes, he soon smiled cutely and replied in a drawn-out tone.

    “…Yes. I’ll be careful, Sunbae.”

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    “Good. And for dinner… you treat me. I’ll cover the second round. Is that okay?”

    “Then I’ll treat you to another meal next time.”

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    “No, if it gets out that I’m getting treated by a freshman, I’ll get criticized.”

    “We can keep it a secret.”

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    “If you keep this up, we won’t eat together anymore.”

    Jehyun didn’t want to alternate paying like Dutch treat with Baekyung. So he shook his head, but Baekyung was firm. Grabbing Jehyun’s arm with a displeased frown, he spoke again.

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    “I’ll tell everyone that I’m the one getting treated. Okay? I want to see you often and treat you to delicious food.”

    His voice sounded almost pitiful. Jehyun, who had looked up to see Baekyung’s sullen face, burst into laughter. Laughing softly, he pressed Baekyung’s protruding lips back in with his hand.

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    “You make it sound like I did something wrong. Okay, see me often and treat me to lots of meals. Alright?”

    Only then did Baekyung smile in relief.

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    Why is he so cute? Jehyun felt his heart melt. Trying hard to suppress his rising smile, he led Baekyung to a tteokbokki place. Since Baekyung was treating, he didn’t want to eat anything expensive, and fortunately, Baekyung liked tteokbokki too.

    However, the plan to have fun with Baekyung fell apart at the second round. They ran into Seo Eunjae and other seniors and juniors at the bar they visited.

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    It was good until they ate tteokbokki. His mood, which had been down, soared, and even when they arrived at the bar for the second round and emptied the first beer glass, Jehyun thought he would stay stress-free and happy until he went home.

    “Wow, shit. Am I seeing things?”

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    However, the peace was shattered when he received a new beer glass and heard an annoying voice.

    Hearing Seo Eunjae’s voice, Jehyun remembered. Today was Saturday, and a few days ago, Seo Eunjae had asked him if he wanted to join the political science department gathering today.

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    Of course, Jehyun had declined, saying he was busy, but because Habaek said he wouldn’t do rank-up farming, he ended up eating and drinking with Baekyung. Actually, it was more because of Matgom, but anyway.

    “You said you had things to do at home, you bastard! Is this what you had to do?”

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    As soon as Seo Eunjae saw Jehyun sitting across from Baekyung, drinking, he shouted in a voice full of betrayal. Then the other classmates who had entered the bar late noticed Jehyun and Baekyung and greeted them warmly.

    “Hey, Shin Jehyun! Baekyung is here too, hi!”

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    “What’s going on? Shin Jehyun said he was busy today! What are you doing here?”

    “Is it really a campus couple coming out?”

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    Without saying a word, several comments poured out. Jehyun, feeling like he was suddenly allergic to people, greeted them.

    “Oh, hi. I needed to discuss something about an assignment with Baekyung.”

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    He didn’t intend to, but lies came out smoothly.

    “Hello. I had a question about the mentee report, so I asked Sunbae to make some time.”

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    Baekyung was also lying. Jehyun glanced at Baekyung, who seemed to be on the same page, spinning a story. When their eyes met, it felt like Baekyung was asking, “Did I do well?” Seeing Baekyung being cute, Jehyun couldn’t help but smile, but the shameless Seo Eunjae pushed his way onto the sofa where Jehyun was sitting.

    “Really? Mentee report? We’ve all written those before, but wouldn’t it be better to hear from more people? There’s no place to sit anyway, so why don’t we join you? Hey, move over.”

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    “Can’t you just go away?”

    “No, we can’t. These Sunbaes need to help our Baekyung.”

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    Unfortunately, there were no seats available in the bar. It was disheartening to see so many students drinking on a weekend when they should be studying. The future of South Korea seemed bleak.

    Not wanting to make things awkward, Jehyun reluctantly moved to the window seat. Baekyung also moved inward, allowing four of their classmates, including Seo Eunjae, to sit down.

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    Watching them settle in and order like it was their place, Jehyun frowned and downed his beer in one go. One classmate, seeing this, raised his thumb in admiration.

    “Wow, Shin Jehyun is still alive.”

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    “Oh, Baekyung, you don’t know this. Shin Jehyun’s nickname in freshman year was Alcoholic.”

    “Yeah, remember when we drank until 6 AM and slept in the student lounge before going to class? Shin Jehyun blacked out in the first class but remembered everything in the second. It was hilarious.”

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    Though only 24, reminiscing about their freshman days seemed to bring out nostalgia in his classmates. Jehyun, not finding these stories flattering, glanced at Baekyung and tried to shut them up.

    “Let’s not talk about things only we know with Baekyung here.”

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    “Oh, right. Baekyung, what’s your question about the mentee report? Ask away.”

    Seo Eunjae, eager to share knowledge, puffed out his chest. However, the mentee report was just an excuse Baekyung made up to fend them off. As Baekyung faltered, unable to answer, Jehyun stepped in.

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    “Hey, Seo Eunjae. Do you even have the skill to help? Showing off in front of someone who aced the college entrance exam?”

    “I didn’t score as well as Baekyung, but I’m still a Sunbae!”

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    “Yeah! We may not be top scorers, but we have experience in the political science department!”

    As if being a Sunbae was a big deal. Having taken a few more classes and being older didn’t mean Seo Eunjae could teach Baekyung anything. Smirking, Jehyun sipped his water and lazily asked Kang Jayoon, sitting opposite him.

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    “Jayoon, should we shut up everyone with a GPA below 4.3? What do you think?”

    “Yeah, I’m with you. These guys were too loud. Hey, anyone with a GPA below 4.3 needs to raise their hand and get permission to speak. And our freshman is free to speak?”

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    Kang Jayoon, one of Jehyun’s classmates who was also close with Seo Eunjae in their first year, had a rough personality. Her words made the three male classmates, except for Jehyun, frown and fall silent. Finally, it was quieter.

    At that moment, Jehyun thought playing around like this wasn’t so bad. The familiar atmosphere was comforting. Feeling his previously irritated mood calm down, Jehyun looked at Baekyung.

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    Leaning against the sofa, Baekyung watched them with a smile. Soon, a glass cup touched Baekyung’s smoothly smiling lips, and as Baekyung lowered his gaze expressionlessly, Jehyun thought to himself. Even without an expression, he’s really handsome….

    * * *

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    It seemed Shin Jehyun had a very bad habit. Baekyung watched Jehyun, who was giggling drunkenly, with a smile.

    “So, what’s the conclusion? You got dumped again?”

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    “Can’t you see? She was playing with me?!”

    “Jehyun…. He’s starting his nonsense again.”

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    “That’s a disease.”

    Jehyun and his classmates seemed very close. So close that even when the drunken Kang Jayoon rested her head on Shin Jehyun’s shoulder, it didn’t bother him. Baekyung watched them with a sinking gaze, their arms and legs touching.

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    The knot in his stomach twisted. He kept wanting to act out. He debated whether to spill the beer in front of him as if by accident, but restrained himself with a sigh.

    He didn’t want to harm anyone, especially not Jehyun. He had to hold back. Meanwhile, Seo Eunjae, the main culprit who ruined their cozy date, asked Baekyung.

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    “Baekyung, what do you think? Don’t you think Kim Hansol is delusional?”

    It was during a conversation about the not-so-interesting love life of Kim Hansol, one of Shin Jehyun’s classmates. Kim Hansol confessed to a girl who seemed to like him, only to be told they should stay friends.

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    Not particularly interested, Baekyung didn’t listen closely, but it was something like that. Normally, Baekyung would have agreed with Seo Eunjae for the sake of the atmosphere, following the opinion of the majority.

    But now, he didn’t want to say something he didn’t mean. Fixing his eyes on Jehyun, who was in close contact with Kang Jayoon, Baekyung opened his mouth, full of discontent.

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    “No. The other person acted in a way that could easily be misunderstood.”

    “Right?! You really get it.”

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    Finally finding someone on his side, Kim Hansol shouted in relief. Baekyung, half-listening to his rambling, fixed his gaze on Jehyun’s shoulder and added.

    “If you acted so kindly, you should take responsibility. They say boys and girls shouldn’t sit together after the age of seven, but you linked arms, watched movies together, and spent a lot of time together. Now you want to stay friends? That doesn’t make sense. If you needed someone to spend time with, you should have found a friend. How is this different from leading someone on and then backing out? Sunbae has every right to be angry.”

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    “No, it’s not that I’m angry, just upset….”

    “And then you contact them first? Isn’t it wrong to play with someone’s feelings? If you can’t accept their feelings, you should say so and stop contacting them. That’s too much.”

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    “No, I didn’t play with their feelings….”

    “You said you saw them linking arms with someone else. If that’s not playing with feelings, what is? How can someone do that? If you act like that with everyone, they’ll all misunderstand. It’s your loss in the end, so why act that way?”

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    As he spoke, Baekyung felt strangely angry and irritated.

    He couldn’t hold back any longer.

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    “You should be careful with your actions so others don’t misunderstand.”

    Finishing his words, Baekyung lifted the beer glass in front of him about 5 cm into the air. Then, as if his hand slipped, he let the glass fall. With a loud crash, the large pitcher tipped over, spilling beer.

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    One person had left earlier, and with people coming and going to the bathroom, the seats had changed. Now, Shin Jehyun and Kang Jayoon were sitting there. As the beer spilled towards them, she shrieked and moved aside.

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    “Are you okay? I’m sorry, my hand slipped….”

    In the end, only Jehyun was soaked in beer. Blinking in surprise at Baekyung’s apology, Jehyun looked down at his thigh. Instead of getting angry, he chuckled, looked up at Baekyung, and smiled.

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    “Baekyung, are you drunk? Ah, it’s the first time I’ve seen you talk this much. Cute.”

    “Both of you are out of your minds.”

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    It was Seo Eunjae who clicked his tongue at the nonsensical comment.

    Realizing that Shin Jehyun was drunk because he was laughing more, Seo Eunjae sighed and stood up. Helping Kang Jayoon wipe the table, he gestured to Baekyung, who looked troubled.

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    “Baekyung, you should stop drinking too. Can you take Shin Jehyun home? Don’t you two live in the same place? I think Shin Jehyun mentioned that. If it’s too hard, I can take him.”

    “Hey, I’m not done yet.”

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    “No, I’ll go with Sunbae.”

    It seemed like spilling a 500cc beer glass was the ticket home. Thinking he wouldn’t have to see the annoying scene anymore, Baekyung stood up quickly. Grabbing Jehyun’s coat and his own, he quickly said goodbye to them.

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    “I’ll head out first.”

    “I’m not drunk.”

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    “Yeah, we’ll cover the bill, so just go.”


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    “I’m telling you, I’m sober.”

    No one listened to Shin Jehyun. Bowing his head in farewell, Baekyung led Jehyun out of the bar. Then, standing him by the entrance, he said.

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    “Sunbae, I left my phone inside. I’ll be right back. Stay here.”

    “Okay. But Baekyung, should we go for a third round? I don’t want to go home.”

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    Blinking gently, he seemed out of his mind. It was clear he would black out, but Baekyung just replied, “Should we?” and went back inside.

    “Please settle the bill for table 6. Just charge the additional amount.”

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    Quickly pulling out his card, he paid for the drinks. He didn’t want to owe Seo Eunjae or Kang Jayoon.

    After finishing the payment, Baekyung went back outside. He saw Shin Jehyun standing blankly where he had left him. Calling softly, “Sunbae,” Jehyun looked up and smiled. That smile, which warmed his heart, made Baekyung bite his lip as he approached Jehyun.

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    “Are your pants very wet? Let’s stop by the bathroom.”


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    Placing his hand on Jehyun’s waist, he guided him towards the bathroom.

    He always wore oversized clothes, so Baekyung hadn’t noticed, but Jehyun’s waist felt thinner than expected under the fabric. Unlike his own firm muscles from swimming, Shin Jehyun’s waist had a smooth curve. Swallowing dryly, Baekyung stood him by the sink and pulled out several hand towels.

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    “I’ll wipe it for you. Lean against the wall if you feel dizzy.”


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    Unlike his usual self, who seemed to like leading, the drunken Shin Jehyun was a bit more compliant. Baekyung found Shin Jehyun’s “okay” response a bit cute and knelt down to press the hand towel against his pants.

    However, his clothes were soaked in beer as if he had just worn them without drying them after washing. Even after soaking five hand towels, his pants showed no change, making Baekyung frown in frustration. Giving up on wiping the beer, he spoke in a sullen voice.

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    “Sunbae, your pants are too wet. I think it’s better to just change quickly….”

    He only wanted to separate him from Kang Jayoon, not give him a beer bath. Feeling guilty, Baekyung bit his lip, but there was no response. Pressing the hand towel with all his might, he looked up in confusion. There he saw Shin Jehyun, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, trying to hold back laughter.

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    “What’s so funny?”

    Asking that, Jehyun couldn’t hold back anymore and laughed. His eyes, softened and folded, blinked. A small voice escaped from him.

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    “It tickles.”

    “…It tickles?”

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    Baekyung asked, scanning Jehyun’s face with his eyes. The face looking down at him was very small. A short breath escaped through slightly parted lips. His cheeks were flushed next to his sharp, small nose, and his long, cool eyes looked a bit dazed.

    “A lot?”

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    Baekyung, gripping Shin Jehyun’s thigh tightly, licked his lips and asked. Along with that, his large thumb stroked the wet fabric of Jehyun’s pants.

    “Yes…. Ah.”

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    Moving his hand slowly, rubbing his thigh, Jehyun bit his lip, unable to bear the tickling. Only after his lower lip was pressed against his upper teeth did Baekyung remove his hand from his body.

    What did I just do? His mouth was dry. His face felt hot. Standing up abruptly, Baekyung threw the hand towel into the trash and turned on the sink. Only after splashing cold water on his face several times did he feel somewhat calm. Taking a deep breath, he looked up to see Jehyun leaning against the wall, watching him through the mirror. When their eyes met, Jehyun spoke.

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    “You’re really drunk.”

    His murmuring voice still had a hint of laughter. Who’s he to talk? Baekyung gave a weak smile and wiped his face. Then he immediately took Jehyun out of the bathroom.

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    On the way home, even though it was past midnight, there were many people on the street. Only after leaving the bustling area and entering the residential zone did it become quiet. Walking side by side with Jehyun, Baekyung moved closer and held his hand.


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    Even without saying a word, Jehyun didn’t push him away or express disgust as he did with Seo Eunjae. Seeing him grip his hand tightly as if asking why, Baekyung spoke softly.

    “I feel dizzy….”

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    “If you can’t walk, tell me. I’ll carry you.”

    With a sympathetic expression, Jehyun held Baekyung’s hand tightly. Moving a step closer as if to prevent him from falling, he spoke nonsense.

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    Carry him? It was impossible for Shin Jehyun to carry Ha Baekyung. Leaving aside the at least 20 kg weight difference, Jehyun’s build made it seem impossible for him to carry Baekyung. However, Jehyun’s voice, saying he would carry him, was filled with firm determination.

    Hearing the kindness in his voice, Baekyung felt a thorn in his heart. He had just been reminded by Kang Jayoon that Shin Jehyun’s kindness wasn’t limited to him.

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    Does he say this to other juniors too? Does he act like this with other Sunbaes? Is he this kind to other guys? Even to someone as big as me?

    Though more sober than Jehyun, Baekyung was also drunk. With his rationality blurred by alcohol, Baekyung hoped Jehyun would forget tonight’s events and spoke.

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    “Are you kind to just anyone?”

    At that question, Jehyun suddenly stopped walking. Standing still, he looked down at his feet, then looked up at Baekyung after a moment.

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    His expressionless face seemed to ask why he was asking that. Maintaining eye contact, Baekyung asked.

    “You don’t just hold my hand, right? You do this with others too? If another junior says they’re dizzy, you’ll hold their hand too, right?”

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    Jehyun did not answer immediately. He stared at Baekyung for a while, then, as if thinking, pulled their clasped hands and walked towards home before replying.

    “I won’t hold their hand.”

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    Hearing that, Baekyung felt a tingling sensation in his chest. Unaware of Baekyung’s feelings, Jehyun playfully swung their clasped hands back and forth as he spoke.

    “I don’t do this with girls. They might misunderstand.”

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    “…Then what about guys?”

    “If they’re friends or Sunbaes, it feels a bit gross….”

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    Then why are you holding my hand? The question lingered in Baekyung’s mind. But he couldn’t open his mouth. If he did, his rapidly beating heart might burst out as well.

    “I’d buy them a hangover cure if they felt dizzy, but I wouldn’t hold their hand.”

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    Shin Jehyun spoke slowly. He then fiddled with Baekyung’s unresponsive hand for a long time, then tilted his head as if puzzled, and asked himself a question.

    “That’s strange. Why are you special?”

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    That one sentence shook Baekyung’s world. With his face flushed, he hoped Jehyun couldn’t hear his pounding heart.

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    But Baekyung knew. Realizing that someone you like also likes you was something that only happened in dramas. So he didn’t interpret Jehyun’s words in a way that suited him.

    Even if the specialness Jehyun mentioned wasn’t based on romantic feelings like his own, it was okay. If he was different from others, even slightly special, that was enough. If Shin Jehyun started it, he was confident he could see it through to the end.

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    “If I like you, Sunbae….”

    Baekyung murmured, wrapped in warmth.

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    “It’s all your fault….”

    Because you made me feel special, you have to take responsibility, Sunbae. Baekyung’s determined words, however, did not settle in Jehyun’s consciousness and vanished. The only one who remembered that conversation was Ha Baekyung.

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    April 13th. Monday morning dawned with the opening of the fourth oversaturation dungeon.

    Getting up early, Jehyun arrived at the lecture hall first and sat in a corner at the back. Resting his chin on the desk, he was waiting for Baekyung, who couldn’t come to school with him.

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    “Oppa, good morning! Why the long face?”

    “Morning. I’m hungry.”

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    “Hey, Shin Jehyun. What’s up? Wanna go for some chicken and beer after class?”

    “I don’t associate with alcoholics who drink in broad daylight.”

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    “Even when I care, you act like this.”

    “Hyung, do you have the Political Science and International Relations exam paper? Can I borrow it if you do?”

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    “I have it, but someone’s already borrowing it. Ask Seo Eunjae.”

    As Jehyun sat alone, classmates and juniors kept talking to him. What’s with my face? I should have come later. He slightly regretted it but answered everyone diligently.

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    By now, they should give up and look for someone else. But even though it had been a while since he distanced himself from social life, his classmates didn’t seem to want to let go of Jehyun.

    In fact, as time passed, they clung to him more persistently, sometimes making him feel like he was surrounded by leeches. And now, even freshmen were seeking him out.

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    Looking back, he hadn’t been very diligent in distancing himself. On Mondays, he rushed home after class, and on weekday evenings, he juggled Caplet and studying, but during weekdays with classes, he often ended up hanging out with his department mates.

    They ate lunch together, studied in the department lounge, and sometimes had drinks during the day. Compared to his freshman days when hanging out every day was the norm, he felt he had distanced himself, but if you counted the times, it had already been about ten times. That behavior could hardly be seen as someone wanting to be a loner.

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    Despite looking like a fierce thug, Shin Jehyun had a soft and kind heart. Unlike his cynical appearance, he was considerate and knew how to gently lead the atmosphere.

    When with other Sunbaes, even seniors who usually spouted nonsense would watch their words around Shin Jehyun, and thanks to that, juniors always sought him out when seniors tried to join drinking sessions.

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    Growing up in an affluent family, Shin Jehyun was educated on the importance of language under his journalist father. Though he let loose in games, in reality, he used words effectively, much like his brother Hyung Shin Jae-hwan, who made a living with his mouth.

    Because of this upbringing, he acted confidently without being easily intimidated, making Sunbaes find him challenging and juniors idolize him.

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    “Sunbae, what are you doing this weekend?”

    “Me? Why?”

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    “We’re going to Yeouido this weekend. Want to come with us?”

    “Oh, to see the cherry blossoms?”

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    The eyes of the three juniors sitting in front of Jehyun sparkled brightly. It would be fun to go to Yeouido with such lively juniors, but he had a lot of things to do over the weekend.

    With a smile, Jehyun replied.

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    “Why are you inviting an old guy like me instead of your classmates? If you go with me, you’ll have to eat squid salad, pajeon, and drink makgeolli. Are you okay with that?”

    “I like pajeon!”

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    “I can really handle makgeolli well!”

    “They don’t understand indirect refusals.”

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    “We know, but we’re pretending not to!”

    “It’s more fun if Oppa goes.”

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    But the juniors, like little chicks, didn’t back down despite the refusal. Defeated in this battle of wills, Jehyun quietly closed his mouth.

    Isn’t this the time they usually hang out with their classmates? While pondering with his chin resting on his hand, he felt someone put down a bag in the seat next to him and turned his head.

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    It was Ha Baekyung.

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    The two had been commuting to school together on Monday mornings recently. They were supposed to do the same this morning, but Baekyung had sent a message saying it would be better to go separately today, so they came separately.

    Instead of saying ‘Go ahead’ or ‘I might be late,’ why did he say, ‘It’s better to go separately todayㅠㅠ’? That message had made Jehyun feel oddly down, but seeing Baekyung’s face made him smile again.

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    With a smile, Jehyun greeted Baekyung.

    “Hi, Baekyung.”

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    “Are you here? Hey, Ha Baekyung. You’re going to see the cherry blossoms this weekend, right? We agreed to go to Yeouido together.”

    As soon as Jiwon, a freshman representative, spotted him, she looked Baekyung in the eye and spoke. Memories of the past came to mind.

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    Right, weren’t they flirting? Jehyun observed the atmosphere between the two. Contrary to his thoughts, there were no sparks between Baekyung and Jiwon.

    Seeing Baekyung frown and ask, ‘Me?’ made Jehyun feel strangely at ease.

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    “You said you’d go! Jehyun Sunbae is going too. Let’s go together.”

    “…Is Sunbae going too?”

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    Baekyung turned his head quickly and asked Jehyun in response to Jiwon’s fabrication. Jehyun shrugged with a smile, making Baekyung look back at Jiwon as if confused, then nodded.

    “If Sunbae goes, I’ll go too.”

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    “You’re really stingy. You don’t hang out with us but only stick to Sunbae.”

    When Jiwon grumbled, Baekyung responded with a gentle smile.

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    “You guys only drink.”

    “Yeah! But it’s boring because there are no other guys who can drink as well as you.”

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    “Right. We always have to clean up after them.”

    “You’re asking me to come just to clean up after them, aren’t you?”

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    “Yes, exactly.”

    Jiwon and the girls nodded and giggled at Baekyung’s summary. At that moment, the sound of the lecture room’s front door opening was heard. Turning his head, Jehyun saw Professor Kim Gonghak entering.

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    Lowering her voice, Jiwon whispered to both of them, “Anyway, Sunbae and Ha Baekyung, you’re coming! Saturday at 11 AM, back gate!” Then she stood up from her chair and returned to her seat. In the suddenly quiet room, Jehyun glanced at Baekyung, who was taking out his book.

    When their eyes met, Ha Baekyung smiled prettily. Matching his smile, Jehyun asked in surprise.

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    “Don’t you hang out with the others?”

    “Only at school.”

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    Ha Baekyung had the perfect looks for being popular. Handsome and tall, he had a gentle personality and could handle alcohol well, making both guys and girls like him.

    While he wasn’t the type to lead the atmosphere, he had a knack for making people feel comfortable, so Jehyun had thought Baekyung would be busy hanging out with his classmates when he wasn’t around.

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    But seeing that he mostly only saw them at school, Jehyun raised his eyebrows in surprise.

    “Then what do you do at home?”

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    “At home? Hmm.”

    Baekyung smiled awkwardly, then answered softly after a moment.

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    “I just study.”

    “Class is starting. Attendance is now closed. If you haven’t checked in, come up now.”

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    Professor Kim Gonghak announced that he would close the electronic attendance system. Jehyun glanced at Professor Kim Gonghak, opened his textbook, and then opened his notebook. He picked up his pen and started a written conversation with Baekyung.

    I thought you were a total social butterfly, lol.

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    — Me? Why? :0? Well… because you’re handsome?

    — Well, Sunbae is popular because of that too :d lol

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    Jehyun chuckled softly and crossed out Baekyung’s last sentence, writing “ugh” over it. Baekyung smiled, lifting the corners of his mouth. Staring at that face, Jehyun asked.

    Why don’t you hang out with your classmates? You won’t be able to hang out even if you want to when you’re a sophomore.

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    — Meeting people is tiring. It’s overwhelming ㅠㅠ Really? Seriously? You get drained easily. Should I contact you less if it makes you uncomfortable?

    — I like being with you, Sunbae. I like being with you.

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    — Let’s just keep meeting like this ㅎㅎ

    Jehyun stared at the neatly written sentences from Baekyung. Somehow, it felt strange to read them. How could he use the word “like” so casually? Although he wasn’t the type to be affectionate with his brother, Jehyun found Baekyung quite affectionate.

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    Feeling embarrassed, Jehyun frowned and smiled as he wrote a reply under Baekyung’s words.

    — Someone might misunderstand and think you’re confessing. lol

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    — But it’s true :<

    Seeing the sad face Baekyung drew, Jehyun laughed and looked up. Ha Baekyung was looking down at him with a subtle smile. When their eyes met, Baekyung’s eyes softened, and he tilted his head with a smile.

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    His clear brown eyes were incredibly soft and kind. Baekyung looked very happy. Jehyun stared at him silently, then suddenly felt nauseous and turned his head. Maybe it was because he hadn’t eaten breakfast. He felt like he was going to throw up.

    I should eat with Baekyung after class. Thinking that, he was about to ask Baekyung if he wanted to have lunch together. Suddenly, he remembered the message he received in the morning. Jehyun pursed his lips. He wanted to ask why he said that.

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    …It’s not weird to suggest going separately, but isn’t it strange to ask that? Despite thinking it was odd, he couldn’t suppress his curiosity. Jehyun moved his pen.

    But why did you say it’s better to go separately? Did you have something to do in the morning?

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    After writing the sentence, he tapped Baekyung’s hand. Baekyung lowered his gaze to the notebook. He bit his lip slightly, glanced at Jehyun, and then replied.

    — I had a weird dream 🙁 I felt a bit off. What kind of dream? Did you wake up late because of it?

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    — No, it wasn’t that.

    — I was just afraid I might make a mistake with you, Sunbae… A mistake? lol Did I hit you in the dream…? So you thought you’d be mad if you saw me? ㅠㅠ That’s not it, right?

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    — It’s not that…!!

    — But anyway, I felt a bit off seeing your face in the morning. Seems like it. You can get mad. I’ll take it, lol.

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    Baekyung said it wasn’t, but Jehyun thought it was. Seo Eunjae often said she fought with him in her dreams. His fierce appearance seemed to provoke such dreams.

    He must have done something bad in Baekyung’s dream too. That’s why he said it was better to go separately.

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    It wasn’t intentional, and Jehyun didn’t do it on purpose, so he couldn’t take responsibility, but he felt sorry for unintentionally making Baekyung feel uneasy.

    — Get mad quicklyㅠㅠ I feel sorry.

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    As Jehyun repeatedly told him to get mad, Baekyung pouted as if troubled. Lowering his eyes, he looked at Jehyun, then drew a small picture.

    —╰(‵□′)╯Why did you do that to me!

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    The expression he drew with his large hand was incredibly cute. Jehyun laughed silently, then couldn’t help but lean towards Baekyung. He whispered an apology, “Sorry,” with a smile in his voice. By then, Baekyung’s nape had turned red.

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