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    “Woah, calm down. It’s not like that.”


    “First, put that away. Unless you’re planning to fight.”

    “Since I don’t know what might happen, I’ll keep holding it.”

    At that, Minjun looked at the place where the two people were standing. Sure enough, there was a long sword in Soohyuk’s hand.

    Minjun clicked his tongue inwardly at the imminent situation. Private fights between hunters were prohibited by law. Hunters’ skills did not work on ordinary people, but their fists could destroy cars. An S-class hunter could even bring down a building.

    From where Minjun was sitting, he couldn’t see what kind of expression Soohyuk was making. But his stance looked as if he was ready to swing his sword at any moment.

    “Fine. Anyway… I have an item that belongs to Minjun hyung. For certain reasons, Minjun entrusted it to me a while ago, but as you know, in the case of bound items, if the owner dies, no information is displayed. So I was neglecting it, and recently I happened to check it, and his older brother’s name popped up… You know what that means, right?”

    “Hunter Kim Minjun… Are you saying he resurrected?”

    “I don’t know either. It could be that he was reborn. Anyway, hyung is alive.”

    Minjun couldn’t remember which item of his Choi Euiseong had mentioned. In the early days of the cataclysm, there were no certified markets so it was common for hunters to exchange necessary items with each other. It seemed one of his bound items had ended up with Euiseong.

    It seemed that while he was in another dimension, the owner was marked as blank. Then, when he returned to Earth, it was marked as his property again.

    “This is the best news I’ve heard in a really long time, Winter guild leader. But I haven’t yet heard why you need Hunter Kim Minjun’s hair and blood.”

    Soohyuk’s voice was filled with excitement. By then, the sword in his hand had disappeared.

    “If you smile like that, you look like a madman.”

    “I guess I am a bit crazy.”

    “I checked the item a month ago. At least one month. But hyung hasn’t appeared all this time. If hyung is living quietly somewhere, that’s fine. He might not want to be a hunter. He went through a lot. But he might be trapped or in a situation where he can’t move. So, I plan to use his hair and blood to find him.”

    “Do you have such a skill?”

    “It’s not a skill, it’s a magic tool. It’s been a while since I made it. The accuracy is not very high. But if it works even one time out of a thousand, that’s enough. So give it to me. I’ll let you know as soon as I find hyung. You’ll be the first to know.”

    After hearing that, Minjun relaxed and eased his tension. As the other world was more advanced than Earth, there were many different items to track people’s whereabouts.

    If there was a skill or item to find the owner of a bound item, it would have been difficult. However, there was no need to worry if the whereabouts were being traced through blood and hair, for the genes themselves had changed due to the fusion with the spirit stone, there were discrepancies in the genetic test that Soohyuk said he had done.

    No, wait. Blood and flesh can be used for other purposes too.

    Minjun looked at Euiseong with a feeling of doubt. The best medium for cursing was the blood and flesh of the opponent.

    As with genetic testing, curses will not work on blood and hair from the past. However, he had to make sure that the person who cast the curse was Choi Euiseong or not.

    Minjun even heard Soohyuk and Euiseong reach an agreement. Then, he attached the wind spirit to Choi Euiseong, who was leaving.

    The versatile wind spirit was excellent at tracking people. Summoning the wind spirit all day was quite a drain on mana, but to solve the Existence Dilution, it was first necessary to confirm who the curse caster was.

    Before Soohyuk returned, Minjun composed himself and managed his expression. He spoke to the smiling Soohyuk first.

    “You drew your sword, are you okay?”

    “I’m fine. It was good news. Why didn’t you start eating? I told you to go ahead. This is delicious. Eat it with whipped cream and strawberries.”

    Soohyuk, grinning from ear to ear, offered pancakes in a very friendly voice. Minjun held back his urge to ask if he was that elated.

    Soohyuk, who had the ambition to make his benefactor a hero who would be remembered forever. If Hunter Kim Minjun came back alive, he would welcome him more than anyone else.

    Minjun pondered as he cut a large pancake topped with cream and strawberries and put it in his mouth. Soohyuk, who awakened as a hunter after he went to the other world, could never have been that sorcerer. That meant Minjun could trust him more than anyone else.

    However, revealing to Soohyuk that he was Hunter Kim Minjun was another problem.

    He often fought back to back with other S-class hunters. He could prove he was Kim Minjun by sharing those experiences, even with his changed appearance. But he couldn’t do that with Soohyuk. If he did, he might end up looking like a madman.

    Let’s not take any chances.

    As soon as the sweetness entered his mouth, Minjun felt relieved and decided to put safety first. As Soohyuk had assured, the combination of whipped cream, strawberries, and pancakes was very delicious. He quickly finished a plate of pancakes while sitting down. Minjun took Soohyuk’s recommendation and ordered another pancake topped with banana and chocolate.

    “Should we have an early dinner?”

    “Are we having dinner too? Wouldn’t it be better to just go now and get it over with?”

    Minjun swallowed the last piece of pancake and thought it would be better to go straight to the safe house and have sex rather than go to dinner. Dinner could be eaten at the guild’s internal cafeteria after sex, making the timing perfect.

    He had seen the dinner menu during lunch earlier; it was beef curry, along with fried squid and shrimp.

    When he looked at the other suggesting that this would be a good idea, Soohyuk folded the corners of his eyes and smiled brightly.

    “Baby. Are you tired of me? I will do better, so have dinner with me. Huh?”

    “Don’t do that. Please.”

    Soohyuk laughed at the sight of Minjun looking disgusted like a cat with all its fur up. Soohyuk was in a much better mood after hearing the news that Hunter Kim Minjun was alive. However, he didn’t have the heart to respond to Minjun’s request to just have sex and part ways.

    Soohyuk’s goal for today was to have a pleasant date and spend the night together, sending Minjun off the next morning. He had already planned where they would have dinner.

    “So are you going to have dinner together?”

    “Let’s eat something delicious.”

    Minjun narrowed his eyes and grumbled.

    “Of course. Let’s go for steak. I already made a reservation. The meat there is thick and melts in your mouth. It’s really delicious. It’s one of the best steaks I’ve ever had. It’s a hard place to get a reservation for. It’d be a waste to miss out. We’re going, right?”

    Soohyuk realized how to trick Minjun. When asked to eat something delicious, Minjun’s eyes sparkled and he didn’t refuse.

    Minjun, who had no interest in cars or fashion, loved to eat. He wholeheartedly welcomed the fact that the guild’s in-house cafeteria provided three meals a day. So, suggesting something tastier than the guild’s internal cafeteria menu was the way to go.

    “I like steak.”

    Seeing Minjun’s eyes light up with anticipation, Soohyuk smiled. It was a very good situation to entice a wary cat with food.


    Even before the sun went over the horizon, the sky was instantly covered with dark clouds. It started snowing in Seoul since late evening.

    Unlike the cold wind blowing outside, the bedroom was filled with a heat so intense it made them sweat.


    Minjun licked the sweat that ran down his cheek and down the side of his lips and felt a salty taste. But soon I couldn’t think of anything.

    “Haa… Ngh.”

    Soohyuk plunged his penis into Minjun, who was lying face down on the bed. As he was stabbed deep inside his inner wall, his breath caught, and his vision turned white. His posture collapsed as his legs, which were supporting his upper body, lost strength due to the overwhelming pleasure.

    “Lift your hips.”

    “My legs, ngh… my legs have no strength. Ah, mm.”

    Minjun, who was rubbing his forehead against the bed, muttered helplessly. He was aware that he was speaking informally, but with his head heating up, it didn’t seem to matter.

    The second physical union has already been completed. Just like the first time, he once again realized how good sex felt.

    But unlike the last time, the sex didn’t end after one round. While he was out of breath after ejaculating, Soohyuk clung to him slyly.

    The sex they had back to back was intense, and when he reached my climax, he thought it was finally over. But that was a miscalculation. The S-class hunter boasted enormous physical strength.

    It was crazy.

    He had to admit that he liked sex with Soohyuk, but he still couldn’t help but curse. He had no idea that there were people who could actually do this three times in a row without a break. And he cursed himself for being a fool for coaxed into doing it once more.

    Minjun gasped for breath and regretted it. In a state where his behind was penetrated and he couldn’t move, he just hoped it would end quickly.

    “Would you like to drink a potion?”

    Minjun was dumbfounded. He wanted to look inside the head of the man suggesting drinking a potion because he was tired from sex.

    “More than that, ngh… just finish it quickly.”


    The man behaved arbitrarily like a tree frog. He ignored the words to slow down and put his teeth where he was told not to bite.


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