1.6 M
5 d, 16 h
Each time, Lee Yeonhong’s penis grew grotesquely large, and even in the midst of this chaos, Joo Seonghyeok could tell there was something extraordinary about the man’s member. It was shaped almost sculpturally, with a red, ecstatic tip split at the end, yet it wasn’t grotesque; the peeled skin even seemed beautiful, making him think absurdly that he wanted to keep it inside him, then he gasped in horror. Wanting another man’s penis? He must be insane. If not, then Lee Yeonhong must be casting…
47.0 K • Completed
The unusual feature about the man was his eyes, and one of those unique and transparent eyes of Joo Seonghyeok moved busily. The area around his eyes turned red-hot and twitched slightly, and with his massive frame over 190 cm tall, he groaned with pleasure, his aristocratically chiseled jaw dropping open as his reddened lips twitched. Clear saliva dripped down from his mouth, and his tightly stretched thigh muscles made his widely spread legs thoroughly soaked with fluids. His skin shimmered as the wet…
47.0 K • Completed
For a moment, nausea surged up. An insane wave of murderous intent flared. Crash! “Ahhh!” With a scream, a man with jet-black hair was flung far away. The man, who had been approaching the Emperor, didn’t even have time to comprehend what had happened before he was crushed under an overwhelming bloodlust. “Y-Your Majesty?!” Even after tossing the man aside with a mere flick of his hand, Heraith sat there, unmoved, as if nothing had happened. His posture was impeccable, but his…
63.2 K • Completed
“Veil? Hmm, I’m not sure. He’s usually so quiet… The last conversation we had was about him volunteering to take over my guard shift.” In the dormitory lounge, Luke was sitting down, talking with another member of the detachment, Danny. While Danny wasn’t thrilled about serving under Luke, who was known for his unpredictable and not-so-stellar reputation, it seemed the detachment work suited him, and he had stayed in the unit for quite some time. “What exactly did Veil say when he…
55.6 K • Ongoing
“Anything unusual?” Luke casually dropped the thread he had been fiddling with onto the floor. For now, he was a suspect under investigation, but he also saw this as an opportunity to gather clues. Theo pulled a document from the stack of papers and slid it toward Luke. It was written in a familiar, tidy handwriting: the guard duty roster for the detachment, prepared by Luke in his role as their commander. At the beginning of every month, the commanders of each unit submitted a roster…
55.6 K • Ongoing
The rumors spread like wildfire throughout the entire Imperial Army. What had been discussed in a meeting between high-ranking commanders was now known by nearly every soldier at the headquarters in a matter of hours. The story? Commander Luke had allegedly embezzled military supplies to curry favor with noble allies, but he vehemently denied the accusations. Bad news always traveled faster than anything else, and Luke was painfully reminded of that bitter truth. “Wow, that takes guts. How could he…
55.6 K • Ongoing
The person who entered through the door was a very familiar face to Luke. Veil, a long-standing member of the Special Forces just like Luke, revealed himself to the room hesitantly, his anxious expression betraying his unease. Of all those present, Luke was the only one visibly perturbed by Veil’s sudden appearance. Theo, Mile, and the other commanders remained unruffled, as if they had been expecting this all along. “Bringing a member from another division here without even informing the…
55.6 K • Ongoing
A soldier who had sprinted from a distance to find Luke was gasping for breath. Could it be that the meeting had already started? No, that couldn’t be it. Meetings were always held at their scheduled times, and Luke made it a habit to arrive earlier than the other commanders to review the day’s materials. The soldier wore an expression that was both urgent and conflicted. Rather than questioning him on the spot, it seemed better to go and find out for himself. “…Lead the way.” Luke…
55.6 K • Ongoing
There were a few established rules within the Imperial Army, guidelines for daily conduct during service. For example, everyone was expected to wake up by 6 a.m., and unless there were special assignments, they had to return to the dormitory by 7 p.m. If someone wanted to participate in external activities or train outside the designated hours, they needed the permission of their division commander and unit leader. Leave was permitted for about five days a month unless it was wartime. Originally, it was…
55.6 K • Ongoing
The Imperial Army Territory is divided into four main zones. The first is the main building, which houses accommodations, lounges, duty rooms, and the Commander in Chief’s office. This is the area most frequently used by soldiers. The second is the storage and management area for military supplies and weapons, and the third is the training grounds. The training grounds are further divided into indoor and outdoor spaces, where both integrated military training and individual practice sessions take…
55.6 K • Ongoing
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