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    His stomach churned. He felt nauseous. If he opened his mouth, it seemed his organs would spill out. But instead of returning to the shower room, Baekyung stood again in front of the lane.

    Water droplets fell from his gaunt jawline. Drip, drip, falling like tears down his cheeks as he silently dived back into the water.

    A muffled world approached him. Pushing through the cold water clinging to his body, Baekyung moved his arms forward… forward. Trying to shake off the persistent feelings of regret, sadness, and betrayal.

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    But no matter how much he moved, he couldn’t get away from the sticky emotions that soaked his entire being. Reaching the end of the lane, Baekyung removed his goggles and wiped his wet face. An expressionless face showed a glimpse of pain.

    “Ha, ha.”

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    Sharp pain cut through his heavy breathing. The aftereffects of the injury that had made him quit swimming, which he once considered his lifelong career, still haunted him. What had been bearable earlier had now become impossible to ignore.

    ‘If you keep swimming, you might lose the use of your shoulder.’

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    A voice that had once driven Baekyung to despair echoed in his head. Frustrated, he slapped the water and left the pool, heading to the shower room. It was his first break in six hours.

    After washing up and opening the locker to get dressed, he noticed his phone vibrating. Seeing the annoying name Ha Jaekyung, Baekyung declined the call. But when he saw 25 missed calls on the screen, he frowned. His heart raced.

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    One of those 25 missed calls might be from Sunbae. That’s what he hoped.

    But the screen only showed missed calls from Ha Jaekyung and Kang Yoonjae. Disappointed, Baekyung bit his lip and put the phone down.

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    Ha Jaekyung: [Are you at the pool? Please answer. The Healer said…]

    16:28 The preview of a message on the screen caught Baekyung’s attention. Healer—that word made him immediately open the messenger.

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    Ha Jaekyung [Are you at the pool? Please answer. The Healer said if you don’t log in by 5 PM, he’ll make you regret it.]

    [Why didn’t you tell us you were quitting the game?]

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    16:28 Ha Jaekyung [I got scolded for letting my brother be so irresponsible.]

    [Where are you?]

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    [Don’t ignore this. Answer the phone.]

    16:29 As soon as he saw the latest message, his phone rang. Baekyung answered and spoke.

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    “What do you mean? If I don’t log in by 5 PM, then what?”

    • Why haven’t you answered? Where are you? At the pool? I told you not to swim for too long.

    “What do you mean?”

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    • Does this kid ever listen? Anyway, today’s Sunday. The Healer logged in to do the ranking, looking for you. I told him you were quitting the game after reaching the hall of fame, and he got mad, saying it’s irresponsible.

    “Are you kidding? Why did you say I was quitting the game!”

    • Why are you mad? You said it yourself!

    When Baekyung snapped, Ha Jaekyung shouted back. As his voice echoed in the pool, Baekyung clenched his phone between his shoulder and ear, quickly getting dressed.

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    “He’s looking for me to do the ranking?”

    • Well, you didn’t say a word.

    “Not anyone else, but Sunbae… the Healer?”

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    • Yes. Do you not understand?

    “Tell him I’ll be there in 30 minutes. Bye.”

    • You brat.

    Ignoring the following words, Baekyung hung up. Without drying his hair, he left the community center. It was the swimming pool of the apartment complex where their parents lived.

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    Baekyung had been staying at his parents’ house since the incident. He didn’t want to return to his officetel, fearing he might run into Shin Jehyun.

    “Please take me to the back gate of Korea University.”

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    He hailed a passing taxi as soon as he exited the main gate. Sitting in the back seat, Baekyung bit his lip, lost in thought.

    No contact for a week, then calling him for the ranking… It was, in a way, typical of the Healer. It was almost laughable.

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    But even if it was just for some data, the fact that Shin Jehyun needed him was comforting to Baekyung. Despite being misunderstood, if it was a level of hatred that could be endured for the sake of the ranking, maybe those feelings would soon be resolved.

    He felt pathetic. If he was going to be so anxious, he should have explained instead of fueling his misunderstanding out of spite. He deeply regretted answering as if he had deceived him out of momentary betrayal.

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    But it was too late to change anything. No matter what he said now, Shin Jehyun would take it as an excuse. He had no idea how to restore their relationship.

    It took quite some time for Baekyung to accept that Shin Jehyun had a side like the Healer and that he could get so fiercely angry at someone. It was about a week later that Baekyung could acknowledge that both the Healer and the Jehyun he knew were all ‘Shin Jehyun.’

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    In hindsight, it wasn’t strange. When Baekyung recalled moments with Jehyun that he had just laughed off, the gap between the Healer and Shin Jehyun easily closed.

    When they met by chance at the bar, Jehyun’s passionate defense of Caplet was just like the Healer.

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    Jehyun’s tone when cursing and joking with Seo Eunjae was just like the Healer.

    Jehyun’s angry demeanor was just like the Healer’s fury towards Kangrimdoryeong.

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    All of it was Shin Jehyun. Baekyung could now understand.

    When Jehyun showed him playing Latere, instilling confidence that they were not the same person, Baekyung felt a surge of anger and frustration at being deceived. But it wasn’t entirely incomprehensible.

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    Baekyung saying he played Latere was similar. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed by Caplet, but saying he played Caplet led to many people contacting him to play Latere. So he would say he had quit Latere to avoid further interest in games.

    Similarly, Shin Jehyun said he played Latere to avoid the stigma of Caplet being called a trash game. There was no malice in that small lie.

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    The problem was Baekyung. He wasn’t confident about being Habaek, so he tried to hide it from Jehyun and sought assurance that Jehyun didn’t play Caplet. It was past Baekyung who was responsible for this situation.

    But how? How could he take responsibility for this?

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    It was overwhelming.

    Knowing that Shin Jehyun was the Healer was a problem, but a bigger issue was that he knew Baekyung was Habaek. Beyond the issue of deceiving him, the problem was that he had acted so differently in front of Shin Jehyun, only to have his true nature exposed.

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    Ha Baekyung was different from Habaek.

    Unlike the rude Habaek, Ha Baekyung always behaved politely towards Jehyun. Unlike Habaek, who always mocked and sneered, Ha Baekyung always said pleasant things to Jehyun. Unlike Habaek, who criticized and cursed Jehyun, Ha Baekyung always praised him.

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    There could be no more shocking event for Shin Jehyun. He might even think of him as a psychopath, sociopath, or someone with a split personality. Or worse, he might think it was a deliberate deception.

    The thought of that alone made his stomach ache. The fact that he had only earned a tiny bit of trust from Jehyun was incredibly painful.

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    “Is this where you want to get off?”

    “Yes, thank you.”

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    While clutching his aching stomach, the taxi stopped in front of the officetel.

    Returning home after a week, the building seemed to exude a sinister aura. Paying the fare and stepping onto the ground, Baekyung swallowed dryly and went inside. Fearing he might run into Shin Jehyun, he took the stairs up to the 14th floor.

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    He quickly launched Caplet and entered the voice chat.

    Healer → Next siege…

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    It seemed they were discussing the siege. Hearing Jehyun’s voice after a long time made his eyes well up. Why had he thought otherwise? His voice was unmistakably Shin Jehyun’s.

    Healer → …is here. We’ve done enough ranking, so we’ll go without additional leading.

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    Wanting to hear more of his voice, Jehyun immediately turned off the mic. Seeing the X mark next to his nickname, Baekyung bit his lip. Hiding his disappointment and frustration, he logged into the server, and greetings from guild members poured in.

    [Guild] EvenIfYouDieIt’sYourHeal: Ah, Cinderella has arrived!

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    [Guild] Boss12MoreHours: What’s this?

    [Guild] Boss12MoreHours: Habaek, why did you leave without even having a drink? What was so urgent?~~

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    [Guild] Contempt: Everyone, take a hint..ㅡㅅㅡ

    [Guild] Contempt: When parents fight, you pretend not to know.

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    [Guild] SpellChecker: Feels like a divorce crisis?ㅠ

    Baekyung was about to close the guild chat but decided to say hello, fearing Jehyun might think he was rude. As soon as he greeted, a party invitation arrived.

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    You have joined the party.

    [Party] Contempt: Let’s go quickly, I need to eatㅇㅠㅇ

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    [Party] Healer: Gogo

    He had some expectations, but during the ranking, Jehyun didn’t say a word to Baekyung.

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    It seemed like he was paying less attention than usual, so Baekyung even tried getting hit on purpose. Whether it was intentional or not, Habaek ended up dying without receiving any healing.

    What did I do so wrong? He almost asked, but managed to hold back.

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    [Party] SpellChecker: The atmosphere is really…

    [Party] SpellChecker: Feels like parents attending a kids’ talent show during a divorce mediation haha

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    It was an accurate description. That day, until the ranking ended, Shin Jehyun didn’t say a word.

    * * *

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    The ranking session on Sunday ended in a tense atmosphere, but the results were clean.

    Clearing ten dungeons and securing the top score in each gave them 30,000 points. Additionally, everyone was diligently leveling up their alternate characters and completing daily and weekly quests, so the guild points were overflowing.

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    Although there was a significant difference in the number of members compared to other guilds, no other guild had people so dedicated to ranking. Achieving first place for four consecutive weeks would earn them a spot in the hall of fame, and while there was some honor in being number one, there was no tangible reward for being the top guild.

    …In fact, it was unclear if it was even about honor. Leveling up alternate characters to gain 8,000 points each was essentially admitting that they were hardcore gamers.

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    Anyway, Jehyun realized after the server merge that the members of the Jangji and Neungdong guilds, now Countess, were not in their right minds. In other servers, there were hardly any people who leveled up alternate characters every week like a quest to increase guild points.

    Contrary to Jehyun’s belief that the larger number of members in Jicheonwang would mean they would be outdone in guild ranking, most of them were interested in enjoying the game rather than investing 12 hours to level up alternate characters and steadily increase guild points. Only the members of Countess were so dedicated to being number one in the guild ranking.

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    Do people play games just for fun? It was incomprehensible. Well, of course, they play because it’s fun, but… Jehyun frowned, thinking, and then sighed as he closed the guild ranking confirmation window, which showed they had secured first place last week.

    It was Monday. The day the over-saturation difficulty of Kasak’s Maze Garden opened.

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    Jehyun had skipped classes last week, and he didn’t attend today either. There was only one reason. Seeing Baekyung would likely cause the carefully locked emotions to crumble.

    Ha Baekyung had looked down on Jehyun and done something unforgivable. Playing with someone’s emotions was unacceptable. Even though he knew this in his head, his heart wouldn’t easily move on. He wanted to ask Baekyung if he had liked him even a little and if all this was just a misunderstanding.

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    But that would be doing himself a disservice. Although it was his first time liking someone, Jehyun knew that lowering himself to someone who looked down on him wasn’t healthy.

    It was just an obsession. It was merely lingering feelings for unexpressed affection. Starting and continuing such a love would leave nothing but emptiness.

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    That’s why. Fearing his heart would weaken if he saw Baekyung, Jehyun was even considering taking a leave of absence.

    But… a leave of absence was a leave of absence, and ranking was ranking.

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    “Ha, damn…”

    He hated himself for being obsessed with the game, but wasn’t this business? They weren’t meeting face-to-face, so interacting through data shouldn’t matter, right?

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    Besides, Jehyun needed Habaek, not Ha Baekyung. Jehyun liked Ha Baekyung.

    No problem. Reassuring himself, Jehyun entered the voice chat and spoke.

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    “Can you hear me? Let’s gather quickly.”

    Kasak’s Maze Garden was a dungeon that required the cooperation of party members from the entrance. Heroes infiltrating the garden to gather information about Mallorca’s base had to ride a sophisticated Raptor model machine to navigate the maze garden without being detected by Kasak, the commander of the Raptor army’s 3rd legion. In this Raptor model machine, the five party members had to divide their roles.

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    In the garden, only one person could see the view. The other four could move the machine in the directions of north, south, east, and west, but they couldn’t see any map information, including the minimap. They could only move the machine according to the instructions of the person who could see the view.

    The person who could see the view was chosen randomly, so they had to lead the party members through party chat. But that was only up to the saturation difficulty.

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    In the newly updated over-saturation dungeon, leading through party chat was impossible. Obstacles appeared in the middle of the maze, requiring quick briefings.

    [Party] Contempt: Tsk… We can’t do this without voice chat ㅠㅅㅠ

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    [Party] SpellChecker: The person with the view must use the mic

    Most of Jehyun’s party members used the mic. Except for one, Habaek.

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    So the comments from Contempt and Matgom were aimed at Habaek. They had already retried five times and Habaek had the view twice, but they couldn’t get past the first obstacle each time he had the view.

    However, Jehyun couldn’t agree. Mic? Voice? That was in the realm of 3D, not data. Habaek’s voice was part of Ha Baekyung. Hearing Baekyung’s voice might drive him to storm down to the 14th floor and break down the door to grab him by the collar.

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    Shaking his head, Jehyun said,

    “Just focus on reading the chat.”

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    But the one who was supposed to keep quiet joined the conversation.

    [Party] Habaek: I’ll use the mic.

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    [Party] Habaek: We’re getting delayed because of me.

    It was entirely uncharacteristic of Habaek. The chat felt like an imitation of Ha Baekyung, making Jehyun’s blood boil. Clenching his teeth, he ignored the chat and moved Healer to get on the model machine.

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    “Let’s go. Get on.”

    Contempt→ What a tyrant.

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    Boss→ Captain of the forced labor ship.

    Matgom→ We’re just damage-dealing slaves…

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    Matgom’s voice, joking as if nothing had happened, made Jehyun’s anger rise. He responded coldly.

    “Yes, if you know, listen to the slave trader before you get sold off.”

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    As all the party members got on the model machine, it lit up and powered on. The screen flickered, and Jehyun’s view darkened. The only visible skill was ‘Move North,’ indicating he was in charge of the north direction.

    “Who’s got the view?”

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    To confirm, he asked, and answers came in.

    Boss→ I’m south.

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    Contempt→ I’m west.

    Matgom→ I’m north.

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    Of course, Habaek had the view again. Even though it was random, having one person get it three out of six times was too much. Annoyed, Jehyun closed his mouth. Soon, Habaek’s leading appeared in the party chat.

    [Party] Habaek: Move north.

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    [Party] Habaek: Stop.

    While moving through the garden, signals had to be quick, so they couldn’t type out full words. Directions were abbreviated to D, S, N, and B, and the stop signal was NN.

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    Seeing NN, Jehyun stopped. Shortly after, Habaek signaled B again. There must have been a moving obstacle ahead. Moving forward, Jehyun stopped again when signaled to. Next was west.

    On the dark minimap, blue dots representing the party members flickered. It indicated movement, but without a map layout, he couldn’t tell the garden’s structure. Waiting for the north signal again, Jehyun kept his fingers on the keyboard.

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    [Party] Habaek: Move south.

    [Party] Habaek: Stop.

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    [Party] Habaek: Move east.

    You have died.

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    But Jehyun’s turn never came. The party was wiped out when it was time to move south.

    Boss→ Oh! Sorry, sorry. I thought you meant Myeol had to stop.

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    “Let’s go again.”

    Seeing the obstacles while having the view earlier, Jehyun noted there were various types. Some moved left and right, some searched for intruders, and some moved up and down. Navigating the maze garden through chat briefing was impractical. Sighing internally, Jehyun held back his frustration. Then, with a ding, a whisper arrived. It was from Habaek.

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    [Whisper] Habaek: Please turn on the mic.

    [Whisper] Habaek: I’ll do voice leading.

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    Habaek directly whispered since party chat didn’t reach him. Jehyun was speechless. He hadn’t spoken a word to Baekyung since that day. And now, after a week, the first thing Baekyung says is asking to turn on the mic.

    Even Baekyung trying to quit the game irresponsibly was something Jehyun let slide. Hearing that from Sangjae yesterday was shocking. Had he taken all he could and was now leaving since there was no more fun? Honestly, Jehyun was quite angry.

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    But for the sake of ranking and the perfect clear, he needed Habaek, so he endured. He convinced himself that Ha Baekyung was now just a useful tool.

    But to whisper… asking to turn on the mic as if nothing had happened was unacceptable.

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    Controlling his anger, Jehyun put his hands on the keyboard.

    [Whisper] To Habaek: That’s all you have to say to me? Turn on the mic? LOL

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    [Whisper] To Habaek: Shouldn’t you apologize first?

    Habaek didn’t respond immediately.

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    Boss→ Um? Excuse me~ Master, aren’t you coming?

    Contempt→ The forced laborers are ready.

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    The perfect clear slaves called out to Jehyun, standing idle in front of the entrance, but their voices didn’t reach him.

    Is this jerk ignoring me? Furious, Jehyun was about to type again when Baekyung finally replied.

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    [Whisper] Habaek: Whatever I say, you’ll think it’s an excuse.

    [Whisper] Habaek: You won’t even let me turn on the mic because you don’t want to hear my voice.

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    [Whisper] Habaek: Are you even willing to hear me say sorry?

    [Whisper] Habaek: Then I’ll say what I have to.

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    Is this the attitude of someone who wants to apologize? It seemed he no longer intended to put on a facade in front of Jehyun. Seeing a chat that looked even more insolent than usual, Jehyun, enraged, quickly blocked him. Immediately, a message appeared in the party chat.

    You have blocked Habaek.

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    [Party] Habaek: You asked for an apology.

    [Party] Habaek: How am I supposed to apologize if you block me?

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    [Party] Contempt: ㅇㅅㅇ?;;

    [Party] Habaek: Should I say what I want to say here?

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    [Party] Habaek: Or should I do it in world chat? Will that work?

    [Party] Healer: LOL, look at your tone. Do you think anyone would want to accept an apology like that?

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    [Party] Habaek: I’m being very serious right now.

    [Party] Habaek: I think there’s a misunderstanding because it’s in chat.

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    [Party] Healer: Misunderstanding? Then try saying it in a way that doesn’t cause misunderstandings.

    [Party] Habaek: I’ll come up to your place, Sunbae.

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    [Party] Habaek: Please open the door.


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    Come up? Unable to believe it, Jehyun frowned and turned to look at the wall where the front door was. But as time passed, there was no sound of knocking. He’s messing with me again. Just as Jehyun, furious, stood up, the doorbell rang.

    * * *

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    Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, didididing dong, Ha Baekyung frantically pressed the bell when the door wasn’t opened. Is he really coming up? Is he out of his mind? Jehyun was furious and bewildered, almost driven mad by his own desire to open the door quickly.

    He couldn’t leave it like this, so he quickly went to the living room and headed for the front door. Realizing he looked a mess, he glanced at the mirror by the entrance.

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    He looked pale but not dirty. Finally, Jehyun turned the handle and opened the door. Before the door was fully open, Baekyung stepped inside.

    It was the first time seeing him in ten days. Shin Jehyun was inwardly surprised at how much thinner he looked compared to his memory. But what shocked Jehyun more was that Baekyung looked like he was about to cry.

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    Acting tough in chat, now he’s pretending. He must be determined to break my heart. What a vile bastard.

    Feeling like he should comfort Baekyung, Jehyun clenched his fists and held back. Standing tall, he looked up at Baekyung, who had his shoulders slumped.

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    Shin Jehyun asked in a cold voice,

    “What did you come here to say?”

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    “I didn’t do it on purpose.”


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    “I didn’t… deliberately deceive you, Sunbae…”

    Baekyung was saying something unbelievable. All the circumstances pointed to the truth, and he had even admitted it himself, but now he was denying it?

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    This wasn’t the kind of low-level excuse he had opened the door to hear. Just a simple apology, even if it was a joke, would have sufficed… Jehyun’s lips curled into a sneer. Seeing the change in his expression, Baekyung continued, his eyes drooping.

    “At the convenience store, I was just upset and hurt, so I lied. I was angry that you thought of me as such a pathetic person, so I lied and said I deceived you on purpose…”

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    “And now you want me to believe that? Why? Are you bored without me? Can’t stand not deceiving me?”

    The words he had held back for a week came tumbling out. As soon as they started talking, it felt like they had returned to their last meeting a week ago, becoming intense.

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    “That’s not it! I only found out that day that you were the Healer, Sunbae!”

    “We met at the back gate for the fight! You knew since then!”

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    “Sunbae, you were the same!”

    As Jehyun raised his voice, so did Baekyung. Yelling at me again, huh? Jehyun clenched his teeth, and Baekyung spoke, sounding aggrieved.

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    “Then didn’t you know I was Habaek since then? Didn’t you deceive me too? Why didn’t you tell me you played Caplet and pretended to play Latere?”

    “I didn’t know! Why? Because Habaek and Ha Baekyung were so different! Think about your actions! You and Habaek were so different that anyone who thought you were the same person would be paranoid!”

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    “I felt the same! You got scammed on Danggeun Market back then! You told me you were out to buy a mouse! And you? Did you think you were the same as the Healer? You weren’t!”

    When arguing, if the other person made too much sense, it only made you angrier. Shin Jehyun, the embodiment of hypocrisy, felt his temples throb as Baekyung pointed out his mistakes with facts.

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    I have my faults, but aren’t yours bigger? Feeling like he was going to lose it, Jehyun asked,

    “Are you here to argue about who’s more at fault?”

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    “You’ve never cursed at me before! Do you know how many times you’ve cursed at me since that day? And you’re blaming me for deceiving you? Did I do something that wrong? What’s the difference between us? We’re the same!”

    “So? What do you want to say? That since we both deceived each other, we should forget it? No, Baekyung. The premise is wrong. I’m the only one who was deceived, right? You knew and pretended not to. Am I wrong?”

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    “I really didn’t know!”

    “How can I believe that!”

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    He wanted to believe it. He wanted to believe that Baekyung hadn’t deceived him, that he didn’t know he was the Healer.

    But it didn’t work out.

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    In the shocking situation of discovering that Baekyung was Habaek, their personalities were so starkly different that it was impossible to think they were the same person. On the day he found out, Baekyung confronted and got angry at Jehyun in a way that made it hard to believe he was the Ha Baekyung Jehyun knew. So Jehyun couldn’t help but think that Baekyung had been hiding his true self and deceiving him all along.

    And what about Kang Yoonjae, Matgom? Hadn’t that guy already admitted that everything was true? In a situation where the foundation of trust was completely shattered, everything Baekyung said sounded like an excuse.

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    Ah, Jehyun realized that what Habaek had said in the whisper was true. Whatever Baekyung said would sound like an excuse, so he had approached it wrong from the start. He should have just let it go and forgotten about it…


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    Disappointment washed over him at Baekyung’s attitude of trying to deceive him until the end. It felt like something inside his chest was crumpling. A deep sigh escaped through his slightly parted lips.

    The anger that had erupted like lava had cooled and hardened. Rubbing his face with both hands, Jehyun looked down at the floor of the entrance with dry eyes and spoke.

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    “Let’s stop, just. You weren’t the person I thought you were, and neither was I.”

    His chest ached. But it had to end. He needed to make sure this meeting was the last and that it wouldn’t affect his life anymore. He didn’t want to be swayed any longer.

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    “Let’s say you really didn’t know. Let’s say you didn’t deceive me on purpose. But what changes? You acted cute and pretty, so I treated you well. That’s my personality. I get even angrier when I’m mad. So let’s just stop here. There’s nothing to gain from clearing up misunderstandings anyway.”

    His tone was cool, unlike the shouting from earlier. The calm voice seemed to say he had no intention of continuing the conversation.

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    In truth, Jehyun wanted to yell and demand why Baekyung had done this to him. He wanted to vent his pent-up anger and hurt him just as much.

    But he didn’t because Baekyung still held a significant place in his heart. He didn’t want to hurt someone like that. The scars would remain with Jehyun too.

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    So he planned to end it here and let Baekyung go. He intended to forget everything that had happened between them.

    “…Me too.”

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    Then came Baekyung’s trembling voice. Jehyun, who had been staring blankly at the floor, frowned as he saw water droplets falling onto the entrance tiles. Is the upstairs leaking? As he had that absurd thought, Baekyung continued.

    “I want to do that too, but I can’t…”

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    The tiles were getting soaked. Jehyun stared blankly at the growing puddle, then slowly looked up.

    And there he saw it. Ha Baekyung, crying with his cheeks soaked.

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    “I like you, Sunbae…”

    The words that followed seemed to empty Jehyun’s mind of all thoughts. A ringing filled his ears.

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    What? Jehyun couldn’t bring himself to ask and fixed his gaze on Baekyung’s tear-filled eyes.

    “So, what can I do if I can’t give up…”

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    Ha Baekyung, sobbing, raised his tightly clenched hand and roughly wiped his cheeks. But the tears didn’t stop. It was embarrassing and frustrating, but he couldn’t help it.

    He felt that if he left like this, he would never see Shin Jehyun again. So Baekyung decided to say everything he wanted to say.

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    “I suspected you might be the Healer, Sunbae. But every time, you said you played Latere, showed me your character, and even showed me your gameplay. So I really thought you weren’t… There are many people with similar voices in the world, so I thought it was just that.”

    That… made sense. Even in his halted state of mind, Jehyun felt that Baekyung’s explanation was reasonable. Baekyung, with his cheeks soaked, continued.

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    “Matgom, I didn’t call him. He suddenly showed up, saying he had an appointment in Seoul, and suggested we level up our alternate characters together… But then, when I said I couldn’t do the ranking, you asked to meet… I told him to get lost, to leave. But Kang Yoonjae left his wallet at home and came back up, and that’s when he saw us. I didn’t call him to see you…”

    Matgom? The conversation Jehyun had with him in the laundry room came to mind.

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    ‘You met our Baekyung once, right?’

    ‘Did Ha Baekyung… confess or something?’

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    ‘Did you really not know Baekyung was Habaek?’

    ‘No, it’s just that Ha Baekyung is really pitiful.’

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    ‘You think Baekyung deliberately deceived you, right?’

    At that time, he couldn’t think rationally. So he had twisted Matgom’s subtly annoying words to fit his own narrative, but now he realized it didn’t necessarily mean Ha Baekyung had conspired with him to deceive him.

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    ‘Yes. Baekyung called me.’

    But, is that certain? Another sharp doubt arose. Biting his lip, Jehyun looked up at the crying Baekyung and asked,

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    “After you left, I talked to Matgom. He said you called him to the lobby.”

    “No, that’s a lie. I never did that. Really. Please believe me…”

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    Baekyung shook his head, looking innocent. As his wet face moved from side to side, tears fell to the floor. Sobbing, he murmured,

    “He lied… I’ll kill him…”

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    His voice was full of sincerity. Jehyun couldn’t mistake the frustration, anger, and sadness in it. If that was acting, Ha Baekyung should be at the Korean National University of Arts, not Korea University.

    …Really? He didn’t know? The tightly wound feelings in Jehyun’s chest began to unravel. No, it’s too soon. Clenching his fists, Jehyun listened to Baekyung.

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    “I said I deceived you on purpose because I was angry… You treated me so kindly, but you didn’t even try to listen to me and misunderstood me. I was so upset and angry that I lied. I wasn’t thinking rationally…”

    No, damn it. What’s too soon?

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    Feeling dizzy, Jehyun licked his dry lips.

    Even though a long time had passed since he learned the truth, Jehyun hadn’t fully accepted that Baekyung and Habaek were the same person. He understood it in his head, but his heart couldn’t accept it. He kept trying to separate the two.

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    But seeing Baekyung crying and speaking as Habaek made him realize. Habaek and Ha Baekyung were both the person he knew.

    He just didn’t know. He hadn’t guessed that Baekyung had sides he didn’t know.

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    Suddenly realizing this, Jehyun bit his lip. At that moment, Baekyung looked up. With his eyes red and his face soaked, he looked down at Jehyun and said,

    “I’ve liked you for a long time, Sunbae… That day, before the semester started, when we met at the back gate, you pulled me away from the motorcycle… I’ve liked you since then. It’s been three months. That’s why I was more upset. I was so upset that you wouldn’t listen to me. I really… didn’t know…”

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    Baekyung was saying the opposite of what Jehyun had suspected. He wasn’t saying he knew he was the Healer since that day, but that he had liked him since then.

    “Sunbae, you were so kind to me… How could I not like you? How could I do such a thing?”

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    His voice was genuinely sorrowful. His attitude was one of hurt. His eyes seemed to say he couldn’t stand having his feelings doubted.

    “You held my hand. You bought me so many delicious things. You patted me and said I was special… So I couldn’t help but like you…”

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    His head hurt. It felt a bit shameless. It sounded like he was accusing him of making him fall for him. Ha Baekyung was speaking like Habaek.

    But now, the two personas that had felt repulsive earlier seemed like Baekyung. He felt like the Ha Baekyung he knew. So Jehyun felt sorry for the tearful Baekyung. He found the arguing Baekyung cute. He found the Baekyung who said he liked him lovable.

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    It might be a mistake. From the moment he let Ha Baekyung into his home, from the moment he met his gaze, he might have been deceived by the wicked Habaek. But Jehyun realized that the barriers he had built around his heart had already crumbled. Further defense was useless.


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    His throat was dry. He had felt similar emotions looking at Baekyung before. He had always had to endure and hold back, but at this moment, he couldn’t think of enduring.

    “If this is a lie too, I’ll kill you.”

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    Muttering menacingly, he grabbed Baekyung by the collar. Baekyung shook his head as if to say it wasn’t. His heart felt like it was going to explode. Looking up at his sincere face, Jehyun spoke.

    “Even though I cursed and yelled at you, I know you might think I’m crazy for saying this… But I can’t hold back.”

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    His voice trembled. It wasn’t how he wanted to say it, but Jehyun knew there was a time for everything. If he didn’t say it now, he would regret it. That thought consumed his mind. He couldn’t think of anything else.

    “I like you too.”

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    The truth he finally spoke had lingered in his mouth for a long time. It might have worn out a bit, but it contained the ‘first’ that Jehyun cherished.

    Baekyung’s eyes widened. The last tear fell from his moist eyes to the floor.

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    “…There were many moments when I felt like I was going crazy because I liked you.”

    Pulling Baekyung down, Jehyun touched his nose to his. Looking into his beautiful, tear-filled eyes up close, he felt his mind drift away.

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    “Even now…”

    Their wet lips met.

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    It was their first kiss.

    * * *

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    Is it really possible to get an 11-win streak??

    Countess has already taken LoveCool, JeongSik, GayHealer, Underground Waterway, Labyrinth, Black Tower, Maze, and Ponyu.

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    Now there are 2+1 dungeons left. Do you think it’s possible to get all 11 perfect clears? LOL

    Comments (6)

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    Anonymous 1: 10 is likely, but 11 is impossible because of Hellkaras.

    Anonymous 2: Over-saturation requires 5 members, so it should be fine if everyone stays focused, but raids… there’s too much to control.

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    Anonymous 3: But didn’t the Healer run Hellkaras with 20 members? What happens if it’s renewed to require 30 members?

    └ What do you mean, “What happens”? You get 10 more people.

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    └ OMG, can they get that many people on the day?

    └ Why worry? More than 10 people are probably waiting in line to join their fixed party.

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    Is it just me, though?

    LOL, I know Countess is good, but isn’t it a bit much for one guild to get all the perfect clears?

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    Isn’t it fair to give other users a chance too? LOL

    Feels like they’re being too greedy.

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    Comments (10)

    Anonymous 1: What are you even saying? LOL

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    Anonymous 2: If you want achievements, get the perfect clears yourself.

    Anonymous 3: “Is it just me?” = Yes, it’s just you.

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    Anonymous 4: LOL, genuinely curious, not being sarcastic. How do you give other users a chance? Wait and not kill the final boss after strategizing?

    └ Stream it and leave the final boss at 5%, so people know Countess did the perfect clear. Then let others get the achievement. Isn’t that nice?

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    └ What kind of thinking is this?

    Anonymous 5: Do your parents run a flower shop?

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    └ They run a bakery. Why? LOL

    └ Do they sell fake bread too?

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    Anonymous 6: Your thought process is amazing. Should we not take gold medals at the Olympics and wait?

    Countess 11-win streak betting > KimchiRiceAndEgg mail

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    You can bet on each of the remaining 3 dungeons.

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    11-win streak possible/impossible betting available

    No betting on new dungeons since the release date is unknown.

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    Comments (11)

    Anonymous 1: Gamblers are now expanding to game servers.

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    Anonymous 2: How much have you earned with this?

    └ Made a year’s worth of rent during the last siege.

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    └ Wow, that’s crazy.

    └ But lost two years’ rent in the recent siege. LOL

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    └ Oh well.

    Anonymous 3: More people betting on possible or impossible?

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    └ Send money first, and I’ll tell you.

    └ Give me a rough idea, please.

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    └ Hmm… if you want to make big money, pray for a Healer or Habaek hack.

    └ The underdog bet must be really high. LOL

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    What’s going on with Jicheonwang?

    At first, they were pretty prominent, but now they’ve completely sunk.

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    It seems like they’ve lost over 20 members.

    Is there no correspondent for Jicheonwang?

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    Comments (12)

    Anonymous 1: Just wait, they’ll probably split soon.

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    Anonymous 2: Is Kangrim completely out?

    └ Seems like he’s become a Healer demon.

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    └ Is he still badmouthing Healer?

    └ Yep, check the next page. You can see it just from the titles.

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    Anonymous 3: The saying “an empty cart rattles the loudest” fits here. They were a hot topic with Jicheonwang + The Four Heavenly Kings, but the only survivors in Jicheonwang are the outcast The Four Heavenly Kings.

    └ Ah, this is what you call a MacGuffin.

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    Anonymous 4: Why are you so interested in other guilds? The Jicheonwang members are doing just fine.

    └ Are they really curious? In this dying game, even this is a hot topic to keep the boards running.

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    └ Yep, the Jicheonwang vs. Countess debate keeps the post count at 50. If they don’t talk about this, there’s nothing but badmouthing Ahn Yiyoung.

    Anonymous 5: Something interesting is coming soon.

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    └ ??? What is it? Is there more?

    Why are all the Countess members living trash lives?

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    It’s because the guild master is a loser who identifies with the trash job of Priest.

    Comments (7)

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    Anonymous 1: This guy would probably foam at the mouth if he knew there’s an Olympic gold medalist in Countess.

    └ At least make your lies believable.

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    └ Eh, don’t even talk about it.

    └ Running out of things to say, huh, Countess level.

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    └ LOL, he probably thinks everyone who disagrees is a Countess member.

    └ Yep, just here sucking up to the guild master, huh?

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    └ Seriously, go see a doctor.

    What’s this guy’s problem? Jehyun skimmed through the Caplet vendor with a sour look. Today too, the noisy anonymous board on Caplet had someone who was obviously Kangrimdoryeong diligently badmouthing Jehyun.

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    It’s not like he’s getting paid for this, and Jehyun didn’t even have such a huge problem with Kangrimdoryeong… Or did he? Jehyun frowned, recalling an incident with Habaek while leveling their alternate characters.

    Kangrimdoryeong had been badmouthing Priests, so he joined in badmouthing Necromancers, and then Habaek came running, PKed them, and started a guild war. They had… teased Kangrimdoryeong a bit, but was it that bad?

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    To Jehyun, it was irritating but not to the point of harboring deep resentment. Whether Kangrimdoryeong was mentally fragile or had never been teased this much before, his reaction seemed excessive to Jehyun.

    In short, it seemed like he wasn’t in his right mind. Feeling uneasy… Jehyun clicked his tongue and suddenly sensed someone approaching.

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    It was June, during exam season. He was studying in an empty lecture hall open to students early on a Monday morning.

    “Sunbae, what are you looking at?”

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    Baekyung, who had stepped out to take a call, had returned. Jehyun smiled at Baekyung and answered.

    “Just checking Caplet board.”

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    At the mention of Caplet board, Baekyung nodded with a smile. Then he slightly furrowed his brows, glanced at Jehyun’s phone screen, and asked,

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    “Kangrimdoryeong is still bothering you?”

    “Yeah. He seems really pissed about getting owned in that low-level dungeon.”

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    It had already been a month since Jehyun had stopped his Maze Garden run to find Baekyung. Since then, they had achieved first clear achievements in Maze Garden and the Proliferation site of Spiral Ponyu. Today, they planned to open the over-saturation dungeon of the Engel Fleet in the afternoon.

    After that day, exam season had started, so they hadn’t had much time to spend together except eating near home and going to cafes.

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    Both were serious about their studies and gaming, but in reality, neither had even experienced a child’s play version of a relationship. They might look like they had dated 32 girls each, but inside, they were pure.

    Still, Jehyun had visited Baekyung’s home a few times. They had done some ranking with the sub-computer there, and during that time, Baekyung had seen Kangrimdoryeong whispering to Jehyun with an alternate character.

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    Angered by Kangrimdoryeong’s actions, Baekyung roamed the field to kill him but couldn’t find his character.

    Kangrimdoryeong’s behavior of spamming hundreds of posts on the Caplet board and sending filtered whispers to Jehyun all day couldn’t be considered normal. So Jehyun deliberately ignored him, but it seemed Ha Baekyung found it hard.

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    Seeing Baekyung’s cheeks puff in frustration, Jehyun suppressed a laugh. In the game, it might be different, but in reality, Baekyung rarely showed negative emotions outwardly.

    Now that he fully accepted Baekyung was Habaek, seeing him act like ‘Habaek’ still felt strange and fascinating. Jehyun poked Baekyung’s firm cheek and asked,

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    “Are you mad?”

    “Why is he taking it out on you when he lost because of his own incompetence? It’s ridiculous.”

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    “Right? You were the one who killed him.”


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    The reason Jehyun ignored Kangrimdoryeong’s behavior was that. Baekyung had teased him with character deletion threats, but Kangrimdoryeong only blamed Jehyun, the Healer, without saying a word to Habaek. It was really pathetic.

    He felt so insignificant that he didn’t even want to engage. Jehyun just looked at Baekyung, who was feeling upset on his behalf, and smiled as if he found him cute.

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    The lecture hall they were in was open for Political Science students, and of course, the class representative, Seo Eunjae, was there too. Sitting in front of them, studying, Seo Eunjae suddenly turned around, unable to contain his annoyance at their whispered laughter.

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    He had a very annoyed expression.

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    “You two seem to be having a great time?”

    Since they confessed their feelings after a fight, Jehyun had been spending all his time with Baekyung and hadn’t spent any time alone with Seo Eunjae. He hadn’t even let him come over to his house, so Seo Eunjae was quite upset. He couldn’t stand that his childhood friend, Shin Jehyun, had become best friends with a younger junior.

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    But after sticking together for years, it was time to part ways. Jehyun scoffed and rested his chin on his hand.

    “Is it any of your business? Get lost.”

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    “Baekyung, why is your Sunbae’s personality like that?”

    Seo Eunjae sighed dramatically and asked Baekyung. ‘Your Sunbae.’ At that title, Baekyung silently smiled.

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    Seo Eunjae had been a thorn in Baekyung’s side since the beginning of the semester. Even before realizing his feelings, Baekyung had been annoyed by how Seo Eunjae clung to and acted friendly with Jehyun. He felt a bit defeated by how much closer Seo Eunjae seemed to be with Jehyun.

    But not anymore.

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    Seo Eunjae, who had known Jehyun since they were very young and knew everything about him, didn’t know the nature of Baekyung’s relationship with Jehyun.

    Baekyung felt a slight sense of superiority in sharing a secret with Shin Jehyun that even Seo Eunjae didn’t know. He was very pleased with the thought that he was now closer to Shin Jehyun than Seo Eunjae.

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    “Why? Sunbae’s personality is better than mine.”

    Baekyung smiled as if wondering what the problem was. Seo Eunjae looked at him with a pitying gaze.

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    “You’re not being blackmailed or anything, right?”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

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    “Do you want to be blackmailed?”

    Jehyun quickly interrupted the question. Shin Jehyun glanced at Hyun Jiwon and gave Seo Eunjae a look, signaling him to shut up before he spilled all his embarrassing secrets.

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    Finally, Seo Eunjae closed his mouth, turned his head back, and sighed briefly.

    Ignore this idiot!!

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    Baekyung stifled a laugh at what Jehyun had scribbled in his notebook.

    OK 😀

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    Jehyun smiled at the cute response.

    At Korea University, there were no classes during the final exam period, but exams were held separately for each subject. After finishing their major exams in the morning, the two had an early lunch near the school and headed home to prepare for the first clear of the Engel Fleet over-saturation dungeon.

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    It was exam season, but taking a day off was fine. That’s why they studied diligently in the first place.

    After passing through the busy streets filled with students, they entered the officetel and were finally alone. Baekyung, watching the elevator come down, subtly moved his hand to touch Jehyun’s fingers.

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    With a small touch, Shin Jehyun looked up. Meeting Baekyung’s gaze, Jehyun playfully smiled and held Baekyung’s hand.

    “Confident about the fleet?”

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    The Engel Fleet required both cooperation among party members and individual skills. Since a ghost dealing massive damage appeared every time a member died at the final boss, clearing without dying was crucial. Baekyung smiled confidently at Jehyun’s words.

    “I’ll get the perfect clear for you.”

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    His voice was full of confidence. Jehyun laughed and stepped into the elevator. Pressing the buttons for the 14th and 17th floors, he kissed Baekyung’s cheek as the elevator passed the 10th floor.

    With a soft kiss, Ha Baekyung smiled sweetly. Jehyun kissed his hand again and let him out as the door opened.

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    “See you later.”

    “See you later, Sunbae.”

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    Jehyun watched Baekyung wave through the closing doors and swallowed his disappointment. Although Baekyung had a computer at home, it was better to do perfect clears in a familiar environment. They had also done the Ponyu strategy from their respective homes, but it always felt disappointing to part ways like this.

    Should I buy a chair for Baekyung’s house or set up another computer at my desk? Jehyun thought about ways to play games with Baekyung in a familiar environment as he headed home.

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    He still had about three exams left, but that didn’t matter. It was time to achieve the first clear of the ninth over-saturation dungeon.

    A month ago, despite starting two hours late, Countess had secured the first clear of Kasak’s Maze Garden. ElkaRose’s party had high damage and fast clear speed compared to others, but no dealer in that party could match Habaek’s insane damage, who wanted to be praised by Shin Jehyun.

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    Moreover, while Jehyun’s party had about four members who could immediately adapt to new patterns, ElkaRose’s party had only two. As a result, Countess had secured the first clear achievements for eight consecutive dungeons, including Ponyu. With continuous perfect clears, they set a new goal.

    They aimed to achieve perfect clears in all 11 dungeons, including the remaining two over-saturation dungeons and one raid.

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    The Caplet alliance discovers the location of the Raptor army’s commander, Mallorca, and gathers their forces for the final battle. However, due to a spy, the alliance’s plans are leaked, and Mallorca dispatches the second legion commander, Engel, to the alliance’s base, Capitol, to stop them.

    Engel, who had been exploring the northern seas of Caplet in search of hidden powers, becomes a demigod by accepting the dark god Nuazet, who had been hiding in the depths of the sea like the god of greed, Kachala, who sank the Black Tower. Engel then invades Capitol.

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    The waters in front of Capitol are stained with the blood of Raptors and humans. The heroes, who returned after resolving the over-proliferation of the spirit Ponyu, launch a belated counterattack to sink Engel’s fleet.

    Healer → Is anyone not here?

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    Contempt → I’m here.

    Matgom → I’m here.

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    Contempt → Stop copying me, seriously.

    Matgom → Stop copying me, seriously!

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    Healer → Both of you, be quiet.

    Since the guild meeting, Contempt and Matgom had become quite close, often bickering. Jehyun clicked his tongue at their noise. Contempt fell silent and attacked Matgom’s character. Matgom didn’t back down either. Seeing him use his main skill to hit Contempt, Baekyung twisted his lips in disdain.

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    Healer → Matgom, did you just use Sword Dance?

    Matgom → Uh… yes.

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    Healer → We’ll wait before starting.

    ‘Sword Dance’ is the main aggro skill for swordsmen, allowing them to quickly build aggro in a short time. But using it as a joke meant they couldn’t start until the cooldown was over. Engel’s first boss required excellent aggro management.

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    [Party] Contempt: Tsk tsk… ㅡㅅㅡ

    [Party] SpellChecker: Tsk tsk…

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    [Party] Boss12MoreHours: LOL, they’re really sucking up.

    Despite the delay caused by his mistake, Matgom didn’t apologize to Jehyun, the party leader. His attitude was arrogant for a tank slave.

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    On the day of the guild meeting, Kang Yoonjae had lied to Jehyun with the sole intention of messing with him. When the truth came out, he knelt and apologized to Baekyung. It was a cheap apology worth less than a thousand won, so it didn’t feel sincere.

    Baekyung only forgave him after messing with him in return. The fact that Kang Yoonjae was humiliated by his Hyung in the process was none of his concern.

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    After that, Kang Yoonjae also apologized to Jehyun, who looked at him with disdain when he said he did it for fun. It was a look that matched Kang Yoonjae’s character and intelligence.

    Even now, seeing him trying to mess with Contempt made Jehyun sigh. What’s wrong with this guy? Baekyung, feeling reluctant to acknowledge Kang Yoonjae as a friend, typed in the chat.

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    [Party] Habaek: 1-minute delay = 1 billion

    [Party] SpellChecker: LOL, you think I don’t have 1 billion?

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    [Party] Habaek: ? You don’t.

    [Party] SpellChecker: ㅠ I don’t, please spare me.

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    As Matgom whined, Jehyun’s laughter echoed through the speakers. Baekyung could almost see his expression. Smiling faintly, Baekyung timed Matgom’s Sword Dance cooldown with the clock in front of him. They had to wait over a minute.

    Driven by regret and resentment, Baekyung decided to say what he needed to say, thinking it might be his last chance. It had already been a month since the day he sought out Jehyun and received a passionate kiss.

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    During that time, Baekyung had spent some awkward and embarrassing moments with Jehyun.

    That day, after achieving the first clear of the Maze Garden, Baekyung returned to Jehyun’s place and heard many stories throughout the night. Stories about why Jehyun had no choice but to misunderstand him, when he started liking him, and other heart-fluttering and sweet tales.

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    He thought he had lost his first love. But that wasn’t the case. Shin Jehyun had slipped into his heart without him realizing. It was just an unexpected turn of events for Baekyung.

    Honestly, it would be a lie to say he hadn’t worried since then. Baekyung still felt awkward and strange showing his true self in front of Jehyun. But it seemed Jehyun didn’t perceive him as a hypocritical person with a split personality. Sometimes, when he swore like Habaek in front of him, Jehyun looked at him with a cute expression, proving that he accepted him well.

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    Thinking about Shin Jehyun made Habaek’s persona burn inside him. Knowing that Jehyun appreciated his damage-dealing, Baekyung was more engrossed in the game than ever.

    “Let’s go.”

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    Thinking about Jehyun, time flew by quickly. Baekyung confirmed it was time for Matgom’s skill cooldown to return and spoke. Jehyun immediately activated buffs and displayed the countdown.

    You feel the effect of the Shield of Salvation.

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    The Holy Shield protects the Party.


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    You feel the effect of the Call of the Battlefield.

    Attack power and attack speed are increased.

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    [Party] Healer: Go, go!

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    Iron Fist Hix Haha… You must be crazy! Boarding Engel’s fleet!

    Iron Fist Hix I’ll make you fish food!

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    The heroes approached the fleet to kill Engel, commanding the Raptor fleet. Engel’s flagship was accompanied by three escort fleets, one of which was Iron Fist Hix’s ship. Hix, originally a pirate, had betrayed humanity after meeting Engel.

    Affected by the Raptors’ wickedness, Hix’s body had turned black, and one arm had become steel. It was originally a prosthetic arm implanted with Raptor ore.

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    As Matgom charged at Hix, Hix swung his fist, sending out shockwaves. Baekyung resisted the shockwaves pushing his character to the edge and stuck close to Hix.

    Healer → Watch out for the cannonballs.

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    Matgom → Oh, damn!

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    Boss → Haha!

    As Baekyung calmly responded, Matgom shouted, and the others laughed. Now used to the reaction, Baekyung focused on the strategy without responding.

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    The shockwaves created by Hix shattered the cannonball crates on the deck. Round cannonballs started rolling around the deck with the ship’s movements. Baekyung moved his character to avoid the cannonballs, observing if there were any changes compared to the normal difficulty.

    Healer → Well… It seems pretty similar?

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    Finishing his observations, Jehyun’s words prompted responses from the party members.

    Boss → They handle things so randomly.

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    Contempt → High-low-medium-low, you know.

    “It seems like it’s low difficulty this time.”

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    It wasn’t new to see haphazard updates from Cast, but encountering another unbalanced patch was frustrating.

    The eight over-saturation dungeons released so far had varying levels of changes. Dungeons like Love School and the Proliferation site of Ponyu had hardly changed, while others like the Crossroads of the Ancients required significant time, and dungeons like the Black Tower took over 12 hours to complete.

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    Ahn Yiyoung’s interview was undoubtedly truthful. Seeing the inconsistent difficulty levels, it was clear that they had hastily slapped on previously omitted patterns.

    Engel’s fleet seemed to have the least modifications. Hix’s health was rapidly depleting, and he was already entering the final phase.

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    Healer → I’ll send the cannonballs to the left.

    As the end approached, Jehyun’s instructions gathered the scattered party members to the upper left side of the deck. Baekyung quickly joined him. Healer then used the skill ‘Prayer of Peace’ to reset the aggro.

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    Iron Fist Hix Haha… What’s this? I’ll make you regret it!

    When Iron Fist Hix’s aggro target changed, he leaped up and jumped toward the new target. During this process, the ship shook, sending cannonballs flying into the sky, making it easier to deal with Hix. The falling cannonballs caused massive damage.

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    Newbies might find it hard to adjust the angles, but seasoned Caplet players could do it with their eyes closed.

    Jehyun, using the Prayer of Peace, reset the boss’s aggro, drawing attention with his self-healing. As Hix’s targeting switched to Healer, Hix uttered a line and jumped into the air. Then, with a thud, he landed, and all the party members used their evasion skills to resist the damage and moved back.

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    With a loud crash, Hix was hit by the cannonballs and fell.

    Healer → Too easy. It’s unsettling.

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    The patterns of Hix seemed identical to the saturation dungeon, which was strange. The realization that the name ‘Iron Fist Hix’ was also the same as the saturation dungeon hit them.

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    However, there had been bosses whose names didn’t change in over-saturation. Ponyu was like that, and so was the 3rd legion commander Gaetron of the Black Tower.

    [Party] Contempt: Hm, have we become so seasoned that there’s no challenge left? ㅎㅅㅎ

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    [Party] Boss12MoreHours: LOL, maybe we’re in the saturation dungeon after all?

    [Party] SpellChecker: Hahaha!

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    While Baekyung and Jehyun were skeptical, Boss made a terrible joke. Being in the saturation dungeon after all? Baekyung laughed it off, thinking such a ridiculous thing couldn’t happen. Jehyun felt the same.

    Healer → No way. Let’s move quickly.

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    “I’m in front of the 2nd boss.”

    Healer → Already there? Habaek, learn from him.

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    Baekyung felt proud of Jehyun’s praise. Smirking, he performed the /thank motion in front of him. The next to arrive was Contempt.

    Contempt → I’m third.

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    Healer → Who’s slower than a chain? Delete your character.

    The chain swordsman, who had only one mobility skill, arrived third. Jehyun clicked his tongue at Boss and Matgom crawling slowly. He skillfully scolded them and immediately turned on the buffs.

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    But the 2nd boss’s name was the same as in the saturation dungeon. Two bosses with the same name? Baekyung frowned, puzzled.

    Dungeons categorized as normal, saturation, and over-saturation opened an instance dungeon based on the chosen difficulty. Once the first player chose normal, subsequent party members would enter the same instance.

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    It seemed reasonable to suspect they might be in the saturation dungeon. Having two bosses with the same name was suspicious.

    However, Baekyung had opened the Engel’s Fleet dungeon today. He had no memory of making such an amateur mistake. He wasn’t the kind to make a beginner’s mistake on the day of the perfect clear.

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    Healer → The patch seems hastily done.

    Matgom → Indeed. Is this really saturation? Who opened the dungeon?

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    “I did.”

    Healer → It should be over-saturation. The final boss might be different, so let’s continue.

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    “It’s definitely over-saturation.”

    Baekyung firmly added to Jehyun’s words. The party members, including Matgom, seemed to trust that Habaek wouldn’t make such a mistake and fell silent.

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    They couldn’t afford to waste time. Jehyun turned on the buffs and said,

    Healer → It should be. Start the countdown.

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    Boss → Sure. Let’s go.

    The countdown appeared on the screen, and the start signal came up. Matgom charged at the 2nd boss, and Baekyung followed with heightened focus.

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    But even the 2nd boss’s starting pattern was identical to the saturation dungeon. Something felt off. Baekyung frowned and bit his lip.


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    It took less than three minutes to clear the 2nd boss.

    The quick clear time added to their suspicions. Silence fell in the voice chat.

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    Damn, this feels like saturation. Everyone seemed to think so, though no one said it out loud. Jehyun felt the same. Even Shin Jehyun’s words became scarce, making Baekyung start to doubt himself.

    Did I make a mistake? While doubting himself, they reached the final boss. It was the second legion commander, Engel.

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    And Engel was the same. The pattern was identical to the saturation dungeon, the clear time was under five minutes, and the party’s DPS was over 6 million, just like in the saturation dungeon.

    Second Legion Commander Engel Tch, even if you defeat me, you cannot thwart Lord Mallorca’s plans!

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    In the final phase, with his HP reduced to 5%, Engel fell to his knees in exhaustion. Realizing this was the saturation difficulty, Matgom blamed Baekyung while beating Engel.

    Matgom → Ah. Habaek, even an elementary schooler wouldn’t make this mistake.

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    “It’s over-saturation.”

    Matgom → It’s saturation!

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    “I definitely chose over-saturation.”

    Though he had briefly doubted himself, Baekyung clearly remembered selecting over-saturation difficulty when entering the dungeon. If this was saturation, the mistake was on Caplet, not Baekyung. He was certain.

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    While blaming Ahn Yiyoung, Jehyun spoke in a calm voice.

    Healer → …We’ll enter over-saturation right after clearing this.

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    Sunbae doesn’t think I made a mistake, does he? As Baekyung frowned and internally cursed at Cast, Engel fell.

    Second Legion Commander Engel For the Raptors’ paradise… Please, Lord Mallorca…

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    [System] Deulgireumhanbyeong20man5cheonan successfully completed the shadow-engulfed Engel’s Fleet.

    [System] ElkaRose successfully completed the shadow-engulfed Engel’s Fleet.

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    [System] Byeok successfully completed the shadow-engulfed Engel’s Fleet.

    [System] Seop successfully completed the shadow-engulfed Engel’s Fleet.

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    [System] ElkaDamageShuttle successfully completed the shadow-engulfed Engel’s Fleet.

    Simultaneously, a message appeared that ElkaRose’s party had successfully completed Engel’s Fleet over-saturation. Silence fell in the voice chat as the system message decorated the screen.

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