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TWKH Ch 18
by mimiIn guild wars, killing the guild leader results in victory, so in Caplet, the death of the guild leader carried symbolic meaning. As a result, during sieges, dealers from each guild would often struggle to capture the enemy guild’s guild leader.
For this reason, most guild leaders were knights, similar to Sangjae when he was the guild leader of a previous guild like F1. In other words, it was rare for a healer, like Jehyun, to be the one capturing the guild leader.
“I’m dying. I’ll have everyone resurrect in the inner castle when they die.”
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Unlike knights, who could endure even when multiple dealers attacked thanks to their healing presence, priests had no way of surviving to the end of the siege. Seeing the enemy dealers swarm like a pack of wolves, Jehyun gave up on holding out. The outer castle gate’s health was rapidly dropping. It was time to retreat into the inner castle.
The crack in the outer gate becomes visible.
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You have died.
10 seconds until resurrection.
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You selected resurrection at the stronghold (lord’s room). You will respawn there in 9 seconds.
[Raid Leader Notice] Healer: 1st party to the lord’s room, 23rd party to the inner castle gate, go go go go
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[Raid Leader Notice] Healer: 1st party to the lord’s room, 23rd party to the inner castle gate, go go go go
[Attack Team] MoneyHealer: This is tough haha
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[Attack Team] EnuriHolmes: It’s really chaotic
[Attack Team] EnuriHolmes: They look just as chaotic hahaha it’s a mess haha
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Guilds that applied for the siege could attack any user except their own guild members. Even if they were on the same side in the siege, if the guilds were different, they could still attack each other, which meant the area around the outer gate, where players gathered to break it, was absolute chaos. The corpses of players hit by skills aimed at the outer gate piled up.
“Did 2nd and 3rd parties make it to the inner castle gate?”
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Dealer Team → We are waiting for resurrection.
Nitath → We just need one person to come!
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“Once the outer gate breaks, the stronghold will be breached immediately, so you need to come in now.”
Dealer Team → Okay, okay. We have just a few seconds left.
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“Outer gate health is at 10%. 9. 8.”
Behind the outer gate were the defense NPCs Jehyun had summoned. However, since they only stood in place and attacked, once the outer gate was breached, the enemy would be able to quickly reach the inner gate.
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You have been resurrected.
The outer gate has been destroyed!
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[Battlefield] Aing: Seriously, 10 minutes until the gate breaks? haha
[Battlefield] GangDan: That’s really fast haha
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[Raid Leader Notice] Healer: 23rd party, clear the mess at the inner gate.
[Attack Team] HealerPoint: Just trust me.
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[Attack Team] Contempt: Trust me too ㅇㅅㅇ
[Attack Team] MoneyHealer: Just trust me.
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“Especially, the healers in the 2nd party need to be dealt with properly.”
Nitath → Got it!
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At the inner gate, Jehyun had installed a defense magic cannon by pouring guild points into it. The cannon fired every 10 seconds and dealt significant damage, so as long as the healers were dealt with, it could delay the enemy for a long time at the inner gate.
“And when the inner gate reaches 30%, Contempt and Noona will be the only ones to go outside the outer gate. Break the flag.”
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[Attack Team] Boss12MoreHours: Okay.
[Attack Team] Contempt: Ugh… more dirty work ㅇㅅㅠ
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Characters on the siege side who died before the outer gate was breached could only resurrect outside the castle unless a healer revived them, but once the outer gate was broken, they could resurrect at the guild flag set up in the outer courtyard.
It took 2 minutes to run from the outer courtyard to the inner gate, so after the inner gate opened, it was essential to break the flags to prevent the enemy from quickly returning to the inner castle.
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“If I have to, I will,” Jehyun muttered, scolding the complaining Contempt and checked on the 1st party members who had resurrected in the lord’s room.
The newly joined guild members, Binaengmandu and the veteran troll from the active guild, were working diligently in silence. Jehyun pressed the tab key to switch to the chat tab and spoke to them in the party chat.
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[Party] Healer: Sangjae and Trolli, please share the cooldowns in the party chat.
[Party] Healer: Cooldown is 1 minute, right? After cooldown reduction, about 47 seconds?
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The enemy is attacking the inner gate!
The magic cannon is charging.
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[Party] Sangjae: Yep, that’s right.
[Party] Trolli: I only have one cooldown reduction, so it’s 54 seconds.
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[Party] Healer: Then Sangjae should go for the first capture, and when there are 25 seconds left on cooldown, Trolli can use the second one.
[Party] Healer: Please use them without overlapping.
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[Party] Sangjae: Got it.
[Party] Healer: Matgom, please focus on hitting the characters near the engraving in the center.
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[Party] SpellChecker: Sure.
[Party] Binaengmandu: What about me?!
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[Party] Healer: Haha, you’re doing so well^^.
[Party] Healer: Keep summoning the spirits and deal AoE damage near the engraving stones with your magic.
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[Party] Binaengmandu: Hehe, will do!
As soon as the conversation ended, the magic cannon finished charging and fired. The engravings on the inner gate shimmered yellow, then a bright red laser shot out with a screeching sound.
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Death logs of robe-wearing, squishy characters attacking the inner gate flooded the screen. Jehyun pressed the tab key again to check on the status of the 2nd and 3rd parties and spoke.
“How’s it going outside?”
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Dealer Team → Uh… It’s chaotic.
Nitath → Ah. Same here!
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[Attack Team] Habaek: It’s a mess.
[Attack Team] BeoseotTangsuyuk: They’re fighting among themselves.
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[Attack Team] Sangjae: ??
Jehyun raised an eyebrow at the unexpected comment. Fighting among themselves? It didn’t seem like they meant fighting because they could attack each other. What was going on? He moved his character out of the lord’s room. As he quietly approached the inner gate, he saw users fighting in general chat.
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Kangrimdoryeong: Damn, I told you to stop hitting me haha.
Aenya: What do you mean? It’s a siege, we can hit each other, right?
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Kangrimdoryeong: Exactly. You guys are the problem. You don’t even know how to break the gate, why even join the siege?
[Attack Team] Contempt: Kangrim is at it again… ㅇㅅㅇa
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Humnya: Stop it.
Humnya: This isn’t necessary.
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The magic cannon is charging.
Kangrimdoryeong: What? I told you three times not to hit me. You guys started it, not me.
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[Attack Team] Boss12MoreHours: Is this a repeat of last time?
[Attack Team] SpellChecker: Isn’t this Kangrim again… ㅇㅅㅇa
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[Attack Team] Contempt: Don’t copy him ㅡㅅㅡ
Aenya has died.
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Aenya: Damn, I said stop hitting me.
Kangrimdoryeong: If you pull back first, I’ll stop too haha.
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Having grasped the situation, Jehyun chuckled bitterly.
It seemed Aenya and Humnya had hit Kangrimdoryeong by accident while attacking the gate, and Kangrimdoryeong took the opportunity to chase after them. It was inevitable that players would hit each other during a siege. If you didn’t want to get hit, you could fall back or block the attacks, but it wasn’t always possible to avoid. Moreover, with siege mechanics, it wasn’t likely that only they took damage. Kangrimdoryeong was just looking for an easy target to provoke.
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After both Aenya and Humnya died, the chat finally quieted down. Jehyun frowned, still not understanding.
F1, the guild leader of Jicheonwang, and his series of guildmates were nothing like the rude players like Kangrimdoryeong. While Yomla’s tone could be rough, he didn’t behave like this. Kangrimdoryeong, however, always seemed to pick fights with everyone.
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Anyway, the important thing was that, even if Kangrimdoryeong used to be in the Hell Guild, he was now part of Jicheonwang. His playstyle was so different from F1’s; why was he being tolerated?
Jehyun couldn’t understand at all. Whatever the circumstances were, if it had been him, he would have immediately expelled a guild member playing like that. He clicked his tongue briefly and switched the chat tab again. He hid the world and raid chats and requested a briefing.
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“How’s the situation in front of the inner gate?”
Dealer Team → The gate is about to fall, I think.
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Nitath → Should we start respawning at the lord’s room now?!
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Jehyun clicked on the inner gate to check its health. It was about 55% left, but it was depleting rapidly. There were only 15 of them, but more than 150 were on the attacking side, so it was expected. The fact that they could attack each other during the siege was helping, but it was only a matter of time before the inner gate would be destroyed.
“Okay, from now on, anyone who dies should respawn at the lord’s room right away. We can’t stop the engraving stone from being destroyed, but we can stop the engravings themselves.”
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Nitath → Got it!
Dealer Team → Yes, yes.
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“Noona and Contempt, please go to break the flags.”
[Attack Team] Contempt: On my way ㅇㅅㅇ
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Cracks began to appear on the inner gate.
[Raid Leader Notice] Healer: The inner gate is about to break. Buff up and wait in front of the gate.
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Guild members who had respawned at the lord’s room rushed to the inner gate.
Below the cracked inner gate, they could see the range attack effects pouring in from outside. Jehyun, watching the constant barrage of skills, cast buffs on his guildmates.
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“When the gate opens, Sangjae, use your capture. Time the range attacks when the gate breaks. Put in a range CC and AoE damage, understood? Once the entry team clears the way, we move inside.”
10, 9, 8. The percentage was dropping quickly. The enemies seemed frantic, as about twenty of them died from the magic cannon fired in the middle, but still, there were easily over 100 waiting in front.
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Now it was crucial to stall for time. Just hold out for 15 more minutes. Jehyun, staring seriously at the inner gate, shouted as its health reached 1%.
“Capture now!”
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As Sangjae used the chains of capture, dozens of black chains shot through the crumbling inner gate. As Sangjae pulled the enemies toward him, guildmates’ attacks rained down on them in the newly vacated space. Effects from the Time Thief’s pocket watch and the Necromancer’s soul absorption swirled chaotically in the air.
Bang, bang, the loud sound effects echoed in Jehyun’s ears. Dozens of enemies, stunned, fell one after another under the barrage of attacks. However, even in the confusion, some players were still rushing toward the engraving stone to avoid the capture.
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The engraving stone is under attack!
The real chaos had begun.
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“Yemra, Yemra! Yemra, engrave now!”
Dealer Team → Kindergarten!
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“Block that! Ah, help! F1, engrave!”
The advantage of Jicheonwang, with its large numbers, became evident at the inner gate. Instead of focusing on destruction, they only attempted engraving, constantly drawing out engraving time.
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This strategy was completely different from last month. During the last NPC siege, Jicheonwang was solely focused on landing the final blow, hitting the engraving stone, but this time, dozens were gathered, risking their lives for the engraving.
In fact, this was the right approach. Mass engraving was the most efficient way to manage a large number of people. This was why, during the last siege, there had been a lot of dissatisfaction with Yemra’s leadership for only focusing on the final blow.
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Had the leadership changed? It seemed like Jicheonwang might actually take the castle. Thinking back, unlike last time, this time Jicheonwang had Elka. The one they called the rotten ElkaRose from the battlefield.
The lord’s room’s guardian stone has been destroyed. The guardian stone will be restored in 3 minutes.
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The inner gate’s guardian stone has been destroyed. The guardian stone will be restored in 3 minutes.
Contempt has died.
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Trolley has died.
Gangster has died.
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[Attack Team] Sangjae: Looks like it’s over.
Using Noble Sacrifice.
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The effects of Noble Sacrifice are felt.
You have died.
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[Raid Leader Notice] Healer: Got it.
[Attack Team] HealingPoint: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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[Attack Team] BeoseotTangsuyuk: Don’t cry
The outer gate’s guardian stone has been destroyed. The guardian stone will be restored in 3 minutes.
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They couldn’t handle the numerical disadvantage. Before dying, Jehyun used Noble Sacrifice, hoping the guildmates could hold out a bit longer, but the tide had already turned uncontrollably.
With all the guardian stones destroyed, respawning at the base was no longer possible. The Countess guild members, sprawled around the engraving stone, had their hands off the mouse and keyboard, simply watching the inner gate situation. Jehyun was the same.
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Losing the castle had already been expected, but he had hoped at least the friendly guild would take the lord position. However, against such overwhelming numbers, that was impossible. Every time they attempted engraving, Jehyun saw the gauge for Jicheonwang rise on the engraving status board, visible only to the lord.
Even when they were attacked and the gauge dropped by 10 seconds, someone continued engraving, and it was stacking up, getting closer and closer to 1 minute. It’s over. Jehyun stretched and yawned, casually speaking.
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“Did you see? Just do the engraving like this for tomorrow’s Weather Castle.”
Trying to lift the guildmates’ spirits, he spoke in a tone that seemed nonchalant. Finally, the raid chat began to buzz with energy.
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[Attack Team] Contempt: ㅇㅅㅇ I’ll take it!
[Attack Team] HealingPoint: Hahaha, I’ll stick to it like a leech.
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[Attack Team] EnuriHomes: Let’s take Weather tomorrow, haha.
[Attack Team] BeoseotTangsuyuk: Capitol and Weather trade, good.
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[Attack Team] Habaek: No, no, we can’t do engraving.
At that moment, Habaek interrupted the growing atmosphere. What the hell? Jehyun, now with a displeased expression, was about to tackle him.
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[Attack Team] Habaek: Tomorrow, we have to go for destruction, no choice.
[Attack Team] Habaek: The final blow has a much higher chance than engraving.
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[Attack Team] Habaek: When the engraving stone is at 3% HP, we use the ultimate skill, got it?
[Attack Team] Habaek: Remember, it’s 3%.
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[Attack Team] Habaek: 1% is too late.
[Raid Leader Notice] Healer: Did you hear? It’s 3%.
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But, in fact, Habaek’s words were correct. With fewer people, aiming for destruction was faster than trying to engrave. Jehyun, about to curse at Habaek, instead gave him a thumbs-up for his words. And just at that moment, the screen turned red, and the siege war ended notification popped up.
Quickly turning his head to check the system log, Jehyun frowned immediately.
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Kanglimdoryeong has succeeded in engraving Capitol Castle!
The guild “HellRisingFourKings” has succeeded in engraving!
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The ownership of Capitol Castle will be transferred to F1.
The siege war has ended.
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[Attack Team] Boss12MoreHours: Damn, of all people, that guy, haha.
[Attack Team] Contempt: Shaking…
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[Attack Team] Sangjae: Murphy’s Law…
[Attack Team] EvenIfYouDieIt’sYourHeal: (Not sure, but I guess we’re supposed to be mad?) Shaking…
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Jehyun stared at the screen with his mouth open in silence. Of all people, it had to be Kanglimdoryeong who succeeded in engraving.
It seemed like around 60 people from Jicheonwang participated in the siege, about two raid teams’ worth. So, why of all people, him?
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He was at a loss for words but couldn’t let the mood deteriorate further. Jehyun ignored the engraving message and spoke up.
“Good job, everyone! 17 minutes, we held out really well. You all did great.”
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Dealer Team → Ah, good job. It was chaotic.
Nitath → Great job! Wow, that was really fun.
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“Fun, right? But defense is more fun than offense. Let’s go for Weather tomorrow.”
Nitath → Sounds good!
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Dealer Team → Let’s do our best tomorrow.
The mic buzzed with lively conversation. NimaDeal and EvenIfYouDieIt’sYourHeal didn’t seem like negative people, so Jehyun liked them. He preferred people who would sharpen their knives to win tomorrow over those who felt defeated after losing.
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Once the siege ended, the resurrection option appeared. Jehyun selected the guild hideout resurrection, and Healer came back to life in a small room in a rural village. Many others resurrected at the hideout as well. Jehyun restored their health, cast buffs, and switched chat channels.
[World] GamSamDong: Isn’t Weather going to be taken by Jicheonwang?
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[World] Gangster: Hahaha, maybe. Engraving just barely worked, damn.
[World] ElkaRose: Who’s going to the Annihilation dungeon?
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[World] KimchiRiceAndEgg: Jicheonwang guys, take it easy tomorrow! ^^
[World] Gangster: Elka!
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[World] Gangster: Was it Jicheonwang leading today? It felt different from last month, haha.
[World] ElkaRose: If you want an answer, you have to go to Annihilation.
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[World] Gangster: Possible to team up?
[World] ElkaRose: Yeah! Please give me Jiwon.
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[World] SpellChecker: Me too.
[World] ElkaRose: Welcome.
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Jehyun’s eyes narrowed as he read the world chat. It was because of the conversation between SpellChecker and Elka.
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He’d only found out recently that Habaek was friends with Elka. But could it be that Matgom was also friends with Elka? Curiosity filled Jehyun, and he was about to whisper to Matgom, but instead asked Habaek.
[Whisper] To Habaek: Hey, is Matgom also friends with Elka?
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[Whisper] To Habaek: Why are you asking me?
[Whisper] To Habaek: I thought you might know.
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[Whisper] Habaek: Are you really 24?
[Whisper] To Habaek: Are the two of them friends? Are the three of you close?
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[Whisper] Habaek: What’s your major? Are you really attending Korea University? Are you active? What year are you?
[Whisper] To Habaek: What?
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[Whisper] To Habaek: I don’t reveal personal info in-game, sorry.
[Whisper] Habaek: If you just tell me your age, I’ll let you know if they’re friends.
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[Whisper] To Habaek: Based on what you’re saying, it sounds like they’re friends, sorry.
[Whisper] Habaek: Haha, not really.
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[Whisper] To SpellChecker: I’m curious, but are you also close with Elka? I know Habaek is friends with Elka.
[Whisper] To SpellChecker: Just asking out of curiosity.
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[Whisper] Habaek: I told you, it’s not true. Are you really 24?
[Whisper] To SpellChecker: Haha, yes, we’re all friends.
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Ignoring Habaek, Jehyun asked Matgom a question and received an answer. They were all friends. F1 and Sangjae were friends, and ElkaRose, Habaek, and SpellChecker were friends, with F1 and ElkaRose being in the same guild. Suddenly, remembering the relationship between Habaek and Sangjae, Jehyun asked, half in disbelief.
[Whisper] To SpellChecker: Are F1 and Elka siblings? Is it a Hyung relationship?
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[Whisper] To SpellChecker: Yes, yes, they’re Hyung siblings.
It was strange that despite knowing each other’s faces, they ended up in different servers, and after the server merge, they met and became rivals. Jehyun thought that this could only happen if they didn’t truly enjoy the game.
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Jehyun nodded, fascinated, and then smiled wistfully.
Shin Jehee also played games whenever there was a break in training. Jehyun’s Latter account was raised by Shin Jehee. Jehee, known for his fiery temper, had been banned permanently after cursing on his own account, so he raised Jehyun’s account as a replacement. That was the account that Shin Jehyun used as a decoy to show others.
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If he could play games with Sangjae, Habaek, Help, and Elka, like he did with Shin Jehee, it would be so much fun. But Shin Jehee thoroughly disregarded Caplet as a terrible game. Due to his impatience, Jehee’s expression when he heard that battlefield matches took 30 minutes still lingered in Jehyun’s mind. Jehyun clicked his tongue and sighed, standing up from his seat.
Although it had only been 17 minutes, the tension from the siege made Jehyun’s body feel sore. He stretched and went to the kitchen to get some water.
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After drinking a glass of cold water filled with ice, Jehyun recalled the face of a younger colleague who used to bring him ice water. It was Ha Baekyung.
The shift in mood was sudden, like turning a light off and on. Jehyun walked to the living room and leaned back on the sofa. His long fingers absentmindedly traced his lips.
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Lately, he’d been thinking about Ha Baekyung often. It was probably after watching a movie with Baekyung that these thoughts had started. Whenever he almost forgot, Ha Baekyung would pop into his mind, and Shin Jehyun found himself thinking about him dozens of times a day.
It was the first time Jehyun had felt this way about a person. Normally, the only thing he thought about all day was Caplet. When he wasn’t studying, he always thought about Caplet and wondered about it.
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Recently, Baekyung had taken Caplet’s place in his thoughts. Now, when Jehyun wasn’t studying, he thought about Baekyung and wondered about him. It felt like Ha Baekyung had become his new hobby. It was a strange feeling.
Was he still playing Latter? Jehyun couldn’t remember clearly, but he thought he had heard Ha Baekyung mention playing Latter before. When was it? It might have been a misunderstanding, but he was sure he had heard Ha Baekyung say it.
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Wouldn’t it be better to play Caplet instead of Latter? Jehyun thought about Baekyung, who listened so well, and then glanced at the cup with ice water. He picked up his phone and sent a message to Baekyung.
Me: [Baekyung, what are you doing?]
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Me: [If you don’t have anything to do, want to come over to my place? I’m bored.] 19:49
Thinking about Ha Baekyung, 30 minutes had passed. Jehyun was surprised by the time and bit his lip, feeling something odd, when a reply came quickly.
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Ha Baekyung: [I’m just staying in.]
[Was about to have dinner, have you eaten, Sunbae?] 19:50
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Me: [I haven’t eaten yet. Want to eat together?] 19:50
Ha Baekyung: [Sure. 1701, right? I’ll come up by 8:10.] 19:51
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As expected, there was no way to refuse.
I need someone like this… Jehyun lifted the corners of his mouth, thinking about how to win Ha Baekyung over with Caplet.
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As soon as Jehyun received a message from Baekyung, he jumped up from his seat. There were 20 minutes left until Baekyung was supposed to arrive at 8:10. He needed to clean the house.
He first closed Caplet. He gathered the candy wrappers and trash on the desk and opened the window to ventilate. For some reason, he felt like he had to, so he also tidied his bed and sprayed perfume on it.
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After quickly vacuuming, he put the cups and dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on. By the time he was done, 15 minutes had passed. Jehyun then went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.
But why was he acting so frantic? He had that thought when he was tidying his hair in front of the mirror. Frowning, Jehyun stared at the mirror, confused, then messed up his neatly arranged hair again. As he stepped out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door.
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“Sunbae, hello.”
When he opened the door, Baekyung was standing there. Since it was only the third floor, Baekyung was dressed a bit more casually than usual. Still, he wore a sweatshirt and joggers, which looked more uncomfortable than Jehyun’s shorts.
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As Jehyun faced Baekyung’s smiling face, he lifted the corners of his mouth too.
“Hey. It’s nice that we live in the same building.”
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“Yeah, it only took me less than a minute to get here.”
“…Yeah. Come in.”
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Listening to Baekyung’s words, Jehyun felt an odd flutter in his stomach. He awkwardly smiled and stepped back. Baekyung lowered his head, took off his shoes, and was about to step onto the mat where Jehyun stood when he suddenly turned his head and looked down at Jehyun.
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Baekyung, who was at least 10 cm taller than Jehyun, slightly tilted his head. With a gentle smile, he met Jehyun’s eyes, then raised his hand to touch Jehyun’s hair.
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“What did you do? Your hair’s a mess.”
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Baekyung gently smoothed Jehyun’s hair with soft hands. Although it felt awkward, Jehyun couldn’t say no when he was being helped. He stood still with his lips tightly pressed together and glanced up at Baekyung. His handsome face was so close.
How can he be so kind and sweet? Jehyun wondered inwardly, then suddenly remembered why he had invited him over, and snapped back to reality.
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“Is that good?”
“Yes. What should we have for dinner? I’ll pay.”
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As Baekyung shook his phone, Jehyun chuckled and nudged him toward the sofa.
“Who comes over and makes the host pay? I’ll pay.”
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After seating Baekyung on the small sofa meant for two, Jehyun sat beside him. He opened the delivery app on his phone, but Baekyung lowered his eyes and shook his head.
“You always pay. I even ate with you on Tuesday. Let me pay today.”
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“No way. If you’re a guest at my place, you only get to eat for free.”
If Seo Eunjae, who always did the delivery shuttle when visiting, heard that, he’d probably complain, but Jehyun didn’t want to be treated to food by Baekyung. Actually, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but more that he just wanted to keep buying delicious food for Baekyung.
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At Jehyun’s firm response, Baekyung smiled as if it bothered him. Then, naturally, he suggested making plans for the future.
“Then come over next weekend, Sunbae. I’ll treat you then.”
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“Alright. Let’s do that.”
“You have to come.”
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“Got it. Even if you tell me not to, I’ll come.”
Persistent, Jehyun thought, smiling inside. He reached out and ruffled Baekyung’s hair, then handed him his phone. “What do you want to eat? You choose,” he added. Baekyung briefly scanned the delivery app, then frowned as if he didn’t know.
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“I’ve ordered from here before and it was all terrible. Sunbae, you choose.”
“Really? You should call me before ordering next time. Let’s see, Baekyung.”
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Jehyun sighed at the disappointing news and opened the list of restaurants he had saved over the past four years. It was a high-end list he didn’t share with just anyone. As he handed it over to Baekyung, Jehyun leaned back on the sofa and glanced at Baekyung holding his phone.
Perhaps because he was dressed casually, there was a different atmosphere from usual. His brown hair looked a little tousled, and his expression was soft and relaxed, but his eyes, which had a beautiful brown hue like autumn leaves, sparkled with energy. Jehyun stared at his handsome profile, and oddly, a tight feeling rose in his chest. He let out a quiet sigh and turned his head.
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“Do you want to eat tteokbokki?”
After looking at the list of restaurants for a while, Baekyung finally asked. Hearing the word tteokbokki, Jehyun’s ears perked up, and he quickly turned to meet his gaze.
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“Tteokbokki? Do you like tteokbokki?”
“Yes, I like it.”
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“Alright, then. Let’s do that. Where should we get it from?”
“How about this one?”
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As Baekyung showed him his phone screen, Jehyun saw his favorite tteokbokki restaurant on it. Their food preferences matched well. Jehyun smiled contentedly as he took the phone from him.
“Do you eat a lot? I’ll order it.”
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“Yeah. Sunbae, can I look around your place?”
“Huh? There’s nothing to see, but feel free.”
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While Jehyun was choosing the menu, Baekyung got up and started walking around his house.
Shin Jehyun’s house, although in the opposite direction from Baekyung’s, had the same layout. Entering through the front door and passing a small hallway, there was a living room on the right and a kitchen on the left. Beyond the living room was the bedroom, with a bathroom and a small study next to it—essentially a two-room layout.
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All the doors were wide open, which made it easy for Baekyung to explore the house. Entering Jehyun’s bedroom, Baekyung stood next to the bed, which smelled nice, and looked around the room.
Shin Jehyun’s bedroom was simple. There was a double-sized bed with soft white blankets and two pillows, a simple bedside table next to it, a digital clock on the table, and dark gray blackout curtains on the window.
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Baekyung glanced over at the living room before sitting on the bed. When he lightly touched the soft blanket and brought his fingers to his nose, it smelled nice.
It was the same scent Jehyun had carried when they watched a movie together. He thought it was perfume, but perhaps it was fabric softener? Or maybe Jehyun had sprayed perfume on the bed…?
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Baekyung, somewhat confused, continued staring at the bed before standing up. Glancing over, he saw Jehyun, who was ordering food, on the phone with someone. His expression seemed frustrated, like it was a spam call. When their eyes met, Baekyung smiled and moved toward his intended destination: Jehyun’s study, where the computer was.
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Standing at the doorway, Baekyung looked around Jehyun’s desk with a serious expression.
On the long desk, which seemed to be about 1.8 meters long, there was a large monitor and a desktop computer. It was clearly a gaming PC. Not only that, but the headset mounted on the wall, the keyboard, and even the mouse that Baekyung had given him were all gaming equipment. Even the stopwatch under the monitor seemed like something used to check skill cooldowns.
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He already knew that Jehyun played Latér, but his character was in the Non-PVP server, which was known for being less fun. Was there really content that required such advanced equipment in Latér? Baekyung didn’t know much about it since he had only briefly touched the game.
If Jehyun was a hard-core dungeon user in the Non-PVP server, then it wasn’t strange that he had all this equipment. But as time went on, Baekyung couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something between Shin Jehyun and Healer.
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At first, it was just because of Jehyun’s voice, but after confirming the Latér character, he dismissed the idea as an unlikely coincidence. There were plenty of similar voices in the world. However, after learning that Jehyun and Healer both attended the same university, the number of similarities started to feel strange.
Moreover, Jehyun was always so kind and gentle with him, which made him think it couldn’t be true. But when he talked to Seo Eunjae and his classmates, Jehyun’s tone sometimes had a rough edge, just like Healer’s. Baekyung couldn’t deny his gut feeling that there was something between Shin Jehyun and Healer.
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It wasn’t just the voice; it was also the fact that whenever they were planning for a siege or guild content, Jehyun’s contact frequency dramatically dropped. And on Mondays, when a new dungeon opened after maintenance, Jehyun would always avoid scheduling plans with others, claiming he was busy.
Although it bothered him that Jehyun had cursed when he tried to leave for their movie date while breaking a spirit dungeon, if Jehyun really was Healer… and if that Healer was the same person, then it wasn’t so strange for him to curse so openly even though he had made plans.
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Without realizing it, Baekyung frowned as he walked over to Jehyun’s desk and sat in his chair. Listening to Jehyun curse at the phone, Baekyung reached out and moved the mouse he had given him.
The monitor lit up, and a photo of Jehyun with his younger sibling filled the screen. Baekyung froze as he saw Jehyun’s face, smiling with his forehead pressed against the face of a girl who looked just like the man Jehyun had described as his older brother.
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Since Jehyun had shown him kindness and affection that Baekyung wasn’t used to, Jehyun had come to occupy a significant part of his daily thoughts. Baekyung felt his heart race as he saw a new, unfamiliar expression on Jehyun’s face.
…What if Sunbae really is Healer? What if he finds out that I’m Habaek? The question arose at that moment. Baekyung bit his lip and, with a troubled expression, made eye contact with Jehyun in the photo.
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What if Shin Jehyun is really Healer? Until now, Baekyung had never thought about the consequences of that. Lately, he had only been concerned with whether or not that proposition was true.
It wasn’t until Baekyung reminded himself that Shin Jehyun was not just an acquaintance but something more that he started to imagine what might come after.
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Healer and Habaek. Baekyung wasn’t really close with Healer. They were connected through the guild and the first clear party, but if you asked if they were close enough to call it a personal relationship, the answer was definitely no.
In fact, Baekyung felt that their relationship hadn’t changed much since before the guild merger. That was the problem.
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Baekyung folded his arms and stared at Jehyun in the monitor, silently writing questions in his head.
Does Healer have a personal affection for Habaek? No.
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Does Shin Jehyun have a personal affection for Ha Baekyung? Yes.
Does Shin Jehyun like Ha Baekyung? No.
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If Shin Jehyun is really Healer, what kind of reaction would he have when he finds out that Habaek is Ha Baekyung?
Baekyung thought that the personal dislike Healer might have for Habaek would likely outweigh the affection Shin Jehyun had for him. After all, the two had a bad history that stretched over five years, while he and Jehyun had known each other for less than three months.
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So the conclusion was simple. If Shin Jehyun was really Healer, once he found out that Habaek was Ha Baekyung, he might be personally disappointed.
Baekyung could almost hear Shin Jehyun’s disgusted voice: “Was it you, that rude character?” With a grim expression, Baekyung let out a small sigh and turned his gaze back to the photo of Jehyun.
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It wasn’t certain. It was definitely not certain. But if it were true, Baekyung absolutely did not want Jehyun to find out that he was Habaek.
Even though Shin Jehyun might have more negative feelings toward Habaek than affection for Baekyung, Baekyung’s feelings for Shin Jehyun were stronger than his complex feelings for Healer.
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“Sorry, Seo Eunjae was whining. What are you doing?”
That’s when Shin Jehyun entered the room. Just as Baekyung had resolved not to be found out, he heard Jehyun’s voice.
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Turning his head toward Jehyun, Baekyung relaxed his stiff face and smiled. Glancing at the monitor, he asked:
“Oh, I accidentally touched it, and the screen turned on. The background picture was so pretty, I was just looking at it.”
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“Ah, Jehee? Isn’t she pretty? She takes after her dad.”
“I’m talking about Sunbae. It’s the first time I’ve seen you smile like that…”
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Baekyung answered with a raised eyebrow, as if to ask what he meant by that. Jehyun blinked in surprise, then blushed slightly and messed up Baekyung’s hair.
“You keep saying weird things. I’m not pretty, Baekyung.”
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Baekyung just smiled and looked up at him.
Even though Jehyun said he wasn’t pretty, Baekyung thought he was. The sharp, wild eyes, the multiple piercings in his earlobe—when he smiled, none of that mattered.
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When he smiled with those soft eyes, Baekyung’s heart just raced. Since the night Jehyun had pulled him close, concerned for him, Baekyung’s heart had been beating for him.
Staring at Jehyun, Baekyung asked with a smile, just as Jehyun seemed slightly flustered by his gaze.
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“Sunbae, where did you get your piercings done?”
“This? You just go to a piercing shop and they do it.”
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“Doesn’t it hurt? Can I see?”
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Baekyung asked innocently, and Jehyun nodded, sitting on the armrest of his chair. Baekyung leaned in and looked at Jehyun’s ear, which had three or four piercings. Then, without warning, he reached out and touched Jehyun’s small earlobe.
“It must have hurt.”
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“…It only hurts at first. After about a week, it’s fine.”
As Baekyung touched Jehyun’s earlobe with his fingertips, it squished softly in his hand. A neat piercing of onyx was hanging from the hole. Baekyung had always thought that things like this were something only delinquents would do, but seeing Shin Jehyun wearing it, he found it surprisingly cute and pretty.
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“Sunbae, your ears are really small.”
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As Baekyung fiddled with the pierced earlobe, he suddenly smiled and raised his hand. He gently stroked the small curve of Jehyun’s ear, and he saw a red flush creep up Jehyun’s neck. Baekyung bit his lip and stared at Jehyun’s side profile, who was looking away.
On his small face, his features were sharp and defined. Shin Jehyun had pale skin, and his hair and eyes were jet black, and from the side, the contrast in those colors was even more striking.
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His long eyelashes cast shadows over his already dark eyes. Despite his cynical expression, Baekyung thought Jehyun’s eyes, up close, were simply delicately beautiful. His small nose, standing upright, was cute, and his little lips were also pretty.
Baekyung never thought there would be a day when he would think a man was beautiful, especially Shin Jehyun, who, at first, seemed like a smart but delinquent Sunbae. He never imagined he’d feel that way.
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But Baekyung was acknowledging his feelings and didn’t want to deny them. Denying his own judgment was something Baekyung didn’t like.
If Sunbae is really Healer, then this cute Sunbae can’t be that wicked person. Baekyung repeated this in his mind while staring at Jehyun’s flushed cheek.
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* * *
“Want to drink some beer?”
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Before bringing up the topic of Caplet, Jehyun introduced alcohol to break the natural instinctive aversion people had to a bad game. Luckily, Baekyung didn’t refuse his offer. Baekyung was surprised when Jehyun suddenly brought out a 5-liter keg from the balcony, but it seemed like Baekyung liked alcohol since he didn’t mind.
“Do you usually keep this kind of thing at home?”
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“I didn’t buy it. Seo Eunjae brought it and I forgot about it until just now.”
“You and Seo Eunjae Sunbae must be really close.”
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“I hate to admit it, but yeah…”
Baekyung laughed, and Jehyun frowned slightly, nodding.
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After cleaning up the remnants of the tteokbokki, Jehyun sat Baekyung down and went to the fridge to get some snacks. There wasn’t much, just jelly and fruit, but they weren’t a bad combination. Jehyun took out a cup from the fridge, poured Baekyung some beer, and then gave him a worm jelly.
“Beer and jelly go well together.”
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“When did you become friends with Seo Eunjae Sunbae?”
Baekyung asked while chewing the jelly Jehyun had given him. Jehyun, who had been looking for a movie on the TV, raised an eyebrow and recalled the past.
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“Since kindergarten. My mom and Eunjae’s mom are friends.”
“Ah, so you’re childhood friends.”
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“Yeah. It’s so annoying. Do you want to watch a movie?”
There wasn’t much on IPTV. When Jehyun asked, Baekyung glanced through the new releases and shook his head.
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“No, Sunbae. Can we play a game instead of watching a movie?”
“…A game?”
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At Baekyung’s sudden suggestion, Jehyun tilted his head in surprise. Suddenly? But that curiosity quickly turned into a desire.
Right, I’ll bring up Later and naturally lure Baekyung into Caplet! Jehyun nodded eagerly and jumped up from his seat, grabbing Baekyung’s hand. Blinded by the desire to get Baekyung into Caplet, Jehyun didn’t even think this might seem sudden.
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“Come here.”
Baekyung froze at Jehyun’s bold actions. He had only mentioned the console game beside the TV, but it seemed like Jehyun had misunderstood.
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However, Baekyung didn’t want to shake off Jehyun, who was holding his hand tightly and leading him to the study room. Baekyung subtly played with Jehyun’s small hand as he followed him inside.
“Do you know Later?”
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As Jehyun sat down in the chair, he asked. Baekyung didn’t understand why he suddenly brought up Later, but he just nodded obediently.
“I know. Sunbae plays Later, right?”
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“…Me? I do? How did you know?”
At that, Jehyun blinked in surprise. His dark eyes repeatedly disappeared and reappeared under his pale eyelids, as if he were flustered. Baekyung found this so cute that he reached out to brush Jehyun’s fallen hair back and said,
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“I told you before. You even showed me your character. Don’t you remember any of it?”
“Wow… I really did that?”
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Shin Jehyun felt goosebumps all over his body. There had only been two times when he had drunk with Baekyung and lost track of time, and it seemed like, during those moments, he had tried to set things up to draw him into Caplet. Whenever he met someone he liked, his usual strategy was to start with a major game like Later and then lure them into Caplet, so it was definitely that kind of situation.
“Yeah, are you going to show it to me? I know your Sunbae character.”
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Baekyung smiled brightly, seeming unbothered by it. Had he not mentioned Caplet back then? Confused, Jehyun nodded.
“Yeah, let’s see it.”
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Though Baekyung might think he was a bit crazy, he seemed just as usual. Watching him happily say “Okay,” Jehyun took out a small folding chair from the closet. He had Baekyung sit on the chair he normally used and sat down in his own seat. Then, he subtly blocked the monitor to prevent Baekyung from seeing the Caplet client and started the game Later.
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“Wow, the graphics are really nice.”
Baekyung’s eyes sparkled as he stared at the loading screen. Jehyun followed his gaze. The graphics of Later were indeed great. If Caplet was HD, Later was 4K.
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…But still, isn’t the gameplay of Caplet a bit better? Jehyun thought to himself as he entered Shin Jehyun’s ID and password, then pressed the login button. Since he knew that Shin Jehyun was at training and couldn’t access the game, he was able to log in confidently.
“By the way, I’ve been thinking, your nickname is cool, Sunbae.”
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In the Later character selection screen, Shin Jehyun’s character “LickMyFeet” was standing proudly. Jehyun felt a bit embarrassed and quickly clicked the enter button. Once inside the game, he knew his own nickname would be hidden, so the embarrassment was lessened.
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However, as soon as he logged into the server, something happened that once again put Jehyun in an awkward situation.