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    Hello fellow Cupcakes~
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    [Party] lIlllIIl: No. Do not attack Eco Cup when he is in healer mode.
    [Party] Gudok: Fuuuung,,, (›´-`‹ )
    [Party] Gudok: But Eco Cup is so annoying. I wanna hit him…
    [Party] lIlllIIl: If we’re going by pure annoyance factor, your way with words is equally formidable, Master.

    Oops. That was a little too honest.

    Hwanyoung was just about to smooth things over when Gudok suddenly leapt up in excitement.

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    [Party] Gudok: Gudok got a compliment! (✧∇✧)
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: HOW is that a compliment?! Are you brain-damaged?!
    [Party] Gudok: (๑>ω<๑) It was a bullet of love, fired by Slave-nim!
    [Party] Gudok: Bang!
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: …?
    [Party] Gudok: Gudok was shot…
    [Party] Gudok: Right in the head…
    [Party] Gudok: With the bullet…
    [Party] Gudok: Of love! (๑>ω<๑)
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Have you lost your damn mind?

    …He really likes hearing that, huh.

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    Hwanyoung was honestly impressed—this time, for real—by Gudok’s shamelessness and thick skin. As expected, if you wanted to be the attention-seeking idol of the server, you needed at least that much guts.

    “Yeah, someone like that is worth serving as a master.”

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    …Wait, what the hell did I just say?

    Realizing that his brain had been completely dyed in the Gudok Worldview, Hwanyoung hurriedly reset his thoughts. His temporarily deactivated common sense mode flickered back on.

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    [Party] lIlllIIl: Anyway, please take care of the healer, Master.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: If a DPS dies, they just come back twice as annoying.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: But if a healer dies, that’s it. There’s no one left.

    He wasn’t just saying that for fun. No-good DPS players always blamed the healer or tank after getting themselves killed by playing like idiots.

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    How many healers had been sacrificed by these brain-dead DPS players over the years? Probably too many to count.

    There was even a saying: When a no-good DPS dies, the healer who went to heaven before them comes back wielding a machine gun.

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    Hwanyoung really liked that saying.

    [Party] lIlllIIl: Master, I’m being super serious right now, so I’m even using emoticons ㅡㅡ This is not a joke ㅡㅡ I mean it.
    [Party] Gudok: (;° ロ°)Gasp
    [Party] lIlllIIl: You wouldn’t understand, Master, because you’ve never played a healer.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: So don’t neglect them. Take care of them. ㅡ“ㅡ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Whoa, I’m seriously touched right now. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: I’ve never met anyone who understands a healer’s feelings this well. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: So, um, vampire-nim, have you ever thought about playing a healer? ㅎㅎ??
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: I promise I’ll take real good care of youㅎㅎ I’m a debuff warlock, and I swear I’ll treat you like royalty ㅎㅎ
    [Party] lIlllIIl: Ah, sorry, I’m in the middle of a conversation with Master right now ^^
    [Party] lIlllIIl: Excuse me, passing through ^^
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ……

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    Hwanyoung easily brushed off Eco Cup’s suggestion and turned back to Gudok.

    Meanwhile, Gudok was dealing with a completely different kind of shock.

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    [Party] Gudok: ………(;° ロ°) No way…
    [Party] Gudok: Slave-nim… just now…
    [Party] Gudok: Did you… frown at Gudok…? Did you furrow your brows…?
    [Party] Gudok: ㅡ“ㅡ That expression…
    [Party] Gudok: Did you just glare at Gudok?!?!?!?!?

    Maybe because he was used to seeing emoticons all the time, but Gudok immediately recognized the meaning behind Hwanyoung’s ㅡ“ㅡ.

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    “Wow, he got it right away. The other guild members just asked if it was Morse code.”

    That satisfying feeling when the pieces of a puzzle clicked perfectly into place—it was the kind of smooth exchange people called tikitaka.

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    Hwanyoung felt a little excited. A conversation flowing so seamlessly was way more fun and satisfying than he had expected.

    Remembering his chat with Gudok, he typed his next messages with the tone and style Gudok would love. A little reward, just for him.

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    [Party] lIlllIIl: Yes… I am looking at you like that right now, Master…
    [Party] lIlllIIl: If you continue tormenting healers, the deep, slumbering power within me will awaken.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: So you better… be… careful?

    “…Did I overdo it?”

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    He might’ve gotten a little carried away in the moment, but if the response was lukewarm, he’d feel kind of embarrassed.

    But Hwanyoung’s worries were completely unnecessary—Eco Cup burst into laughter, spamming the chat with ㅋㅋㅋ.

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    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅋㅋㅋ Ah, omg ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: You guys are a perfect match. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m losing it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: I feel dizzy, help. The concentration in here is too much.

    Eco Cup wasn’t just spamming ㅋㅋㅋ—they even threw in the classic perfect couple joke.

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    Hwanyoung and Gudok weren’t a couple, of course. But… it was still better than being Master and Slave… right?

    …No, wait. Actually, never mind. That’s still a bit much…

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    Shaking off that train of thought, Hwanyoung replied.

    [Party] lIlllIIl: Thank you for the compliment.
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: OMG why are you even copying Gudok now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Ugh, I can’t take this anymore. I’m just gonna go level up in a public party from now on.

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    “Yeah, every guild needs at least one person who laughs at anything.”

    There had been a few people like that in his previous guild too. Too bad they all left after… various incidents.

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    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: This isn’t some kind of Gudok x2 Event, right? ㅋㅋ Am I in a messed-up timeline or what?
    [Party] lIlllIIl: I’m sorry, but…
    [Party] lIlllIIl: I am nothing like Master.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: I am a kind, gentle, and reasonable passing-by vampire.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: You could never compare me to Master.
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ;;; Ah, okay.

    Unlike Eco Cup, who spammed ㅋㅋㅋ at everything, Gudok was completely silent.

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    For once, the party chat, which was always filled with his endless chatter, had gone quiet.

    Did he get offended because Hwanyoung drew a line?

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    …No, that couldn’t be it. Gudok wasn’t the type to sulk over something like that. If anything, he should be thrilled that people were talking about him.

    [Party] Gudok: 。°(´∩ω∩`)°。

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    There it is.

    Right on cue, Gudok returned, pressing himself against Hwanyoung’s vampire avatar while using an emoticon Hwanyoung had never seen before.

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    [Party] Gudok: Gudok is moved…
    [Party] Gudok: Slave-nim is talking so much about Gudok!
    [Party] Gudok: Finally, Slave-nim has been dyed in Gudok’s colors…
    [Party] Gudok: Gudok is shedding tears of joy. 。°(´∩ω∩`)°。

    “He was busy searching for the perfect emoticon, huh.”

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    Hwanyoung chuckled at the unfamiliar emoticon and, as always, used the pat pat emote on Gudok’s raccoon avatar.

    In response, Gudok popped a giant heart over his head, clearly overjoyed.

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    Watching this unfold, Eco Cup rapidly typed ㅗ.

    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅗ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅗ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅗ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅗ
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Damn it, stop spamming, get the hell out, ffs.
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: ㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗㅗ

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    [Party] Gudok: (˶˙ᵕ˙˶)
    [Party] lIlllIIl: ^^~

    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: STOP SMILING LIKE THAT, IT’S EVEN WORSE, DAMN IT. asjdhfjkashdfk WHY
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Ugh, seriously, neither of you are normal…
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Kim Gudok, that bastard just happily takes insults like compliments…
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: And Vampire-nim is just… completely out of his mind…

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    [Party] Gudok: (๑ᵔ⩊ᵔ๑)
    [Party] lIlllIIl: ^^*

    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Kim Gudok, you crazy bastard.
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: And the even crazier guy who took in this lunatic…
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Is this truly… the realm of those consumed by love?
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Ugh…ugh… BLEGH… urgh…

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    Eco Cup made a retching noise, as if they were physically sick.

    While Eco Cup momentarily disappeared from the chat, Hwanyoung took the chance to educate Gudok once again.

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    [Party] lIlllIIl: Master.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: I’m telling you again, you must take care of the healer.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: The healer is literally holding both of our lives in their hands.

    [Party] Gudok: No! Gudok can save Slave-nim’s life himself!
    [Party] Gudok: 。°(´∩ω∩`)°。 We don’t need a healer!

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    [Party] lIlllIIl: You know we do, Master…

    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Pfft, hahaha, exactly! Gudok, if you hate it so much, why don’t you go roll a healer yourself?
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Please, I’m begging you, level one up. I don’t wanna play a healer anymore.
    [Party] Eco Cup Extra Shot: Anyone, I don’t care who—just someone, PLEASE, be a healer in my place.

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    As with most RPGs, healers were an unpopular class in Aeer Online.

    The game’s biggest selling point was its satisfying combat mechanics—but healers? Healers didn’t get to enjoy any of that.

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    Truthfully, Hwanyoung already had a max-level healer character from a long time ago. But he had no intention of bringing that up.

    Veteran players knew exactly when to keep their mouths shut.

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    The entire time they were leveling up together, the atmosphere between Hwanyoung, Gudok, and Eco Cup stayed lighthearted and fun.


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    The next day, even Hyoppang joined the ‘Vampire Level-Up Party.’ He even brought along a guild member Hwanyoung had never seen before.

    [Party] Hyoppang: Hello, Barcode-nim ^^
    [Party] lIlllIIl: Ah, hello.
    [Party] Hyoppang: The person I brought today is a dealer here to help us level up!
    [Party] Hyoppang: They said they didn’t have much to do, so they decided to tag along, haha.

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    The person Hyoppang brought was a player named “HappinessWhenHealing.”

    Just from the username, it seemed obvious they’d be a healer—but they weren’t. HappinessWhenHealing was a dual swordsman.

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    A dual swordsman was a melee physical DPS class with zero skills to recover HP. A pure dealer.

    “So basically, they can never be happy while playing this game.”

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    A person who only grows more miserable the longer they play… How did they even come up with that concept?

    Hwanyoung had spent some time playing with Gudok, so he thought he was getting used to extreme character gimmicks. But HappinessWhenHealing was on a whole other level.

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    It was like something out of a cosmic horror story…

    “Should I be impressed that Hyoppang keeps gathering these kinds of people?”

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    Still, this was their first time meeting, so proper greetings were in order.

    Hwanyoung summoned all the remaining fragments of his social skills and greeted HappinessWhenHealing.

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    [Party] lIlllIIl: Hello, nice to meet you.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: My username is Barcode, which might be a bit awkward to call out.
    [Party] lIlllIIl: Feel free to call me either Barcode or Vampire—whichever is easier for you.

    Instead of replying, HappinessWhenHealing just stared intensely at Hwanyoung’s character.

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    Naturally, Hwanyoung ended up observing them back.

    “Are they a new beastkin?”

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    HappinessWhenHealing was a tall female character with short pink hair.

    On closer inspection, her hair wasn’t normal—it had the texture of feathers.

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    She wore a light armor set that, combined with the dual swords on her waist, gave off the vibe of a nimble warrior.

    After a long silence, HappinessWhenHealing finally spoke.

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    [Party] HappinessWhenHealing: Pure Happy guides us, bringing forth new encounters.
    [Party] HappinessWhenHealing: May you also never forget the grace of Pure Happy.

    …What the hell?

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    Was this one of those “Have you heard the word of our Lord?” situations?

    “What even is Pure Happy…?”

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    The answer came from Hyoppang.

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